Almdudler Case Study

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Table of Contents ‘CASE TEXT. . 3 (hapten 1A oar FF 5 (Chaptes 2—WhaT ABOUT THAT INTERN? 4 hapten 3—Bxcx 01957, 4 (hapten 4—HoMe SWEET HOME?.. 6 (CuapTes S~ENOLESS LAND, ENDLESS CHANCES? 7 CuapteR 6—You've Gor a pan?. ' vo 10 ‘Cuaoren 7 THe ROAD TO VeTORY u EXHIBITS, 2 REFERENCES. 14 PICTURE CREDITS... 35 Disclaimer: All characters involved, be it personal or In reference, are responsible for the duties they claim or have been referred to, However, although all of their claims regarding Almdudler’s history and its business development can be traced back to the given sources, both their personality and behavior are entirely fictional, Case Text Chapter 1 - A day off “Gerhard, over there!” Like every other Saturday klmdualler's export director Georg Benedikter was already waiting for his opponents to arrive. Carefully polishing his irons, conscientiously in a sense, he was gearing up for his weekend challenge. It wasn’t the only mid-March afternoon that he had spent on the course. Infact, it was the finale of two weeks training tallored to the upcoming return game he was waiting for. “what's up Georg? Preparing?”, CEO Gerhard Schiling said while he was making his way through the crowded parking lot of the Fontana golf course, snzering at his colleague as if he knew all along thet Beneciiter was desperately seeking a chance to get even, “I'm afraid ' have to let you down again. It seems that the more we play, the weaker you become, The world belongs to the young, my friend.” Benesikter sighed. “Stop mocking me”, he said, “You're only 2 couple of years younger anyway and today your lucky streak is going to end” He smiled with a consciousness that would have even made a pro feeling a little bit chilly. “Dont count your chickens before they're hatched", Schilling countered, The two men were joking around a couple of minutes until suddenly Thomas Kein, son of Almdudler’s founder Erwin Klein, came into the picture. “There you are. Long time no see, How are my two top executives doing?” “Pretty good", CEO Schilling said while he was buttoning his glove. “Not for much longer, though", Benecikter mocked. Apparently in the mind of the export director the game was already on. “Walt until 'm Jone with him and then ask again’, he said. Klein sighed, “Oh boy...good that I'm not part ofthis dosight. Atleast when it comes to business you two ‘guys are on the same page. Speaking of which, are the 2008 numbers already out?” “Yeah, we're doing great,” Schilling responded with @ conscious smile. Since Kien had stepped down as the company’s CEO, putting the operational management in Schiling’s hands, the new chief executive was enjoying these meetings, that, first of all, only took place every once in a while and secondly, in front of the most casual backdrop. No matter what topic had to be discussed, the atmosphere always worked in his favor, Especially when there was good news, though, Shiling's day was made, “We were able to increase sales by 5.4 per cent to slightly over 80 milion liters last year”, he continued. “Mainly through the export business though. While we recorded a 1.7 per cent rise in Austria the foreign markets participated with a staggering 21 per cent (a3 GAST 2008). It seems that We're on the right track with our expansion strategy. Aecording toa recent survey, the level of brand awareness increased to over 90 per cent in southern Germany. For the rest of that country we recorded a solid 5O per cent degree of familiarty (Schmid 2007). Also, we've just reached an ‘agreement with German MBG International Premium brands, which is part of the Krombacher group, 3 +o further boost sales in that region. it seems that a lot of potential is still left in that market, so we have to hang in there to get the most out of It. Belgium and Switzerland were also doing quite well, although they not surprisingly lack behind the German market.” “you're talking about total sales, right?" “I do. Besides the retail business we were also doing quite well in terms of food service industry sales. They accounted for roughly 40 per cent of total revenue. However, we still have to catch up there (33 GAST 2008).” “Sounds good. I'm curious what else you'll be having in store for the next couple years. Alright, | guess that’s enough business for today. Let's hit the road.” Chapter 2 - What about that intern? Not a sound was heard when Benedikter examined the fifth hole on the course. 