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Research on the topic “The impact of natural disasters and phenomena on

tourist decision-making: the case study of volcanic ash cloud 2010”.

This questionnaire will not collect any personal data, neither your name nor any
other personal details will be stored.

1. Please find in which age range you find yourself in?

18-25 [ ] 26-35 [ ] 35-45 [ ] 46-60 [ ] 61< [ ]

2. Please select your gender.

Male [ ] Female [ ]

3. Have you been affected in a way by volcanic ash cloud 2010? Please,
choose one option.

My flight was My flight was I was forced to cancel the

delayed [ ] cancelled [ ] journey at all [ ]
My I was not affected [ ] Other (please specify):
friends/relatives ____________________________________________________
were affected [ ] ____________________________________________________

4. Where you were travelling to and why (purpose for travelling)?


5. Does your choice of buying travel insurance have changed since the
volcanic ash cloud 2010? Please tick the most appropriate for you.

I was not buying it before and I am not buying it after.

I was not buying it before and I am buying it after.
I was buying it before and I am not buying it after.
I was buying it before and I am buying it after.
6. How the volcanic ash cloud 2010 affected your choice of transport for
travelling? Please tick the most appropriate for you.

Before the ash cloud After the ash cloud

Airplane Boat Train Bus Car Airplane Boat Train Bus Car
travelling (UK
To Western
Belgium etc.)
Other Europe



7. After the volcanic ash cloud, do you consider the volcano Eyjafjallajokull as
one of the motivations for you to visit Iceland?

Yes [ ] No [ ] I do not want to visit Iceland

after the volcano eruption [ ]

8. How has the volcanic ash cloud affected your decision making for the
future holidays?


9. Are you more or less concerned now about air travel than at the time
when the volcano erupted?


Thank you for your time! 

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