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Social Media Applications a successful promotional plan

1) Define the Goals:

a) More brand awareness
b) Search engine optimization (SEO)
c) More site viewership
d) Performance management (involving management to fulfill customer requirements)
e) Blogging, Tweeting
f) Video sharing, picture sharing, news sharing on different social networks
2) A comprehensive survey of the social media marketing
a) Which social media platforms are going to be used and are effective
b) What competitors are doing and where they lack?
c) Who are the main competitors?
d) What should be the best way to carry out the social media marketing?
e) Identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses against the opportunities and threats
faced by the company
3) Target Market
a) Who would be the target market?
b) Which social network best suits to acquire the target market?
c) How your target market wants to be interacted on the social media network?
4) Make Plans
After completing the details above start to develop your plan and how you are going to
implement this plan so it can benefit the organization. The good thing would be to keep
a track on the performance of the plan and keep evaluating the plan, when it starts to
decrease start over and create a new plan.
5) Every social media network has its own feature and means of communication. Also the
individual performing the social networking is a different thing than that of a company.
a) Connect with the users and responders so you can use their input to shape your product
to become one of the best
b) Contribute in the discussions (not as an admin but as a user)
c) Cooperation with members for creating a mutual beneficial relationship with
d) Comprehend the rules on the platform of social media network
e) Classify the relevancy of the target market
f) Community building helps to encourage users to provide their input more

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