355 meters, par 4, ‘and most importantly, his chance to go clear at the top. Even the birds seemed to have respected that moment of dignity that Benedikter had been waiting for so long. And there it was, @ 230 meters drive, straight and precise, Although he felt quite tempted to share his thoughts on that with the rest of the fite, he decided not to do so. “It is the silent one that wins pot”, he thought while his face turned inte a broad grin. Knowing that he couldn't hide his emotions in way people wouldn't register, Benedikter figured that he might be better off by looking for some distraction. With blushed cheeks he sald: “You guys wanna hear the latest story about my new intern?” “That WU graduate? ‘Artner, right?” "Yeah!" “How has he been doing so far?", Schilling asked. “Actually pretty good, although sometimes he is driving me crazy with his ideas. The last thing he came up with was the idea of entering the US market.” “You're gotta be kidding, right?" “That's what | said. He mentioned that he wanted to have @ deeper look into the matter and was talking about allthis weird theoretical stuff: Flve Forces, PESTEL analysis and whatnot. | always call him a little dreamer.” Chapter 3 - Back in 1957 “But isn’t that what it’s all about?”, a cautious voice said. Apparently Klein was feeling a little whiff of nostalgia as his face turned into a thoughtful frown. He thought back to the days, back then, when Almdudler was nothing but a great idea. An idea his father had in 1957. Erwin Klein was not much different from all the other 600 soda vendors at that time, except for one thing. He had a vision. A vision that not only conquered the Austrian market but also withstood any competition whatsoever. Coca-Cola dominated the market and typical “Kracherl” producers could not mess with a giant like that. As a consequence, every one of them was catering to a tiny segment, with prospects as litle as ‘the segment itself (Schmid 2007). It was the unique adventure in tasting, the freshness of more than 30 natural herbs and a sound marketing strategy that made Almdudler appealing to such 2 broad ‘mass. That is why neither Coca-Cola's counter-brand “Krauterlift” nor any other international or 4 national brand could have ever taken it up with them. Plenty of them tried, though. On the international front there were brands such as Chabesade, Sinalco, Libella or Frucade, all of them well-known and competitively positioned ( 2008). Within the domestic market there were Traubisoda, Schartner Bombe, Kell, Grdbi and several others. However, al of them have either been sold or have passed out of customers’ minds. Only Almdudler, with its cistinet inherent characteristics and its unique marketing mix, made ito the top (Die Presse 2007). Sut not only was the - product Itself ahead of Its time, Klein also had an idea that was revolutionary for the post-war era. He convinced more than 350 bottlers to license his product. Hence, Klein not only sourced out production but also Almdudler’s sales force and thus made it possible to market his product nationwide. Also, this step put him in a position to set Almdudler’s main focus on marketing, which, until now, could be considered as the company's ker strength (Schmid 2007). Klein looked up to the sky as he was thinking about his beloved father. When Erwin Klein passed away his son was only 19 years old, left back with nothing but his mother and a lifework that he ‘wouldn't have been willing to continue if everything had turned out the way it was supposed to, ‘Thomas Kisin remembered the days when he tock over; he remembered the support that he had been given by his mother and his uncle, Harald Messner; and he remembered the changes that followed (Die Presse 2007} (Schmid 2007). As sad as ft was, with him on top, Almdudler felt rejuvenated and has become what It is now: ‘Austria's second most recognized lemonade. Quite obviously, Coca-Cola had never been a rival thet could have been beaten; however, the fact that Almdudler not only survived its attacks but also inereased its market share, only points to the fact that it was more than an ordinary soft drink Undoubtedly ts high recognition ~ Almdudler is scoring a staggering 99 per cent on brand awareness -dudell what?” In Austria — was the outcome of Klein's young and sassy advertising. With the “Alm campaign, where an American barkeeper was asked for a bottle of Almdudler, or the slogan “Wenn die kan Almdudler hab‘a, geh’ i wieder ham”, Klein successfully bridged the gap between the brand's traditional, rustic flair and the modern, urban lifestyle that especially younger people found appealing. He turned Almdudler into an authentic Austrian brand that could fit both a folk music show and a scene clubbing, without losing its credibility, The biggest coup Klein scored, though, was ‘to make former rival Coca-Cola an official Almdudler licensee. The hatchet was buried, and Kleins mission accomplished. He stepped down as the company’s CEO and cleared the way for Schiling, Alméusler’s frst non-family chief executive (Die