Media Madness in Ft. Wayne, IN

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Media Madness in Ft.

Wayne, IN

Talking fitness & nutrition WHERE ELSE but Johnny Appleseed Memorial Park

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.


I pushed approximately 10 miles from downtown to the interstate with a police motorcycle
escort. We averaged about 17 to 20 mph with the Police leading the way. I went to City Hall and
received a proclamation from the Mayor on Friday, a couple days before and now it’s time to
move on to the next city. At the mayor’s office, I gave a health and fitness presentation to the
city council member and community leaders which was received very well.

I am in the process of writing two books. I just finished “Conversations in Health” it will be out
in August and “Blueprint for Success”. The other is titled “Revolutions” regarding the fitness
tour across America and my plan is to get the country back on track to getting fit and helping
them set personal fitness goals. My tour across America is providing a lot of inspiration to write
about. I get exciting new ideas and meet great people all the time. As a motivational coach and
inspirational speaker I stay busy and get to interact on a professional level with lots of people
but it’s really nice to just get to talk to folks on the street and get them excited about fitness
and proper nutrition. I have noticed that people really like to learn about how fitness and
proper nutrition can affect their lifestyle in a positive way.

Side Note on Johnny Appleseed: Johnny Appleseed was a legendary American who planted and
supplied apple trees to much of the United States of America. Johnny Appleseed’s dream was
for a land where blossoming apple trees were everywhere and no one was hungry. A gentle and
kind man, he slept outdoors and walked barefoot around the country planting apple seeds
everywhere he went. It is even told that he made his drinking water from snow by melting it
with his feet. Johnny was a friend to everyone he met. Indians and settlers -- even the animals --
liked Johnny Appleseed. His clothes were made from sacks and his hat was a tin pot. He also
used his hat for cooking. His favorite book was the Bible. There are many tales about Johnny
Appleseed. It is said that once Johnny fell asleep and a rattlesnake tried to bite him, but the
fangs would not go into his foot because his skin was as tough as an elephant’s hide. Another
tale describes him playing with a bear family.
Media Madness in Ft. Wayne, IN

Talking fitness & nutrition WHERE ELSE but Johnny Appleseed Memorial Park


2 P.M. -We got ready and packed to leave for the park next to the city building where we met
with Dianne Hoover, the Director of Parks and Recreation in Fort Wayne, IN who read the
Proclamation from Mayor Richard. Media present: Ch CBS 15, ABC 21, and NBC 33. The Journal
Gazette newspaper and a radio station were also present. All of the media did an excellent job.
The awareness of my Revolutions Tour Across America and the need to battle obesity, bad food
choices and sedentary lifestyles. We will have a stronger, leaner America by doing whatever it
takes! Like my friend Lee Labrada, who is one of the all time great body building champions and
like my other friend Arnold Schwarzenegger would say. Lee Labrada’s company Labrada
Nutrition,, lean body coaching club and lean body contest is focused on
helping people get lean and turn fat into muscle. Go to Lee’s site and look for the lean body
contest or coaching tips. Who knows you may want to join the contest and see how you can do
with the 3 month 12 week challenge and having Mr. Universe Lee Labrada be your personal
coach. GO FOR IT!

We had a police escort to the city limits of Fort Wayne. We then returned to the Baymont Hotel
to rest for the next day’s push. The people were the greatest and inspired me even more to stay
motivated and keep on making those revolutions of my wheels across America!
Media Madness in Ft. Wayne, IN

Talking fitness & nutrition WHERE ELSE but Johnny Appleseed Memorial Park

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