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Part 2: Grading Guide: Inductive Bible Study Project

MS 1102 Studying and Teaching the Bible

Part 2: Observation Exercises on 2 Timothy (90 points)

Name_________________________________________________ CPO ________

Observation Exercise #1 60 _________

Work through 2 Timothy in the three column WHO/WHAT format.

• Who/What (subject – predicate)
• Main idea/Title of 5 words or less stated
• Significance/why stated

Observation Exercise #2 30 _________

Go through the chapter your group will be teaching on from 2 Timothy using the “argument
tracing document” covered in class.

1. Isolate the different propositions

2. Trace the argument schematically
3. Explain the main and supporting points in the text

Observation #2 does not need to be typed provided that writing is legible.

Total Points Rec’d __________/90

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