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Calealatvog / Measuring Dynam'c epee of Alb & Dm References : - Full speed Testing of Alb Converters, FSSC by - NE note :the fundamentals of FFT based Sig analy Sy and measurement = Nation) Sepniconductor note + Simplifying Alb Conter ter eveduation : All are Uptoaded om blacichoar d * eae Find the sigeed Coup ok Signal) spectrum => SNR, SNDR» SFDR, ENOB, THD, -- - Revier — fourrer Trunsform for discret cae \- Diecrete founer Transform (pet) Com inte 2 EET xO). neoeee nes FES XE): Beeebocene! eh a Gina Seen of cemples numbers: T fon x(a] - 2 xt) e w O 322. Bn 2. Founer Teun shorn . of Bi'scnuke Sepa: OJ. Mehul ay eahinons tna! but periookes with penod an XC?) = : ow £0ST Mee) 2 Die ie eleeen ie) or efor ae iol a J xe er deo . c what pe WO Norenadeyedt fred. fe Ly vad : 3a Componing OG) —> x[R} = Xe en 8 ON Trorefone FFT of a chisente Sippel Ly phe Stipe! Version of its Spectum . The speciom ( xtel2)) rs sampeed ole frequencies of aad its integer mul pees: N : 2 Hor many poinks are needed to tare tee FFT’ fey. resoladion Af = - : Net f 2 better reselrtion . when calelhng suk: No.of signed bins Cyr of feb) ta-baad No. of Staged bins Wher “hann” window CS Udete = 3 Tenefore at leust 12 bins are needed toy in-band i / norse » pb HIS bins ingecke the Sigoed bandwalth => qotD no. Of bins = Nig, = ISX 2KOSR 230 0SR a 2 : ise 1 "FN, =30 08k = gern 45 Since noise 1S < be NL. = 64 ose = cs fandorn » whew FT 2 Sage! oe Culedahing SOR. "Eh Nope 256 OSR 5 2 s0.5dB with each, Ae eee gat of data the reoult might be shghtly aftererd. @ shows Fhe van ability jn the measured SNR* Mee, b> Hone eceurictee feertan vodua for $018 ta pecker 27, IF pomts ane used for meas SNR, --- in Angh resoteton APCs. Se eugene Benghe — saded yersus double Sele and Power and. frm pketu de spectrom : when we tate the FFT from a discrele Sageed the remit 4 a Seprente of Moey Complex Kum bers ° Tf the Amptitncle of these complex numbers tire plotted uersue Index <9 amplitecle spectrom Irerl = Amptity de Spectrom FFT. re a> poster Spectrom bmnjug ieee

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