Logan Duvalls TKM Essay

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Logan Duvall

Mrs. Field

LNG 322

28 March 2011

To kill a mockingbird

To kill a mockingbird took place in a fairly small town of Maycomb. It dates back to the

depression in the 1930’s. Where Tom Robinson a nice innocent black man is accused of raping

and beating Mayella a lonely, insecure, poor , dirty white woman. Back in these times to believe

a negro over a white person was like a child’s word is above an adults now. Going into court for

this falsely accused crime cause he was black he was guilty. Back then no matter how trashy or

poor you were you were pit above blacks. And how some people like Atticus think that

everyone should be treated equal.

Mayella wasn’t a wealthy or very popular woman. Tom was the only one who treated

her like a real person. Tom did different types of work for Mayella all of it he did for free. One

day while on the porch Mayella asked Tom to come up and chop up an old piece of furniture.

And when they went inside she said, he choked her and beat her. And her daddy said he had

heard the whole thing. And that Tom had been wanting to do this for awhile, and said that he

had been interested in her as well. That it happened on November 21 in the afternoon. It

happened at the Ewells house.

Tom is a well groomed one armed negro who like to do good deeds for others, but is

said to be guilty of a crime he did not comment. Tom said that when they went inside to get his

payment she asked him to get something down from the top of a piece of furniture. And when
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he did she hugged him and then tried to kiss him as well. That they were alone in the house. He

heard Mayella’s father through the window. That it happened so fast he couldn’t remember

he just ran. It happened on November 21, at the Ewells house.

Atticus is a honest hard working man of the law. He tries to give the court a summation

of how Tom is innocent. Tom, Mayella, Atticus, and the towns people were all at the court

house. He said that Tom was accused of raping and beating Mayella but he only has one arm

he can use how could he have done this crime. He know because Tom is black and accused of

harming a white woman he is guilty. But he tries his hardest to help Tom cause he doesn’t want

to see Tome go to jail or die. It happened on November 21, at the court house.

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