Presse 2007). "Hey, it's our tur’, he heard somebody say. ft was Schiling who could not help noticing that Klein was lost in thought. Benedikter, on the other hand, didnot seem to care since he was busy making projections on his score and figured that if he continued lke thet, victory would be within his reach Klein was smiling while he wes teeing off his ball, knowing thatthe reminding words that should soon follow would change @ young inter’s life. He took a deep breath and there it was, a 170.5 meters chip, straight, precise and only 30 centimeters next to the flag of the seventh hole’s par 3. Benedikter’s mouth stood wide open and also Schiling pald his respect witha timid: “nice shot” Klein laughed as he picked up his tee. He turned around and said: “Let me tell you guys a story; a story about alitie dreamer.” Chapter 4 - Home sweet home? [After Klein's reminding words the three men wrapped themselves in pondering silence. it came just naturally to them, unconsciously in a way. It was the ambivalence — their deep admiration for Klein's lifework versus their joking around about some new ideas that seemed to be out of reach ~ that made the executives feel awkward, Klein, on the other side, kept smiling. “Nothing Is out of reach”, he said. “Sooner or later we will have to think about steps that might sound @ little bit more challenging in the first place”. Schiling and Benedikter were nodding their approval while the former said: “You're right. At least we have to think about every option that comes to our minds especially since the Austrian market hasn't been doing that well lately. The herb-lemonade segment declined by 1.5%, 25.7% and 7.6% in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively (see Exhibit 2) (Lautermiller 2009, 2008, 2007]. Although we stil managed to increase our sales by 1.7 per cent, future prospects are not that good anymore (a3 GAST 2009)" “That's what | meant! What if the Austrian market continues to shrink2”, Klein sald while he was carefully examining the 400 meter fairway In front of him. He was thinking long-term, not only on the golf course. “You mustn't forget, though, that we're still among the top ten brands in Austria, We scored a solid seven, according to the Young & Rubicam market survey (REGAL 2008). ! don't think that we have to worry soon’, Schiling said. "Me neither", Benedikter remarked while he was already adding up his score to a batch total Chapter 5 - Endless land, endless chances? ‘Again silence. Awkward in a way. Schilling and Benedikter were feeling alittle uncomfortable as Klein headed off, leaving them with some undisclosed issues. “The western European expansion is going quite well, isnt it?", Schilling said while he was trying to keep up with him. “It is, no doubt. Nevertheless, what do you guys think about this America idea?", Klein said while he was slowing down a bit. “Well, everything is possible”, Schilling answered. “I think that we can be so honest to say that it’s always a question of chances and opportunities. | mean, it’s not that we haven't thought about something like that at all. We had interviews with a lot of people that wanted to market Almdudler in all kinds of countries. What we Just don’t want is someone that only comes up with something like: ‘1 wanna bring Almdudler to China since there are one million Chinese people that are into herbs’, and that's it. Just the other day we had someone like that around. Although that meeting ~ as well 2 a couple of others ~ was just a waste of time, the question itself was Interesting. if we had the right partner, 2 partner who believes In the project and is willing to invest, we would definitely pay much closer attention. However, no one that we've talked to came up with a sound business concept (Hofmann-Credner and Schilling 2009)." “I don’t think i's gonna work", Benesikter said, “Think about it Why fs it that we're so successful in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium? Right, i's because of tourism. People come to visit and sooner or later they will have a sip of Almdudler. What happens next is that they assign some postive emotions tothe drink. I's the & holiday-feeling that made us popular abroad (Die Presse 2007). Not pmerenmrenyserre eet 4 for nothing do we cooperate with all these tourisry associations, skiing regions and lakeland areas. ‘We wanna get them when they're having a good time, when they’re enjoying themselves, so that they look back a couple of months later and realze that they crave for an Aimdudler (Hofmann- CCredner and Schilling 2008). That's why the US is net gonna work. There are no, or at least not many, tourists that have certain feelings about Austria or the whole Alpine region.” “You think so2", Schilling said. “Maybe there aren't that