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Christmas in Camelot Ch.


1. How did Annie know the magic tree house had returned?
a) she saw a bear in the woods b) Jack told her
c) she saw a dove on a bare branch d) she found a book

2. What was the scroll that Jack and Annie found?

a) a thank you note from Morgan b) a summons to dinner
c) a happy birthday card d) a royal invitation

3. How did Jack and Annie end up in Camelot without a book?



4. Why is chapter 2 called “This is Camelot?”



5. Why does the castle look so gloomy and deserted?

a) it was closed for the winter b) a spell had robbed it of joy
c) King Arthur had died d) there was a war

6.Who was the woman crossing the draw bridge?

a) Annie b) Jack and Annie’s mother
c)Morgan d) Queen Guineviere

7. Who sent the royal invitation?

a) Mordrerd b) Morgan
c) King Arthur d) Prince Charming

8. deserted - to withdraw from : LEAVE


Stay fight withdraw leave go away reside

9. What do you ALREADY know about this Camelot before reading this book?



10. Where can we ALWAYS find joy?? ____________________________________________

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