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Use Cases
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Monday, March 14, 2011, 2:48:37 PM

UC-4 Setup Automatic Payments P1

Parent: Loan Maintenance
Primary Actors: Customer Supporting Actors:
Brief Description/Goal
The Customer sets up automatic, recurring payments so they don't have to mail a check to
the payment processor each month.
Preconditions: Success Guarantee:
Customer is logged-in. An automatic recurring payment has been set
Customer has an active loan agreement. up.
Level: User Complexity: Medium
Use Case Status: Base Implementation Status:
Flow of Events
Main Success Scenario:

1. Customer chooses the option to set up an online payment.

2. System prompts for payment account information:
1. Bank name
2. Bank routing number
3. Account name
4. Account number
3. Customer enters payment account information.
4. System presents possible payment dates. (REQ-3)
5. Customer selects a payment date.
6. System presents the recurring payment agreement.
7. Customer accepts the agreement.
8. System confirms automatic payments have been set up.


2.a Customer has more than one active loan.

1. System shows all of the customer's active loans and prompts customer to select

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2. Customer selects a loan.
3. The use case continues at step 2.

7.a Customer declines the agreement.

1. System tells the customer that automatic payments have not been setup.
2. The use case ends.
Referenced Requirements Type ID
Automatic Payment Date Business Rule REQ-3
Open Issues AssignedTo ResolveBy
Can we let the Customer set up a payment amount greater than Doug July
the amount due each month?

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