Tiger Wood MK Ultra

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As we read the sordid details of Tiger Woods personal life,

the question raises its ugly head: How could a man with so
much going for him outwardly, be such a mess inwardly? p
Marital fidelity and family life mean nothing to the Illuminati
Satanists that are actively manipulating our world. In fact,
they are diametrically opposed to family and community.
Instead, they adhere to Socrates sexual fantasies
expressed in his discussions about "Communism". p
You see, marital fidelity and family mean nothing to the
Global Elite. They sexually abuse their own children. They
sexually abuse the children of other Illuminati families. In
fact, raising a MK Ultra sex slave is purely a matter of
business to these psychopaths. Just ask those who
investigated the Jon Benet murder mystery.p
"Despite the neo-Nazi nuance, Yeager and Knoke were
positively certain that JonBenet's mother forged the kidnap
letter. "Our conclusion," Yeager offered, "is that | 



  Strangulation and sexual assault are most
commonly seen in sadomasochism between heterosexual
and homosexual adults....

Was it because of the ritual, sexual abuse being

perpetrated upon her - was it because of the child-porn
ring being run out of Denver in which child 'Models' were
being used for sexual favors and of which Jonbenet was
one of those 'Models' or is it that Patsy simply could not
stand the competition - on the stage and at home and
therefore she (JonBenet) must be sacrificed for her
(Patsy's) 'sins'?" (Source)p
If they are nothing else, the Illuminati are materialists.
People are objects that need to be controlled. Evil is
incapable of love and becomes numb to physical
pleasures over time. The brain is a funny thing, when you
block out love and compassion, you end up blocking out
every other human emotion. In the end, all you are is
machine, incapable of feelings and lusting after more
power, more energy without consideration for the
Tiger Woods, it is reported, was raised through the MK
Ultra program. J. Lee said the following:p
"Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods is HATED by other golfers,
 . I was told this by a pro golfer
while we were at an aircraft factory in Oregon hand-
building our own personal jet aircraft. p
Baby Tiger's colonel Green Beret Special Forces Vietnam
baby-killer daddy hired a military drill instructor to scream
at him while putting and swinging. "Tiger's" parents
ancestry is from [Communist] China and [Communist]
Thailand, home of Manchurian Candidates, so "Tiger" is
only 1/4 black. "Tiger" is a Buddhist who "studied" with
monks at monestaries in [Communist] Asia. Since his
mommy is a Thai citizen, "Tiger" is a citizen of Communist


%& ' (Phoenix
Program). (source)............p
"Tiger" first played golf at age 3 on the Bob Hope TV
Show. Bob Hope is a notorious MKULTRA programmer
and pedophile CIA sexslave handler.(  )


|+  #  

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It's not just steroids folks, or nutrition. No matter what body
you possess, you are still governed by a mind. The
Illuminati, through "Delta Programming" can dramatically
enhance the mental game of an athlete through trauma
based programming. According to Svali, this type of
"brain-wave programming" creates an emotionless alter
personality(s) that have photographic memories (source)p
Delta Programming was perfected by the NAZIS as
military programming. It is also part of the military training
for many of those in our Special Forces:p
The army is moving toward becoming an occult fighting
force that practices witchcraft with its warfare. Some of the
units moving that direction are Psy-Op operations, which
has included Satanists within its officers. The Delta Force
network of various Generals and other high ranking
officers is merely one facet of the drive by the Illuminati to
transform the American army into something akin to
occultic warriors that will be as fierce as the Nazi Death
head units. Bear in mind that George Bush, commander-
in-chief of Burn¶s Armed Forces has come from an
Illuminati family/ & the Ill. Skull & Bones chapter that was
part of the secret support for Hitler. They have been using
as an insignia that they themselves (the Skull & Boners)
call ³the Death Head´....p
Military units such as the "First Earth Battalion although
they are supported by American tax dollars are not here to
protect America. They are global minded. They are here to
protect an occult world government. They are out there
actively promoting the New World Order. Several years
ago, Egendorf states that $4.5 million (which came from
you and I, and other Americans) had already been spent
on Delta Force¶s 80 different projects. The ^0

is another organization that has been heavily targeted by
the Satanists, to indoctrinate and recruit. The Green
Berets are increasingly moving toward being warrior-monk
group. Many of them are now programmed multiples.
"Super Athletes", like Tiger Woods, are created in the
same fashion, using the same programming that has been
perfected by the military. The difference is that they focus
on specific skills necessary for them to reach the top of the
preselected Sport that they participate in.p
The trauma inflicted during programming causes "alter"
personalities to emerge. These alters are then
programmed to make cold hard preset decisions, like a
computer script, that are not influenced by the
environment. Where as the average human feels
intimidated by large crowds; influenced by emotions; and
has a difficult time keeping their focus, the Illuminati Mind
Controlled Athlete and his/her alter personalities don't
share these weaknesses.p
Thus, Tiger Woods can execute the same "programmed"
sequence each and every time he addresses the ball with
amazingly consistent results. More machine than man, he
shows no emotion other than the one he is supposed to
express according to his preprogrammed scripting. It goes
something like this:p
Shot:= 420 Yards to the Flag on the green.p
Scripted programming: Use a 3 wood at x angle with y
velocity. Set tee at ____ inches. Smile and Wave to
crowd. Take shot. Hand club to caddy. p
Every variable is addressed and every possible outcome
is also programmed within the individual, as well as their
response to that outcome. For Example:p
Ball position = 40 yards to the left of the "pin" in sand.p
Scripted Programming: Use sand wedge at x angle with y
velocity. Hit ball __ inches below the sand. Take hat off to
I believe that, in Tiger Wood's case, he could have been
programmed using "virtual reality" golf courses on the
PGA tour. p
The profit motive should be pretty clear here. The
Illuminati "handler" passes the huge "paydays" up to the
Illuminati "investor". The athlete himself or herself, is given
enough resources to maintain the appearance of
tremendous wealth. In the end, these trappings of wealth
are taken away and given to another. p
In my opinion, Tiger Woods has reached the magical age
where his programming is probably breaking down and
cannot be repaired. Thus the Illuminati create a way for his
exit that is both instructive and banal. The cheating
husband makes people think that Americans are a nation
of sex-crazed lunatics that get filthy rich and start cheating
on their wives.p
Not much of a role model.p
We will then be propagandized by the Illuminati media to
believe that such behavior is easily "forgivable". That
Tiger's other amazing attributes (primarily his ability to play
golf) have brought much happiness and joy into the hearts
of mankind. The Illuminati late night comedians will further
desensitize us with vulgar skits that tell us how much of a
"stud" Tiger really is. p
Then its on to the next Illuminati controlled Sporting event
folks! p
I'll bet money we get to see a cross-gendered something
or other that has a thing for golf shoes and small animals. p
I am sure it will be something that makes Tiger Woods
appear even more normal.p

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