Unit 3 Task 5 Sector Area

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Unit 3 Task 5

Sector Area



The carousel in the picture above needs refurbishing. Suppose, in an effort to make things colorful, the carnival
owner wishes to paint a pattern of sectors on the carousel floor.

A sector of a circle is _____________________________________________________________________


(Task book, Unit 3, page 29)

Consider the floor of the carousel. It can be represented by the circle made by the outermost horse, which is 24
feet from the center. (See picture below.)

What is the area formula?___________________

What is the radius?_________________________

Show your work using the area formula to find the area of the circle.

What is the area of the circle?_______________

The owner has decided to paint the floor in a repeating pattern of sectors with central angles of 10˚, 20˚, and
then 30˚, like in the picture below.

How many sectors of each degree measure are on your “floor”?_____________

Suppose each sector with a central angle of 10˚will be painted purple, each sector with a central angle of 20˚
will be painted pink, and each sector with a central angle of 30˚ will be painted blue.

1. How many square feet of the floor

will be painted purple?___________

2. How many square feet of the floor

will be painted pink?_____________

3. How many square feet of the floor

will be painted blue?______________

What is the formula to find sector area?_________________________________________

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