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Testis Produces sperms and sex hormone

Sperm duct Channels sperms from the testis into the
Scrotum Holds the testis outside the body and
protects testis
Urethra Carries sperms out of the body

Seminal vesicle Produces fluid of semen as nourishment to

the sperms
Penis Organ of entry into vagina for sperm
Prostate gland Produces fluid which activates sperms

Ovary Produces ovum, hormones

estrogens and progesterone
Fallopian tube Carries the matured ovum from
the ovary to the uterus
Vagina Receives sperms from the
urethra of the penis to be
carried to the uterus
Cervix Receives sperms from the male
reproductive organ
Uterus Space for the embryo to

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