many tourists but there are certainly 2 lot of people that embrace the Austrian culture, Think about it! German immigration, which began in the 17° and continued into the late 19" century at a rate exceeding that of any other country, made the US focus not only on Germans but also on Austrians and Swiss people (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany 2008). What comes to your mind when you think of Germany? Right, Bavaria! What comes to your mind when you think of Bavaria? Right, Bavarian traditions: ‘Schurchplattier’, ‘Lederhosn’ etc ‘Think of Austria now, think of Tyrol. Pretty much the same, isn’t it? Or even better, think about ‘The Sound of Music’ (Beer 2009. Funny thing that no one around here knows about that movie. However, that’s the way we're perceived in the eyes of the Americans. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit here, but still, the image fits a traditional Austrian brand. Lately I've even heard that they're celebrating the traditional Bavarian Oktoberfest in Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Fredricksburg (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 2009).” “They do?", Benedikter asked. “I thought they wouldn't care that much about traditional food, beverages, dances and whatnot.” “They dol” “How come that they're stuffing themselves with ‘Burgers, Coke and Gatorade then?” Kein shook his head while he was listening. “Oh’s not like that anymore. | mean, sure, the fast food culture still prevails. There isa strong movement towards a more health conscious lifestyle, though (Sadler 2006). Gatorade stands for that movement, although, at first glance, it looks anything else than healthy. Everyone is talking about functional drinks these days. Drinks that add an extra benefit to customers’ indulgence by containing ingredients that stimulate mind and body, support physical health and whatnot (Horton 2008). That segment is skyrocketing right now and pretty much includes everything from ready-to-drink teas over energy drinks to herb-enhanced fruit drinks (Schoolmann 2001). “well, that fits", Benedikter said. “Good that we've introduced this new advertising guideline where we especially point out the fact that Almdudler only consists of natural herb extracts and doesn’t use any form of chemical preservation (NEWS 2006).” “"Yeah, we could defintely stress that. Overall! don’t think that we would have much of a problem in terms of marketing receptiveness”, Schilling added. “ve heard that American adults and teens wil spend neariy five months, which means 3,569 hours, this year watching television, surfing the Intemet, reading dally newspapers and listening to personal music devices (US. Census Bureau 2008). Can you believe that?” “Yes we can!”, Benedikter said with a smile. “Just think about the weekly Youtube hit, whatever it might be, with five million people watching it (Beer 2009). The keywords are: Web 2.0, Viral or Buzz Marketing. Only a week ago, Hofmann-Credner teld me that his marketing department has been addressed quite frequently in terms of customer suggestions. He said that @ lot of people would be more than ready for a dialogue between them and the brand they've gotten into ( 2008). All that Buzz Marketing stuff really seems tokick off. No doubt the Americans would dig some Cf these online gimmicks that let you choose the theme of the next commercial or whatever. It would also fit our core target group of 14- to 25-year-alds. In fact, | guess up to 39, people wouldn’t mind either (Hofmann-Credner and Schilling 2008).” “sounds good”, Schiling replied. “But how could we go about entering that market? There are thousands of different brands, not mentioning the Coke supremacy. In Austria we had our advantages; the US is more of a home game for Coca-Cola. Do you guys really think that we could ‘mess with them, I mean, it’s not that we're PepsiCo, Red Bull or Or. Pepper Snapple.” “W¥s about finding the happy medium’, Klein remarked, “We're a mid-size company with limited resources. | wouldn't dare to tackle them now, especially since they're not carrying any directly competitive lines. ‘Krduterift’ is dead and so is ths old rivalry. Tink about it! Aren't we doing much better since Coca-Cola has also become one of our licensees? And for the US market, | guess they're anyway more concerned with Red Bull right now (Beer 2008).” After Klein had said that, his face turned into a thoughtful frown again. “What if the Americans wanted Almdudler to taste ifferent? Think about all the other stuff you get there. It's either made cout of pure sugar or at least tastes lke that. On the other hand they're also obsessed with all kinds of sugar-free and healthy drinks, Would you want te adapt the product? Would be kind of a rough breakup, right?" "Definitely