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WEEKLY ISSUE REGISTERED No.: L-7532 rey Che Punjab Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 16 LAHORE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14, 2009 (PART-1) PUNJAB GOVERNMENT NOTIFCATIONS AND ORDERS CONTENTS Punjab Government Notification and Orders Punjab Government Notification and Orders Sacial Welfare and Local Government Department, vothing for publication ‘olification by Commissioners Social Welfare And Local Government Department, Nothing for publication Republication from the Gazette of Pakistan Nothing for publication Parte-B Pareitt Industries Department, Commissioners af Division ‘and Miscellan Part-UI-A. University Notifications Nothing for publication Court Natives Nothing for publication Part-lll-C Board of Secondary Education- Part Parell Gener PartlV (1) Acts ofthe National Assembly assented ty by the President and Act of the National Assembly, ‘Nothing for publication introduced in the National Assembly and ls published before introduction ‘Nothing for publication @ Part-V Notification by Provincial Assembly of Punjab SUPPLEMENTS Part Statistical. ‘Weather and Crop Report of the Northern Zone, Nothing for publication Statement showing retail prices current of fovdgrains, ete Nothing for publication ‘Notes on the conditions of Crops ete. Nothing for publication Daily Rainfall recorded inthe former Punjab Pro Nothing for publication Nothing for publication GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB ‘ INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT Dated Lahore, the FN september, 2009 . NOTIFICATION No. SO(ENQ\REGN)6-95/2006:- Whereas the Government of the Punjab is satisfied that the Governing Body of the Anglo Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi régistered under the Socleties Registration Act, 1860 had been acting in a manner contrary to public interest and the interests of the Members of the Anglo Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, 2. AND WHEREAS the Government of the Punjab is satisfied that for efficient Price Rs. 6.50 (403 ) 404 THE PUNJAB WEEKLY GAZETTE OCTOBER 14, 2009 , PART-I runt ing of the affairs of the Anglo Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, the. supersession of the present Governing Body has become essential. 3. THEREFORE, in exércise of the powers conferred under Section 16-4’ of the Societies Registration Act, 1860; ° a) The Governing body of the Angto Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi is superseded with immediale effect for a period of six months. b) _ Adhoc Body of the following members of the Anglo Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi: is hereby constituted to perform all functions of the Governing Body during the period of supersession. They will arrange fresh elections of governing body of the Anglo Arabic Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi in accordance with its Memorandum of Association and Rules / Regulations and would handover affairs of Anglo Arable Schools and College, Old Boys Association, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi to the newly elected Governing Body: - Dr. Razia Sultana D/o Rasheed ahmad Alvi Mr. Rizwan Khaleel! Shamsi S/o Khaleel! Ahmed Mr. Nisar Nazish S/o Niaz Muhammad Mr. Abdul Waheed Malik S/o Malik Muhammad Shafique Mr. Ahmad-ul-Hussain S/o Shoukat Mahmood r (RAO wi HAYAT) . ‘SECRETARY INDISTRIES GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB : HOUSING, URBAN’DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Dated Lahore 1st October, 2009 Notification: ©. SO(H-)5-2/81(0R) In exercise of powers conferred upon him under section 43 of the Punjab evelopment of Citiés Act 1976 (XIX of 1976), the Governor of the Punjab makes the following nies CHAPTER! INTRODUCTION 4. Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be cited as the Punjab Develpment Authorities Land Use (Classification, Reclasifeation and Redevelopment) Rules, 2008, (2) These’ shail come into force at once (nese rls sal be applicable Ino ct area nolifled by a Development Autos, in 3 City District 2. Definitions — In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,— (i) ‘agriculturat area” means land outside the per-urbian area which is predominantiy used for the cultivation of crops and includes cropiand, pastureland, orchards, nurseries and dairy farms; (i) “approved scheme’ means a scheme approved by the Government, an Authoriy, a tocal government or any other public authority : (ii) “Authority” means ‘a development authority established under Section 4 of the Punjab Development of Cities Act 1976 (XIX of 1976); : (iv) “betterment fee” means the fee levied by an Authority under Section 22 of the Punjab Development of Cities Act 1976 (XIX of 1976); PART-1 w wi wid wily (oo 9 a oa xi xi) (xiv) : ow) (xi) (xv 7 vv) xix) rc) (xx) xxi) wai) (oo) (oovi) (oxvi) cexvi) xxix) (0009) THE PUNJAB WEEKLY GAZETTE OCTOBER 14, 2009 ‘ouilding fine” means the line beyond which the outer face of a building may not be projected in the direction of an existing or proposed road except the compound wall “building regulations” mean the building and zoning regulations of an Authority as notified from time to time: ‘ity arca” means the area nbtfied under section 3 of the Punjab Development of Cities Act. 1976 (XIX of 1976); commercial area" means an area which is designated for commercial use as per approved scheme or master plan, or is being used, as such in the established built up area: “commercial use” means land use which is predominantly connected with sale and distribution of goods and services: ‘competent authority” means an Authority competent to approve and classification, reclassification or redevelopment: ‘commercial corridor’ means a road or a segment of a road. with not less than sixty feet right of way and specified depth of area, which has been designated as commercial by'a competent authorty: “District Planning and Oesign Committee” means a District Planning and Design Comittee constituted by the Government under rule 52: “educational institution’ includes a school, college, university, research or training center, library or a madrassah: “established built up area” riteans built up area other than the built up area in an’ approved scheme: “environmentally sensitive area” means an area that has been designated’as such Under Regulation 22 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency ( Review of intial Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2000, “Government” means the Governmient of the Punjab housed in the Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department: ° healthcare ‘institution’: includes" a” hospital, health centre, dispensary, clinic Polyclinic, clinical laboratory, medical training center, nursing home, dental centre, homeopathic or acupuncture center, recognized as such by any law for the time being in force: “histarically significant area’ means an area designated under any law for the time being in force as historically, architecturally or archeologically significant area; - “industrial area” means an area which is" designated for industrial use as per approved scheme or master plan, oris being used as such in the established built vp area: “industrial Area Scrutiny Committee’ means the Industrial Area Scrutiny ‘Committee constituted by the Government under rule 53; “industrial -use" means land use which is predominantly connected with manufacturing, assembling, processing or storage of goods; “industrial corridor’ means a road or a segment of a road, with not less than sixty feet right of way and-has been reclassified as such by a competent authority; “industrial plot” means an industrial plot in an industrial estate, approved scheme ‘or master plan: ‘nstitulional use" means land use which is redominantty connected with ‘education, health, public or private office, hotel, thez:re or auditorium; intercity service area’ means an area designated by the competent authority as service area along the intercity road outside the peg-urban area, ‘katchi abadi’ means an area declared by the Govérnment as, katchi abadi under the Punjab Katchi Abadis Act 1992 (Vil! of 1892); ‘and use. plan’ means a plan approved by a’ competent authority for reclassification, development or redevelopment of an area; ‘master plan” means a land use plan of an area and includes a structure plan, an ‘outiine development plan, a spatial plan,, periurban structure plan and a metropolitan plan “non-conforming use” means the land use that does not conform to the permitted cof permissible land use butis existing at site; ‘notified area” means an area in which special restrictions regarding its development or redevelopment have been imposed under any law for the time being in force: 405

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