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Search Enginge Optimization (SEO) Campaign (google , yahoo,msn)



1. Niche keyword research

2. Medium to long tail organic SEO

3. Smart social media optimization

4. Affiliate program

5. Online budget for small, medium, and large companies

There are two main steps involved in the optimization of a website

On-page optimization activities

Off-page Optimization activates

On page Optimization

1. keyword/keywords phrase analysis (using Google adwords keyword tool,word tracker, google insight )

2. Webpage Optimization

3. Title Optimization

4. Meta Optimization

 Meta description
 Meta keywords - (Meta keywords tag still works to a certain extent in Yahoo)
 Robots Meta Tag
 Content Type Meta Tag

5. Content Optimization

 Page Heading Optimization

 H1, H2, H3 Tag (heading & sub heading)

7. XML Sitemap (writing by hand)

6. Link Optimization

7. Anchor Tag Optimization

8. Image Optimization
9. 15 days once manual update to optimized content

10. Optimization of robot.txt File

11. Link exchange page creation

12. Mod Rewrite & url rewrite for dynamic sites for better search engine crawling

13. W3C Validation


Initial position analysis & report

Keyword related competitor analyzing

Consultancy to eliminate the design Issues

Consultancy to eliminate the design Issues

Business-to-Consumer/Retail Sites

This analysis is a extensive method for companies to analyze their customers' behavior. The analysis, which can help a clients
analyze where they enter its site and where they exit.

Customer drift off rates: According to Jupiter Research, 71 percent of sites do not analyze customer drift off rates, even though
66 percent of customers reported having dumped a purchase while on a website. We use different analysis tools to determine
their drop-off rate. In order to improve it, we conduct usability testing to see where users have trouble manipulation on the site.

Content Sites

Faithfulness index: Tracking the number of visitors and unique visitors to its site, as well as page views—all of which are
important to advertisers. Also track the top domains and vendors that are visiting a site in order to show that it is attracting the
right audience for advertisers.

Customer satisfaction: we can analysis and gather important information about how users navigate a website, but it can't
explain how a person feels while they are doing it.


Google webmaster

Google analytical

Word tracker

Google insight

Google Trent

Copy Scape

W3c tool


1 . Link Resource Creation

2. Keyword related Back link submission (comments, blogs, and articles)

2. Creating Blogs site (SEO friendly)

3. Classified Submission

4. Social Book Markings

5. Posting Articles

6. Forum Activities

7.Classified Submission


15 th day once management plan

Detailed Ranking Report by Weekly

Website visitor & Website visibility statistics report (15 days ounces)

SMO (social Media activation & management)


• Digg,

• Reddit,

• StumbleUpon,

• Mixx,

• Propeller,

• Yahoo! Buzz & etc


• To meet people: Face book, Twitter ,LinkedIn

• To be entertained: YouTube, Flicker, MySpace, and etc

• To discuss with peers: Web hosting forums, blogs, review & news sites


• Create compelling content

• Network within the social site to gain friendly support

• Promote in a focused, realistic way

• Make sure you can handle the load spike ;-)


Popular social networking site Face book is a massive network where the website can gain free exposure.
A Face book group page with examples of work and contact details and most importantly, a link to the
website can be created to give the designer a presence amongst peers who will in turn invite their peers
to view the page, creating a spreading snowball effect. Very soon the link will be in contact with friends of
friends and so on.

• Reviews

• Polls

• Networked Blogs

• RSS Feed

• Slide share

• Constant Contact

• Static FBML

• Dynamic FBML

•  YouTube 

• Twitter 

• Promotions


15 th day once management plan

Detailed Ranking Report by Weekly

Website visitor & Website visibility statistics report (15 days ounces)


A SEM campaign consists of purchasing ad space on a specific search engine or family of search engines. The great
advantage of this over old traditional web site banner ads is your ads are now targeted to a specific key word or phrase
that are entered into the search engine. In essence, when a user enters in a phrase that matches the phrase you've
chosen, your ad appears. This way you're ensuring that your ad is only displayed to people who are actually looking for
your product or service.

Managing Your SEM Campaign

Deft Infosystems specializes in managing campaigns on the three most popular Search Engine Marketing programs. These
are Google's Adwords, Yahoo and MSN Adcenter.

All operate in a similar fashion by allowing you to create an ad, then define the term(s) you want to target and place a
maximum amount you are willing to pay per click. You also get to set a daily (in some cases monthly) total spend. You
then can now sit back and monitor the success of your campaign and easily make changes to improve your click-through
rate (the number of clicks you get per display of the ad).

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