not”, both men yelled while they were shaking their heads. Schilling took a deep breath and said: “Technically it wouldn't be much of a problem. From a material point, though, | wouldn’t do it.I think there is no need to change a product that has been working for over 50 years. Think about It! Consistency and tradition is what makes Almdusler so special. How would somecne feel with 2 different Almdudler in his home country? | know the tourism argument doesn’t hold for the US but I'm just trying to make a point here (Hofmann-Credner and Schilling 2009). Besides, it’s not that there is nothing similar in the US. It's pretty much comparable to Ginger Ale, and we all know that that worked (Beer 2009). I there should be any sugar-related concerns, though, we could follow that lead with the new ‘Almdudler Sugar-free’ that is even suitable for diabetics (23 GAST 2008). However, first ofall, | would just focus on the ‘Traditional Almdudler. if that worked, the sugar-ree ‘would be the one to follow. The rest of the portfolio would then pretty much depend on the success, cr failure of the former two (see Exhibit 2) So, to wrap it all up ~ would leave it as its. Apart from taste and product range, | would also stick to ‘our packaging line. Customers would be irritated since the color of the can or bottle marks the kind of Almdudler its filed with (Hofmann-Credner and Schilling 2009).” “True, true. But don’t forget that the US is a huge market. Think about it! Think about popular cites..if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, Imagine the product kicks off somewhere and spreads all over the country, like 2 wildfire. fhat happened we would laugh atthe tiny Austrian ‘or German market. What would you do, f no one wanted to buy it the way tis?" “tow likely is it that we would have proof about whether it's only a question of taste and not anything else?", Schilling asked, He was bending over his bag and sald: “I's @ tough question, | give You that. I guess we would have to figure out something by the time this should get serious.” “what about the name”, Klein argued, “What about it?” “Don’t you think that they will be facing some problems? Remember the ‘Almelidudeli-what?’ 26? That worked for us because we were making fun of ther. Do you think it also works the other way round?” “I do! | think the distinct foreign image that Almdudler carries can be a certain incentive. People are getting more and more into different cultures and wanna try out different things. Together with the positive image of the Alps, I don’t see much of a problem here. In contrast, | think i's more of an opportunity (Hofmann- Credner and Schilling 2009). Chapter 6 - You've got a plan? Not much attention had been drawn tothe goif course during their conversation, Even Benediter, who had been near calculating standard deviations fr his gameplay, wasn't thatinterested anymore Maybe it was Ken's pasion al the interesting background stories that Schiling had instore o just general whiff curiosity that made Benedikt feel a he should say something Maybe we could give It a shot. At leastit cant do wrong having 2 deeper look into the mater. This boy Artnr is anyway capable of doing more than he does right now. One way or the ther, there is nothing we could ise.” “ust tell him that he shouldn't get too overescited about i, Schiling sid, “Fst of all we Rave to focus on the markets that we'te already in, Besides, our latest analyses do suggest prety good outlook for the British and Scandinavian region (Die Presse 2007).”| 10 “No worries, | wil So, what do we tell him to prepare?” “Well since he's into al that models and concepts, | would say that it won't do any harm te have some of them set up. it probably helps to figure out how everything is connected anyway, and what challenges might occur. Didn’t you mention something lke PESTEL, Five Forces and sone others?” “| di, indeed.” “Well, there you go. W's probably most important to gain insight into the market, to figure out a scenario and to come up with a sound recommendation. Obviously you have to know everything about competitors, established brands and about the key factors that drive the industry | guess he could combine all ‘these external and internal findings to a comprehersive analysis.” “Wouldn't it also be Interesting what form of entry mode he would suggest? Although the possibilities are limited, it shouldn’t hurt to wrap that up a bit. I'm not just thinking about general ppros and cons here.” “Good thinking Georg, | guess after all of these analyses he should be fine with making @ recommendation. I'm curious whether or not he still wants to enter the market then.” “If not, he ‘would at least not have to set up a marketing plan for that”, Benedikter mocked. “True, true..but | think it’s not too much of a hassle for him. Although it’s sometimes kinda hard to come up with 2 ‘well-structured and solid plan that follows some carefully predetermined objectives, Artner looks like he'll manage. Besides, he learned all that stuff only a couple of month ago. I'm sure he'll remember things like the STP approach or the 4 P's. Chapter 7 - The road to victory Hole 18. Shing already surrendered and all eyes were on Benedicter. Not @ sound was heard when the executive geared up forthe game's last putt. 4e was down to one, 2 silent one. Klein was stil smling. He stood about ten meters apart from Benediter, holding the fag in his hand, “No way you're gonna make it, old man’, Shing mocked.“ show you, you litle.” he whispered while he made the putt of ise. Ten meters, thrice the way he normally strikes his day was made With a smile on his face and his cheeks blushed, he said: "Now see what happens when something is cael aon” 2 7 MS The End! <@t ee rt Exhibits Exhibit 1 — Performance of selected carbonated soft drinks in the Austrian market from 2005 until 2008 (in 1,000 hi) 13200,00 300,00 00,00 LL 300,00 0,00 a 2005 2008 2007 2008 Herbal lemonade ——Orange lemonade ——Citrc lemonade Wellness drinks Exhibit 2—Almdudler product range (The individual products may also be available in other sizes than indicated below] wa s ‘Traditional Almdudler Almdudler Sugar-tree (21 PET bottle, 0.5 | glass bottle, 0.25 | can) (2 1PET bottle) 2 Almdudler G'spritzt (21PET bottle) Almradler {0.51 can) Almdudler Still, (0.51 PET bot) References Interviews Beer, Axel, interview by Christoph Hofer and Andreas Keplinger. Expertenmeinung - Almdudler in the U.S.A (July 20, 2009). Hofmann-Credner, Claus, and Gerhard Schilling, interview by Christoph Hofer and Andreas Keplinger. Interview mit Almdudler's CEO Gerhard Schilling und Marketingchef Claus Hofmann-Credner zur Frage: Almdudler in the U.S.A. (July 30, 2008). Reports Horton, Natasha, Next Generation Soft Drinks. Industry Report, London: Business Insights td, 2008. Sadler, Jessica. Innovation in Soft Drinks. Industry Report, London: Business insights Ltd, 2006. Articles £83 GAST. "Almdudler: Kréftiger Expansionskurs." a3 GAST, June 10, 2009: 6. REGAL, "Top 10 Marken Osterreichs 2009." REGAL as Fachjournal, May 1, 2009, 04/09 ed. 156. ‘Schmid, Michael. "Ein starkes Parchen." FORMAT, lune 22, 2007: 62-64, Electronic Sources Interview mit Claus HofmannCredner, Marketingleiter Almdudler: fipthefiog. April ‘5, 2008. http://www. (accessed August 2, 2009). Die Presse. Ein Trachtenpdirchen geht auf Relsen: lune 8, 2007. (accessed August 2, 2003), Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. German Fests in America: German Missions in the United Stotes. July 2, 2008, (accessed July 22, 2008). Lautermiller, Annemarie. Osterreichischer Limanadenmarkt 2005: Verband der Getriinkehersteller Osterreichs. January 3, 2006. (accessed ‘August 4, 2008). —. Osterreichischer Limonadenmarkt 2006: Verband der Getrénkehersteller Osterreichs. January 1, 2007. http://www. (accessed August 4, 2009). —. Osterreichischer Limonadenmarkt 2007: Verband der Getrankehersteller Osterreichs. January 1, 2008. (accessed August 4, 2003). 4 —. Osterreichischer Limonadenmarkt 2008: Verbord der Getréinkehersteller Osterreichs. January 1, 2008. http://www. (accessed August 4, 2008), NEWS. 50. Jubildum steht on: Almdudler verteidigt Morkenrechte und startet Exportoffensive: News.ot. December 15, 2006. _ almdudler-markenrechte-exportoffensive (accessed August 2, 2008). Schoolmann, Gerhard. Functional Drinks, December 21,2008. http://www (accessed July 20, 2003) US. Census Bureau. "Economics and Statistics Admhristration.” The 2009 Statistical Abstract. October 1, 2008, hetp:// (accessed July 22, 2009). U.S, Diplomatic Mission to Germany. History of German-American Relations: June 1, 2008, (accessed August 3, 2003). Picture Credits rage 1: Almdudler, wallpaper, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 2: Amdudler, Trachtenpiirchen, © Almdudler-imonade A. &S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 5: Almdusiler, signboard, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 7: Almdusler, glass bottle, © Almdudler-Limorade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 11: Almdudler, Trachtenparchen, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 12: Traditional Almdudler, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Almdudler Sugar-free, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Page 13: Almdudler G'spritzt, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Almdudler Stil, © ‘Almdudler-Limenade A. & S. Klein Gmbh & Co KG; Almradler, © Almdudler-Limonade A. & S. klein Gmbh & Co KG; 18

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