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Educational Psychology
Instructional Design and Technology
Educational Psychology

A study of
• how humans learn in educational settings,
• the effectiveness of educational interventions,
the psychology of teaching, and
• the social psychology of school as
Instructional Design
the systematic process of translating general
principles of learning and instructional into
plans for instructional materials and learning
Applications of Educational Psychology
in Instructional Design and Technology
Intelligent tutoring system
o any computer system that provides direct
customized instruction or feedback to students
o One specific type of intelligent tutoring system,
Cognitive Tutors, has been incorporated into
mathematics curricula in a substantial number of
United States high schools, producing improved
student learning outcomes on final exams and
standardized tests
Computer supported collaborative learning
o a method of supporting collaborative learning
using computers and the internet
o Wikis, blogs, video sharing, video-
conferencing, chat, file sharing, mind maps
Cooperative learning
o students interact in purposely
structured heterogeneous groups to
support the learning of oneself and
others in the same group
o Grouping

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