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(Teaching Application in Classroom)

Surina Bt Muhammad Fakhruddin
Siti Zarina Bt Syed Nordin
Mazlina Bt Yahya
Zaidad Farhah Bt Baharudin
Constructivist perspective

Students discover knowledge for

Students learn through social
Good students will guide or
teach weak students through
peer coaching
Constructivist Teaching Strategies
Use teaching strategies that require students to
make a construct, apply, use, or process the
Ensure that all students are participating in
making constructs. Holding them accountable for
their learning
Ensure the tasks require students to process the
information at a high level on Bloom’s taxonomy:
Evaluation, synthesis, analysis etc

Constructivist Teaching Strategies

Require students to check for their own, and each

other’s learning errors and omissions
Require the students to make a product that is
used to diagnose learning errors and omissions.
E.g. speaking to a partner, matching cards,
written work etc
Teaching strategies
1. Observation
2. Problem Based learning
3. Project based learning
4. Field trip
5. Cooperative and collaborative group
6. Peer tutoring
7. Discovery learning
8. Inquiry based learning
Constructivist Activity

Subject : Science
Topic : Plant
Year : 4 Alpha
Leaning outcome: Students are able to
1. identify the needs of living thing.
2. make observation
3. produce a report

Constructivist Activity
Instruction :
1. Students are divided into groups of 4.
2. Each group will bring 2 pots of plants
3. One pot will be placed near a window and
the other one is placed inside a cupboard.
4. Water both plants everyday for a week.
5. Observe the result
6. Make a report based on the observation

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