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Mime: setting up the table CS(slightly towards DSC). Waiting impatiently behind table until idea
strikes. Quickly jolt up.

Lemonade! Ice-cold Lemonade! Hello sir, how about a glass of lemonade? Only ten cents a glass
and no charge for the ice cubes! Eyes follow sir off stage (left). Sigh. Sit down.

Lemonade! Pure lemonade! Lemonade missus? Eyes follow missus off stage (right).
Funny/annoyed face. Turn to audience – slouched and a tad frustrated/upset.

You’d think people could at least answer me. Is it so hard to say a simple no thanks? Or a shake
of the head to let me know they heard me.

But no (stand and mime leaning on right-side of table) I say lemonade missus and she looks
away, quick as if there’s some sort of penalty if she’s caught noticing me. Refer to table of

It’s just lemonade for pete’s sake, I’m not peddling drugs here and I’m not like those pushy
people at the airport who try to get everyone to donate money. I just want to sell my lemonade
before all the ice melts (plomp down on seat again).

Mime/dialogue: people passing by, try to sell lemonade to them – say Lemonade! Lemonade!,
no one is responding. Annoyed, walk/fidget around (mainly DSR) and you see someone.

Hey mister, would you like a glass of fresh lemonade? Right here! Walk back to table, excited
you have a customer.

No, I can’t change a fifty, sorry. Eyes follow mister off stage (right), look back at audience.

A fifty dollar bill? A fifty dollar bill! Geez, what’s he think I am? The Bank of New York?

I could sell lemonade for a month and not make fifty bucks! Head drops, and imagination ‘what if’
moment strikes.
Too bad I don’t take MasterCard. I could put up a little sign so people know they can charge it, and when
someone buys my lemonade, I can get out those pieces of paper with all the carbon copies, and whoosh
them through the machine. And be like, whoosh, whoosh, sign right here please! Mime each action.
Excitement and happiness fades. Sigh.

In desperation, lay back on seat. Lemonade! Fresh lemonade, right here! Anyone?! Slightly grunt/sigh.

Jump on seat with excitement but accidentally overdoes it. Hey sonny! You look thirsty; go ask your mom
to buy you some lemonade!

Mime/dialogue: the kid toppled over some glasses. Push back chair, chair falls. Ok, ok so don’t ask her!
Set the table up again.

Little brat! Sigh, put chair up and get back on it.

I’m thirsty, why isn’t anyone else thirsty? Sudden burst of realization or panic.

Gasp. You know what I think they are! They’re just too scared to buy my lemonade!

They think I’ve put something weird in it or stirred it with a dirty spoon and they think they’ll get sick
and are afraid to take the chance!

They’d rather die of thirst than buy my lemonade.

Bang imaginary table, pretend it hurt to establish what has been done. Stand up; go in front of the table
(towards SL).

Pure lemonade! No artificial colors or flavors and tested for quality! *drink glass then flex muscles*

Mime: someone buys lemonade from stage left. Eyes follow as person exits stage right. Look back to

What I need is a gimmick. Let the people know they’re getting a bargain. Everyone loves a good bargain.

Half-price sale on lemonade! Regularly 20 cents, now only 10 cents! That’s right folks, one thin dime
while the supply lasts!

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