The NDP Disadvantage

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March 26, 2011

The NDP Disadvantage

Lingenfelter Plan Will Raise Taxes, Kill Jobs and Drag Saskatchewan Back

Regina – Just days after the Saskatchewan Party introduced the popular “Saskatchewan
Advantage” budget that lowers taxes and keeps the economy growing, the Lingenfelter NDP has
passed its “NDP Disadvantage” plan to raise taxes, kill jobs and drag Saskatchewan back to being
a “have-not” province.

“The NDP have over 300 promises in their policy document and not one of them has been costed
out – not one,” said Saskatchewan Party MLA Lyle Stewart.

“The NDP plan would cost at least $1.5 billion a year. The only way they are going to get that
money is by raising taxes, just like Dwain Lingenfelter did 17 times when he was in government.”

“That will kill jobs and drag Saskatchewan back to being a ‘have not’ province, like it was last time
Dwain Lingenfelter was in government.”

Stewart said the NDP plan calls for higher resource taxes, which will shut down expansion and kill
thousands of jobs in Saskatchewan’s thriving resource sector.

“On top of that, the NDP will have to raise a lot more taxes to plan for their reckless and
unsustainable plan,” Stewart said.

“Remember what (former NDP Finance Minister) Harry Van Mulligen said after the 2003 election –
the NDP doesn’t like to talk about tax hikes at election time. Then in their very next budget, the
NDP raised the PST."

“Dwain Lingenfelter has over 300 promises in his “NDP Disadvantage” policy and absolutely no
plan to pay for them. The only way he is going to pay for them is by raising taxes and killing

“Saskatchewan is moving forward. Why would we let Dwain Lingenfelter drag us back?”


For more information, please contact:

Steve Rennick or Lisa Mrazek
(306) 539-6385 or (306) 581-7342

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