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Theatre For Social Change Simplified 6 Point Lesson

COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will act by interacting in improvisations and
assuming roles.
2.07 Demonstrate and expand dramatic concepts through improvisations.
2.08 Use improvisation as an approach to scripted material.
2.14 Analyze self and others verbally and through keeping entries in a journal.
COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will research by finding information to support
informal or formal productions.
5.03 Experience, discuss and/or write about productions in different theatre spaces.
5.04 Investigate, discuss and/or write about plays from non-western theatre.

 Focus Work – students will respond in their journals. Focus work today will consist of a
question on the board relating to Theatre for Social Change – “What is playback theatre?”

Teacher Input
 Give outline of what students will be expected to do today
◦ Students will be able to work in the auditorium to practice their form of social theatre
and to figure ways to use the form to explore their social issue
◦ Students will be expected to take pictures of their form theatre while they practice.
◦ I will tell students that tomorrow is their day that they will present their forms of
social change theatre and their social issue.
 Explain to students today is presentation day
 Students are expected to share about their social issue and some key points from differing
views of the same issue
 Students will also present their form of Social Change theatre to explore the social issue

Independent Practice
 Students will share their issue and discuss with us differing views
 Students will perform their Social Change theatre

Guided Practice
 Between each presentation audience will discuss what they saw and how it impacted
them when viewing the form of Social Change theatre.

 No modifications are needed in this lesson for Student 5.

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