Roman Health

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Disease In

Unlike today, Rome

experienced and suffered from
different diseases. Also known as
forms of the plague, the extremes
where considered to be Malaria,

Ancient Rome
Tuberculoses, Typhus, Dysentery,
Small Pox, Anthrax, Rabies,
Tetanus, and Typhoid Fever.
There where also sometimes
digestion issues such as
Gastroenteritis. Because of the
lack of care, there was an
estimated amount of 30,000
people dying from disease and
sickness each year. It has been
¿Did You Know?
said, diseases have also been
caused by poor hygiene and living Ancient romans
~Typhoid Fever~ Typhoid
thought diseases
Fever is an infection caused a was a punishment
type of Salmonella bacteria,
passed usually through water,
sent from God for
drinks, or foods. This type of sins?!
infection still exists today. Its

By: Kiyanna Hutchins

common symptoms can include;
chills, nosebleeds, weakness,
severe fatigue, confusion, and
bloody stools.
Tuberculoses is another type of
infection caused by contagious
bacteria that settles primary in the
lungs. It is known to be spread
mostly by an infected cough. As
people infected with the sickness
exhale, other people breath in the
bacteria from their breath and
then the virus most likely enters
Thelungs of the other person and
Flea Common symptoms include
night sweats, fatigue, cough,
unexplained weight, fever, chills,
and loss of appetite.
~Smallpox~ Smallpox is a
disease caused from the Variola
virus. They call it small pox,
because the virus causes small
puss-filed blisters that often hurt
or itch. Common symptoms
include backache, delirium,
diarrhea, excessive bleeding,
fatigue, high fever, malaise, raised
rash, severe headache, and
vomiting. ~Rabies~ Rabies is

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