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Product Focus:
Better Living Through Chemistry

osmetic dentistry is in great demand and is the eral reasons. Shrinkage stress occurs when the resin matrix
core of most dental practices. Dentistry has made in composite resins shrinks in volume during polymeriza-
great advances in the cosmetic realm. Because cos- tion, while the particles retain their prepolymerization vol-
metic dentistry has evolved to become a staple in most ume. The resulting stress at the filler and resin matrix
dental practices, one must ask, “What is new or coming interface remains within the cured composite resin and can
next in the cosmetic dental field?” lead to early failure of restorations, as particles will be lost
As a result of improvements in the field of material sci- from the matrix. If shrinkage stress is high and exceeds the
ences, dentistry continues to change. GC America is a initial bond strength of the restoration, debonding may
leader in the evolution of dental composite materials and occur at the cavity wall-resin interface, which can result in
has been throughout the past decade. Taking note that postoperative sensitivity and marginal leakage. In the long
monomer technology was more advanced in other indus- term, marginal leakage often necessitates replacement of
tries, GC America partnered with DuPont, a world leader the composite restoration. It has also been reported that if
in the development and manufacturing of materials such
as Teflon and Kevlar, and developed DX-511, a new
monomer for direct composites marketed as KALORE.
KALORE is a nano-sized hybrid composite with a unique
composition that enables the creation of anterior and pos-
terior direct restorations with high polish, high wear re-
sistance, low polymerization shrinkage, and durability.
The nonsticky formula provides the handling and shaping
characteristics that dental professionals desire, and they
will appreciate that KALORE does not slump, retains its
Figure 1—Fractured incisal edge
shape, and offers sufficient working time without prema-
ture setting under the operating light (See Figures 1
through 4).

Low Shrinkage
Low volumetric shrinkage and low polymerization
shrinkage stress are very important characteristics for sev-

James Jesse, DDS

Dental Product Shopper
Editorial Advisory Board Member
Private Practice
Colton, CA
Phone: 909.825.7403
E-mail: Figure 2—Composite repair of incisal edge using KALORE A2 Dental Learning / March 2011 1

Figure 3—Class V decay Figure 4—Composite repair of decay using KALORE A2

both shrinkage stress and bond strength are high, tooth de- and the “picky” patients will find it very difficult to tell
formation and cuspal deflection can occur, and cracks can which tooth you just restored.
form in the tooth structure.1
Shrinkage occurs as a result of chemical bonding dur- No More Postoperative Sensitivity
ing polymerization. If you change the structure of the I’m sure we have all experienced this situation: you just
components, the loss because of shrinkage can be varied. completed a small restoration and the patient calls the of-
Increasing filler loading in the resin matrix reduces poly- fice after several days complaining of postoperative sensi-
merization shrinkage; changing monomers with a low mo- tivity. You say to yourself, “I barely touched that tooth,”
lecular weight to those of higher molecular weight also which is frustrating for both the patient and the practi-
decreases polymerization shrinkage. There are many dif- tioner. The “new” chemistry, as exemplified by KALORE,
ferent chemicals, so it’s all about having the right chem- yields low polymerization shrinkage and low polymeriza-
istry for the job. KALORE has been tested against most tion shrinkage stress, coupled with GC America’s seventh-
current composites, and demonstrated the lowest shrink- generation bonding agent G-BOND, so postoperative
age stress of all composites tested.2 KALORE also demon- sensitivity becomes a problem of the past.
strated among the lowest volumetric shrinkage of all
tested composites. Conclusion
The future of cosmetic dentistry is exciting with endless
Esthetics possibilities. We now have materials that mimic tooth struc-
Esthetics is also a major player in the “composite ture better and composite colors that will please any patient.
wars.” Reproducing a balance in color harmony is a We are now given handling qualities that makes composite
major challenge. KALORE offers predictable esthetics for placement easy for the new and experienced users, alike.
all direct restorations. The chameleon effect of KALORE
results in a composite restoration that is difficult to dis- Disclosure:
Dr. Jesse received an honorarium from GC America for this article
tinguish from the surrounding tooth structure. Reflected
and he is a lecturer for GC America.
light from a composite restoration should be similar to the
reflected light from the natural tooth structure. References
KALORE offers the dental professional universal 1. Versluis A, Tantbirojn D, DeLong R. Coronal deformation in
shades, opaque shades, and translucent shades that can be premolars restored with low-shrink composites. J Dent Res.
used alone or together in combination for restorations. As 2010;89(Spec Iss B): 3064.
a result of the unique chemistry of KALORE, after pol- 2. Fusejima F, Kaga S, Kumagai T, et al. Polymerization shrink-
ishing the composite has the appearance of a porcelain age ratio and force of various composite resins. J Dent Res.
restoration. This is a property that dentists will really like 2009;88(Spec Iss A): 0292.

2 Dental Learning / March 2011

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