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Review problems and solutions

For the Project network shown answer the fol lowi ng questions based on the data provided. You can use Excel to assi st you in solving the problem, but you stil l need to show your work pretending you solve by hand.  
Activi ty Expected time(weeks) Standard deviation
A 3 .3
B 2 .5Review problems and solutions
For the Project network shown answer the fol lowi ng questions based on the data provided. You can use Excel to assi st you in solving the problem, but you stil l need to show your work pretending you solve by hand.  
Activi ty Expected time(weeks) Standard deviation
A 3 .3
B 2 .5
C 8 2.0
D 1 .2
E 6 1.0
F 4 .2
G 5 .4
H 1 .1
I 3 3
J 5 1.0
K 6 .6
What is the critical path?
What is the probabi li ty of meeting a desired 26 weeks compl etion time?
Several activities can be expedited for a cost. Specifical ly, activity D expected time could be reduced by 10% for a cost of $500, or by 20% for a cost of $2000.
If the project i s not completed in 26 weeks a penalty of $100,000 wil l be paid. What is your recommendation regardi ng expediting activi ty D? Assume the standard deviations don’t change.
Sol ution
To solve with Excel enter the data to the PERT-CPM. Since the standard deviation and the expected time for each activity are given, the three time estimates are not needed.
Run the CPM-PERT template and obtai n the fol lowing resul t:
The cri tical path is CDEGIK.
P(X<26)= [Use PERT-CPM]=P(Z<(26-29)/3.8158)=.2159. You need to expl ain thi s result. X is normall y distri buted with mean = 29 and standard devi ation = [22+.22+1 2+.4 2+3 2+.6 2] 1/2=3.8158

C 8 2.0
D 1 .2
E 6 1.0
F 4 .2
G 5 .4
H 1 .1
I 3 3
J 5 1.0
K 6 .6
What is the critical path?
What is the probabi li ty of meeting a desired 26 weeks compl etion time?
Several activities can be expedited for a cost. Specifical ly, activity D expected time could be reduced by 10% for a cost of $500, or by 20% for a cost of $2000.
If the project i s not completed in 26 weeks a penalty of $100,000 wil l be paid. What is your recommendation regardi ng expediting activi ty D? Assume the standard deviations don’t change.
Sol ution
To solve with Excel enter the data to the PERT-CPM. Since the standard deviation and the expected time for each activity are given, the three time estimates are not needed.
Run the CPM-PERT template and obtai n the fol lowing resul t:
The cri tical path is CDEGIK.
P(X<26)= [Use PERT-CPM]=P(Z<(26-29)/3.8158)=.2159. You need to expl ain thi s result. X is normall y distri buted with mean = 29 and standard devi ation = [22+.22+1 2+.4 2+3 2+.6 2] 1/2=3.8158

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