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O Corporate governance is the set

of processes, customs, policies, laws,
and institutions affecting the way
a corporation (or company) is directed, administered or
controlled. Corporate governance also includes the
relationships among the many stakeholders involved
and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The
principal stakeholders are the shareholders, the board of
directors, executives, employees, customers, creditors,
suppliers, and the community at large.

O To study corporate governance's, transparency, efficiency,

monitoring in Indian companies with main focus on
the finance policies.
O To understand the nature of possible frauds in Indian
O To study the impact of Indian laws on corporate
O How companies manipulate their financial statement and
how avoid this.
O Study the various accounting practices in corporate

O |esearch type: Descriptive research

O Data type: Secondary data
Ñ Corporate governance reports
Ñ Audit reports

O Scope of our study is to find out the accounting practices

data that is related with the Indian companies.
O To know that how corporate governance play their role
for the betterment of the share holders rights
O Is corporate governance providing proper inducement to
the owners as well as managers to achieve objectives that
are in interests of the shareholders and the organization?
O How corporate governance ensures corporate success and
economic growth.


O 2   


O Disclosure and transparency

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