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March 24, 2011

Clayton Patterson
2465 South Park St.
New York, NY, 11589

Dear Students,

Imagine that students wouldn’t listen to teachers; you might think that would be great, but if
students didn’t listen to teachers then school would be chaotic. There wouldn’t be any work
being done and no one would learn anything. I am writing this letter to tell you the do’s and
don’ts when it comes to doing a project.

When you are doing a project, the first step is to listen to your teacher. If you don’t listen to
your teacher then there is a 98% chance of you failing. The second step of having a successful
project is to finish all your work on the recommended date. In Mrs. Watts reading technology
class, you will be assigned a lot of work; when you do not understand what to do, the directions
are usually on the board. So, go and look and if you still do not get what to do then you may ask
Mrs. Watts.

The don’ts of doing a project in Mrs. Watts class are to not mess around. Do not horse play. Also
do not be on a website that you are not recommended to be on. Next is do not talk back to your
teacher or give her attitude. Always be respectful or else because she won’t be respectful to

Always remember to get all your work done and do not mess around. If you work hard and get
your work done early, then you are allowed to play games and chill. This class might be over
whelming sometimes, but if you just listen to the teacher and do what you’re suppose to do,
then you will be fine. If you ever need help, do not get frustrated and just ask Ms. Watts and she
will tell you what to do.

To sum it all up, always listen to your teacher, and always do your work. Do not horse play or
mess around and not do your work. Always work hard so that when you are done you can play
games and have fun. Just remember that this class is not hard as long as you do what you are
told. Lastly never disrespect your teacher and never talk back.


Clayton Patterson

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