Nepal Investigation

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Nepal Investigation

In pairs or alone, develop a poster investigating the following themes:

1. Discuss the cultural aspects of Nepal (music, traditions)

2. Discuss the distribution of the physical nature of the country

3. Outline some key historical aspects of the country

4. Include a some graphs (such as demographics – such as age


5. Include pictures/symbols representing Nepal

6. Include three Maps (topographical, political, climate) - and BOLTSS

7. Why is Nepal considered a “land of extremes”?

8. Develop two of your own questions (and answer them): Key

question must include the some of the following words:

• Account (i.e. account for, state the reasons for..)

• Assess (make a judgement of value)

• Describe (Provide characteristics and features)

• Examine (inquire into..)

• Analyse (identify components and relationships between

them, draw out and relate implications)

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