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HW6: Phase I - Prototypes - Logo I

Ann Arbor Language Partnership

Fonts: Playbill, Arial

I selected Playbill due to its playfull nature in that it may appease to
children who are the ones that participate in this program. I
selected Arial because I wanted to make sure that the name of the
organization would be clearly displayed and readable.

Color Scheme:
R: 247 C: 3 R: 40 C: 82 R: 232 C: 3 R: 48 C: 79
G: 201 M: 20 G: 123 M: 46 G: 55 M: 93 G: 151 M: 11
B: 45 Y: 93 B: 189 Y: 1 B: 52 Y: 87 B: 122 Y: 55
K: 0 K: 0 K: 0 K: 0
HW6: Phase I - Prototypes - Logo II

A 2L P
Ann Arbor Language Partnership

@ 2L P Ann Arbor Language Partnership

Font: Arial Rounded MT Bold

I selecet Arial Rounded MT Bold for the font due to its playfull nature
that is given by the rounded corners. Again, it reminds me of
childhood or children and seems playful.

Color Scheme:
The color scheme is the same as for the first logo.
HW6: Phase I - Prototypes - Logo III

Ann Arbor Language Partnership

Font: Arial Rounded MT Bold

I selecet Arial Rounded MT Bold for the font due to its playfull nature
that is given by the rounded corners. Again, it reminds me of
childhood or children and seems playful.

Color Scheme:
The color scheme is the same as for the first logo.
HW6: Phase I - Competitors Logos

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