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Pr. 93 oe. et %# {MODEL TesT PAPER a1 JoP ENGG. MECH px OBJECTIVE TPE Prepaned By. Phaanky Phang Engineering Mochanies ve tae geience whiel deals with (@) the Physical slake of vest of motion of badies under the action of fortes. {b) Dry mrkon of bodies under athon of toyces te. awby test of bodies unter acho of Forces G) Rest ef motion of bodies wador the athon of gravity on bodies, Mechanics it the branch of science ushich deals worth, tho Abad of f acton of foreek on bodies (b) achon of qr on bodies fachon of woeightt on bodies 8) Mone af thege Kimelice is the branch of @) Dynarucs (y) Stabics ) Chemistry Wy wane Paget kedly may be de fined ap a beby which &) does wel change its phape and pzize undoes He. achion of foner W docs chomge its shape amd size wader she ache of fortes {) None Unit of waght tn SL’ is (Kg east (4) Pounded. (O Neurten WW) one Vector qumbiticn possess Br beth magnitude aed divecton b) Only eaguibide ie Ombyy direction (d) Mone YU you ge te the moon (Mass decent change, weighk does th) Heigict docgalt chimige, mass dove fe) Both chamge Wd) Both déegn't change 8. The vesubtamt of hoo forces F, and FL acting at an ogi La OLE FE a LFF, and WIFT4h*- Tre coro SFT +E a1 F rice @) None of thege @9. The wesolved port atong % OKiR of IGN force ig @ 18 (e) 12267 N 7 ® TSN (2) Meme of Feene G10. The wesullest of too fetus ton aud ISN achrg in opp. divechions is ton (0) SN Nowatle toni force t (b) SN aching townie 15 NL ——-< f) 25N achng- twos lon 250 achng towads ISN Ot. |The westilant of foo fewes lon and SN aching ak fy 1-8 @® Isy t e 1o-87 (a) Kone of 4hose oo wisal | . GIR. When the fortes and ackng at a point on a body end tie m dhe some plame, than the forces ane cated © Coplamay coll mean {by Coplanaé concuarent” f) Coploman pannel @) Gplance wor-concantnh en. bee byrne ii ayurt a won parallel fa) qm c|poc> (e) Kage salsec?- fed Ne usten W) Pound weight GM. The algebyase gum of moments of all forces abot a powct if zevo This is fa) Yeougnon's. theotam (yy Prmciplt of moment. feo Lomas: “toga @) Nome of nese WS The principle of tromtmumibibity is vet valid for (9) Rigid Body (&) Peformable Bly ( None af these | 916 Geametrically the memint of a forte about a point, daken as fhe vertex of briewagle, is equal. +o Bonen of the trong (epdsuree the area of the trianple (@ half She area of tHe triangle @ Nene gf these fl The affect of moment on a body is fa) to move it tb) bo burn rb ko Mone of these 18. A couple censishs of ly too Jbke paralluh forces of samme magrinde tos dike parallel forces of deffestnt maputuce (co two unlike porraliel forces of Some magyitude (2) hoo umLike potallel forces of diflewerdt magnihde @13, “The muweber of forces aching om a body veduces bom coupe 4f (a) Tre vesublant force is ztvo (b) The algebraic gum of verbal comprvents of fowes is revo CO The algebvaic pum of herizantsh components ic zero @) ALL me above G20. The fixed point about whith a Jeves rotates ia called (a Fulcrum (yy orm (B GG: fa) cewtroid P21. Lewesage i the tobe of (b) Load ate amd effert stm f) effort anm aed bead atm (©) effort am amd total length af Lever 1) tolab length of fever amd ead adv M2. Ie ow compound lever, the Leverage of alt Hee simple lever ix fb) added {b) sublracted ( mabbphied (@ divide 23. If 4 ead ig acking on a beam at a point, then the Joad i called (@) concentmted toad () Uniformaly Distribubed Lond ©) Uniformly arging. Load =) Mane of these P24.) The opposing feveo which actly at the. port gf contact of Hae fwo bedieg usluch slides ovex evt oviothtry 4 called (0) Rotting friction &) Siding frichon (> Stabe fection ‘2 Nene of these

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