Webmatster Application 2010

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Alpha Epsilon Delta

The Premedical Honor Society

Texas Delta Chapter

Officer Application
Please type or print clearly

Name: ______________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______

Last First MI

Major: ________________Classification: _____________Expected Graduation Date:___________

Cumulative GPA: ____ Math/Science GPA: _____Year of Induction to AED: _____________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________


Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________


Phone: ________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________

Position of Interest: _______________________________________________________________

Along with this application form, please answer the following supplementary questions on a
separate sheet. Answers must be typed.

1. List all community service and extracurricular activities as well as any officer positions
held in college.
2. What are your qualifications? What can you offer to the officer position?
3. What is your leadership philosophy?
4. What are some of your ideas for future projects for Alpha Epsilon Delta?
5. What are your thoughts about an officer who does not take an active role in his or her
6. Please provide any other information that you believe is vital to your application that has not
been addressed.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Alpha Epsilon Delta - Texas Delta Chapter Executive Board

Alpha Epsilon Delta - Texas Delta Chapter • University of Houston • http://www.aed.uh.edu

aed.uofh@gmail.com • Old Science Building Room 107C © 2009

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