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Abeto Vs Philippine Air Lines,Inc.

• The plane had undergone pre-flight checks, thorough

July 30, 1982 checks, terminating checks and after-maintenance
Relova, J. : checks.
ENTITIES INVOLVED: • The deviation from its prescribed route was due to
PAL –carrier bad weather condition.
JUDGE QURICO ABATO – passenger/deceased

1. Judge Quirico Abato boarded the Philippine Airline' PI- • Is Philippine Airlines liable for violation of its contract of
C133 plane at the Mandurriao Airport, Iloilo City for
2. The plane did not reach its destination and there was RULING: Yes
news that the plane went missing.
3. After 3 weeks, it was ascertained that the plane The Civic Code, as the law governing the liability of
crashed at Mt. Baco, Province of Mindoro. common carriers, is clear and explicit:
4. All the passengers have been killed including Judge
• Art. 1773 - binds common carriers from the nature
Quirico Abeto
of their business and by reason of public policy to
5. Condrada Vda. de Abeto , the wife of the deceased,
observe extraordinary in vigilance for the safety of
was appointed administratrix of the estate of Judge
the passengers transported by them according to all
the circumstances of each case.
6. Condrada, together with her children filed a
complaint for damages against Philippine Airlines for • Art. 1755 - a common carrier is required to carry
the death of Judge Abeto. the passengers safely as far as human care and
7. Philippine Airlines, on the other hand, contends that foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of
the plane crash was das due to a fortuitous event. every cautious persons, with due regard for all the
8. The trial court ruled in favor of Abeto and her circumstances.
children. • Art. 1756 - in case of death of or injuries to
passengers, common carriers are presumed to have
DEFENSES: been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless
• Plane Crash was beyond the control of the pilot. proved that they observed extra ordinary diligence.
• The plane was airworthy for the purpose of • Art. 1757 - the responsibility of a common carrier
conveying passengers across the country as shown for the safety of passengers cannot be dispensed
by the certificate of airworthiness issued by the Civil with or lessened by stipulation, by posting of notices,
Aeronautics Administration. by statements on tickets, or otherwise,
• There was navigational error but no negligence or
malfeasance on the part of the pilot. PAL is liable for the death of Judge Abeto:
• The plane did not take the designated route which
was Iloilo-Romblon-Manila or "Amber I", if it had
taken this route, then the crash would have not
• This was even supported by the statements of
Ramon Peroza (Administrative assistant of Philippine
Air Lines Inc.)and Cesar Mijares (Assistant Director of
the Civil Aeronautics Administration)
• The weather during that time was clear and the pilot
was supposed to cross airway "Amber I"' instead he
made a straight flight to Manila in violation of air
traffic rules.
• Since there’s no satisfactory explanation by PAL with
regard to the accident, then the presumption is it is
at fault.

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