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Seatrbec 1996 Volume 100-214 EmILOLICA CF ME NTERUATIONAL ASS0CUmON Fo SAREE STUDES femoris canoer tom aa mtn dev tani Subesipon ato fr Vokes 18 112 (1096 JDELASSOCATEN WTERWATONALE DE SMOTOUE er sncnc Cd THOMAS A. SEBEOK Yt AucuteEanincrce Agony JEAN UMIKER-SEBEOK trent. ioe cern ‘Weir Se ero. seed teat e PENELOPE MATHIESEN pant eet Feta Seong men on ore frm included st the ond fh eve cng ass ‘mBerTo Eco. Asantan bles copying: Auraria copy onl operant Neate? Sra orig St et aged he Con ah Catch JULIA KRISTEVA [U383.0 per capy ie oud ta CCE 222 Rorewoon Orv, Darwnr, MA O'823, USA ‘JERZY PELC tuctng tf see 2a sue cen ner (©1996 by war de Gute & Co, 0-788 Bein MEYER SCHAPIRO HANSuAKOB SEILER Cove design by Jurian Sener [MOUTON DE GRUYTER - BERLIN - NEW YORK ——Arnounconons Contents/Sommaire Mouton d’Or Award Mouton de Gruyter i pleased to announce the continuation ‘four annvalprize—the Mowan "Ort be awarded by an. ‘independent jury of internationally distinguished vmiotcans forthe best atl publsod in SEMIOTICA in each calendar year. The prize wil consist of a fice subscripion 1 SEMIOTICA for three years. The jury for the 1996 Mowon 07 consist of John W. Ole, Semote theory appied to fee wil, relivy, and determinacy (Or, why the used eld theory sought by Eistin could not te Found 9 is Roger and Michael Feige ‘Social semiotics, pragmatics, and the analysis of changing ‘emiosphees: The lal case 24s IR Keith Sawyer ‘The semtis of improvisttion: The pragmatics of musical and serbal performance 28 W. C, Watt, US.A, (1996), Chir Lisa Block de Behar, Uruguay (1986-97) Sandra Schillemans, Belgium (1996-98) ‘Mouton de Gruyter hopes that the eration ofthis prize will. ‘ct as stim for further advances in emits and invites All those working in this exciting and challenging field 10 Samat thir contributions to SEMIOTICA. “The Winner ofthe 1996 Mouton d'Or will be announce in san early 1997 issue. Review articles/Comptes rendus Arma Tito’ Litorkina 'A few aspecs of emiotc approach to proverbs, with special reference to two important Amerisan publications a Wilion C. Carrol The criss ofthe sir: Vagrancy and authority inthe English Renaivsance a1 Jane. Paterson Ta mésaphorisaton de a rtience 30 ContntSommaire Vetume 108 2s 268 Roniger and 4 Rige 12) ek ya pt flay Pr Ma ‘The semiotics of improvisation: ruth M9) Dd th Dania ‘The pragmatics of musical and verbal performance Elion) rf tr Se i: a ete en BE yn esa og a can Ce a tied" (0) aoe Raa en, Tl Avr Mats: Haneda Kt eer es in) Menus apn spect 9 Star the Re of rac, ‘pe aS on ee bee sa ia Win Sec Wan Winn Ra ee 9, fe La ey MO a Ker SAWYER is artile applies semiotic theory and analysis to both musical verbal improvisation. Improvisation has been almost completely in the study of sign systems, When a spect sue of Somiotca 1987) was devoted tothe semiotics of muse, none ofthe aries the phenomenon of improvisational pecformance, Ma in that se feused on eter the application of Pere’ trichot- (Of signs to mus, or onthe Sausurean sense of musical signs. As (1987) noted in his conteiution to the spec sue, these rales, Tocusng on Wester musial forms with high developed notations resulted in a state, stracturalist approach to music which the indeterminacy of performance 1987 issue of Semiria appeared at the end o a thi-year period rowing popularity ofthe use of linguistic and semiotic model nthe sof music. Comparisons between music and language began 10 ‘i the 1950s (Bright 1963, Net! 1958, Springer 1956) In the LéviSraus's structural analysis of myth (Léve-Sirauss 1955, ) inspired the application of structural mehodology to musical isis. Ruwet (1967, 1972) was the fst to apply this method t0| logical analysis, and Natice (1975, 1977) hasbeen an influential ofthis approach. Ruwet's method involved segmenting melo- strely according to internal repetition and recurrence, without {fo musa content, and then discussed musial transformations substitution, aan attempt co deni paradigmatic sets and syntag- tules of combination. Ruvet used a method of two-dimensionsl jon, inspired by LéviStraus's canonical Theban myth chart, which the vertical columos represented paradigmatic equivalence ses alter Ruwets inal presertaton ofthis approach, srturast and i approaches to muse analysis became so comion that by 180, Series of extensive review ates and ertigues were avaiable tothe “arkomaiy Fad Tacha (181, Soc eran Pond Ci ace "ati 19-18 Ter, ¥ (19), Da Pet an Maps Mi: Cal ety Pe a 8 rt ramet om nat oe an i i once (1990) dogs amt Mewes. Cabrel Pron ‘Waxman C1 od (Tr Bl of gy Beate New Yor Funk 2 Wap ‘Som ml le yond oe te of a za i) Te ps er T Ha ee Rae amc 0 waion 1 Orly? Sip ‘Lat Roig (180) Ser Lect Sco a Aste the He Uther of ule Hs pnp rot oe sonparve a son ‘sie acta Aon pubs re Paan,Cleson ‘ti S"K Et (198) Mey a Trt Mem Mes an Bl (19 ‘onmeny,Chmon on rl Suc 90 trom dog tanec Death ‘ncn the ni rs sce th epee cena (13), icin Foe C1957 compete ae PLD he Dro Soci ad [nia Hen Ceylon ce ca ‘Rove colt mo nd eer pot eh Amer pesto ‘Grom ono rm Bh (ro pe, uk 19,2606 007 opypq108 30 ‘Water de Grae

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