Survivor Testimony

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Survivor Testimony #1: Eva Safferman

She was sent to a camp called 'Lodz'. Eva was sent to the camp of Auschwitz and was there over a year.
During her stay, Eva watched a German officer rip a Jewish man's beard off his face. She also saw an
officer slam children's head up against the wall. She was not burned in the pits because she didn't look
Jewish. She had red hair and blue eyes, but found out her Aunt and Cousin took her and her mother's

"I knew we were going to survive. I just knew it."

Survivor Testimony #2: Leopold Page (Paul)

Leopold was a Polish Jew from Krakow. He had lived in the Krakow Ghetto from March 1941-March
1943. Paul was placed in the Plaszow Concentration Camp. Leopold served in the Polish Army and was a
well educated Jewish man. After being thrown in the concentration camp, he became friends with Oskar
Shindler. He worked in his factory and was well treated and protected from the Nazi's. He was one of
the only survivors to tell the story of Shindler's list.

"I came back and there was no Mila, so I started looking in the hospital but there was sixty or seventy
dead bodies laying there, maybe she got killed or something."

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