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Rachel Ang
Ong Jun Kai
Trivia Yeo
Jeremy Kho
Irfan Hidayat
Our group
 Our group name is Advancation is because it
shows that we will strive to the top and never fall.
 Our group motto: Rise to the top and never stop!
 Our group song: Twinkle, twinkle little star
Our members
 Group leader: Rachel Ang
 Ong Jun Kai
 Trivia Yeo
 Jeremy Kho
 Irfan Hidayat
Rachel Ang
 Group leader
Good points:
 Responsible
 Creative
 Presents well
 Loud
Ong Jun Kai
 Blog designer
Good points:
 Creative
 Loud
 Presents well
 Does work on time
Trivia Yeo
 Powerpoint slides designer
Good points:
 Responsible
 Smart
 Cheerful
 Creative
Jeremy Kho
 Researcher

Good points:
 Responsible
 Does work on time
 Loud
Irfan Hidayat
 Researcher

Good points:
 Creative
 Loud
 Presents well
Thank you!
Slides made by: Rachel Ang

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