Condomium With Jingle

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Element Name: Condomium

Symbol: Xxx

Atomic Weight: Negligible

Physical Properties: Generally soft, but not easily broken apart. It is luctile and can conduct some
heat under the right conditions. It is dull, so not shiny.

Ø Soft, light, and thin (sometimes Ultra-thin).

Ø Outstanding elastic properties can be stretched 1000% without breaking.

Ø It’s generally waterproof.

Ø Naturally occurred in rolled up form and packaged.

Ø Mostly transparent, can be in many different colors.

Chemical properties:

 Not that active

 Highly stable, 95% of the time

 Able to absorb chemical residues

 Will eventually break down

 If used properly, can prevent 98% of KD from to come into being, preventing
them from taking over the planet.

 Prevents ST form infecting MO and XY.

 Have an average half-life of about or less than an hour once it’s exposed.

Neutralize: When it is left alone.

Usage: To reduce the magnitude of the reaction when pure manium and pure womanium
chemically or physically combine.

…(if you really don’t know, secretly ask the health teacher)
Used by SEALs to prevent water and sand from fouling the raffle.
Blow a balloon.
Caution: If not used properly during the reaction of Womanium and Manium, Childiun will be

It can be damaged when in contact with oil-based lubricant.

Even a little loophole can disable all of its Chemical properties

Condomium is a metalloid. It is located attached to the “stair case” on the periodic table. It is
able to conduct heat and electricity during the write conditions. It is ductile like Metal, however
dull like Non-Metals.

Period/Group ?

Jingle? When combining Womanium and Manium, you ouht to know, the reaction will be
Childium, unless condomium is used to reduce the reaction.

(word the rhymes with condomium or condomnium or something), unless you use Condomiun.

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