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Build a Simple Circuit!

Grades: 2-5

Objective: Students will learn how to construct an extremely simple series

circuit that powers a lamp on and off with a switch.

Time: 20 minutes


For each group of 4 students, have one set of:

- 2 Batteries (AA, 9 Volt, etc, but low voltage so nobody gets hurt)
- Alligator clip wires
- Small lamp (can be found on physics floor)


You will receive and explanation of what each component is. You must now
construct a simple circuit so that the lamp glows. Compare your circuit to
other students. Next, answer the following questions with your mentor to learn
about how this circuit works!

Scientific Background:

Ask the students what knowledge they have of electricity, and if they have
ever had any basic electronics experience. Explain how the electrons are
flowing through the circuit from the negative terminal to the positive terminal
of the battery, and that when they hit the lamp, they pass through a filament,
which slows down the electron and light (photons) escapes. Also explain the
concept of conductive (the wire) and non conductive (the wire coating).

1. Hold up each material, and explain what each one is, and what it does. This
should be relatively easy, as kids have all seen these components.

2. Divide the kids into groups of 4. Give each group a set of components. Ask
each group to discuss how they can turn the lamp on, and then ask them to try
and build the following circuit (without showing it to them).

3. Ask each group to discuss why their circuit works? (Let them think about it
even if they are wrong, don’t stop them) Now let each group question each
other group.

4. Explain how the circuit works. Now connect two batteries in series to form
the simple circuit and increase the glow of the lamp. Ask the kids to explain
the science behind why the lamp is glowing brighter.

5. Explain why the lamp is growing brighter.

Additional Questions:
Why is the lamp enclosed in glass? The filament is in glass because it holds a
noble gas inside so that the filament burns extremely slowly and lasts a long

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