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Media & Communication

Taylor Martinez
1st period

Media & Communications
I. What are media?
A. Different types of media
1. Television / entertainment
1. Magazines
2. Noting it down
3. A great leap forward
4. Cheap and easy
5. Propaganda power
6. Computer communication
7. Marketing with media
8. Household Phone
9. Moving pictures
I. Early communication
A. Communication before electronics
1. Cave paintings
2. Conch shell
3. Music
4. Smoke signals
5. Native American signals
II. Spreading the word
A. Spreading news around without electronics
1. Socrates
2. Folk stories
3. Ring around the rosy
4. Word travels fast

5. Billy graham
6. Healthy communicating
III.Body language and gestures
A. Speaking with signs
1. Boredom
2. Agression
3. The language of excitement
4. Shock of mock
5. A giveaway
6. Misery
7. Stay away from me
8. What do you mean
9. DOH!
10.Hand signals
11.“V” for victory
IV. The story of writing
A. what things are used to write
1. Cuneiform writing
2. Egyptian writing
3. Waxing lyrical
4. Chinese calligraphy
5. From feathers to steel
6. Modern implements
7. Changing alphabets
8. Typewriting

V. Communicating with pictures
A. Pictures say everything
1. Storytelling art
2. Commenting on politics
3. Woven history
4. Polaroid proof
5. Cartoon humor
6. Morality painting
VI. Finding your way
A. No cars
1. Following the stars
2. Tracking the way
3. Signaling to aircraft
4. Stone makers Chinese know how
5. Mapping congress
6. Navigating the city
VII. Postal systems
A. Using mail
1. Medieval Messenger+
2. Penny black
3. Pony express
4. Postal carriage
5. The journey of a letter
6. Postcards the mailman
7. Public mailboxes
8. Airman by zeppelin
9. postcard

VIII. Words in print
A. Books
1. Diamond sutra
2. Digital manuscripts turning the pages
3. Book burning
4. Books for all
5. Zooming in
IX. The power of the press
A. Newspaper
1. Doctoring the photographs
2. Front page soviet style
3. The Sunday papers
4. Front page American style
5. Today’s variety

6. Taylor Lauren Martinez
Ms. Watts
1st & 3rd period
March 4, 2011
Media & Communication

We were once living in a world without many

resourceful communications available to us. Ever since the
cavemen years drawing was very helpful to us and it still is
but is it good enough to get something to your friend I
Japan in seconds? No, not really but a phone call can or
even a text is giving your friend that special thing that you
wanted to give her, a phone can make all of that can
become possible.
Media and Communications is a book a about all the
different types of styles. For instance during the caveman
years they used painting and during the Native American
years they used folk stores to pass down from generation to
generation. The electronics we have now these days are
amazing and we don’t know what we would do without
them. In the last century we have come up with many
things I this world that have brought people into a history
It’s sort of like the land before time because of all the
pictures there is and the phone were all so different and
things like that that the people who made these things made
everything easier and in a few years probably we won’t
have cars that drive on the road they’ll be flying and having

phone that you can have literally everything you can own
of an electronic it’ll be in there and that will be your
everything and that will be everything you would ever

Works Cited

Media and Communication. First Edition. New York: Dorling Kindersley

publishing inc, 1999. 1-60. Print.

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