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Polytechnic University of Philippines

Quezon City Campus

Don Fabian St. Commonwealth Quezon city

In Partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Teacher Education in a subject Student Teaching

Practicum 2:


Prepared by:

Vanessa Fajardo Brimon


March 30, 2011




Prayer for Teachers


 PUP- Philosophy
 Goals
 Vision/ Mission
 Novaliches High School Vision/ Mission
 Novaliches High School History
 Map
 Final Demo Plan
 Brief Synopsis of Professionals readings (research)
 Student teaching guidelines, memo, journal, ICT Memo, learning Approaches
 Bibliography

Professional Development Plan/ Career Plan

Narrative Report (weekly)

Current Issues in Education (Foreign and Local)

Curriculum Vitae


 Photos

 Lesson Plan

 Certificate / DTR

I dedicate this work first to those who inspire to do this work my colleagues, family, to my
students, cooperating teacher, to my family and to our Almighty God

First warmest thanks must go to my parents, Jose and Consolacion Brimon and
to my sisters , whose patience, support, and impeccable understanding allowed me to
do this manual.

To my Cooperating Teacher Mrs. Adriana D.L. Mabunga and to her husband, to

our Coordinators Prof. Sheryl Morales and Prof. Marilyn Isip, gave an initial

To My classmates especially the True Friends, thanks for your support and giving
a guide in doing this work. To my Co-Student Teacher in Novaliches High School,
Ms. Gibelyn Agsoy, Ms. Hanelyn Feranco and Marie Carmelie Igon-igon. And to my
students who participated..

And last to our ALMIGHTY GOD and HIS Son JESUS CHRIST that this work
O, God,
Grant us in all our duties your help;
in all our perplexities, your guidance;
in all our dangers, your protection;
and in all our sorrows, your peace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
our body, and our blood,
our life and our nourishment.

May everything we do
begin with your inspiration
and continue with your saving help.
Let our work always find its origin in you
and through you reach completion.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Student teaching is a program requirement for students seeking for recommendation for initial
license which is part of curriculum. The student teacher experience provides an opportunity to meld
knowledge and also experience, student teaching is also the last major step before the students enters the
teaching profession. Student teaching is a cooperative endeavor between the University and the public
and private schools. The partnership is designed to exchange ideas, to plan cooperatively and to provide
students with realistic an natural setting for culminating experience. Student teaching is the culminating
phase of a teacher roles that a student as well as teacher, the student teacher gradually discards her
students status and slowly the transform herself toward becoming a teacher. Teaching as a complex
process, it is not only involves the teacher, but the learner as well. Although it emphasis is on the
transmission of knowledge, without the learners full participation and cooperation in the learning process
then all teacher’s effort will put into waste. Being an efficient teacher, therefore, also includes
recognizing the learners ability to absorb that knowledge.

The student teacher is usually placed in a neighboring or participating school district. The
student teacher is monitored by the cooperating teacher from the district, as well as a supervisor
through the college. The supervisor acts as a liaison between the cooperating teacher and the
head of the college’s student teaching department.

The student teacher essentially shadows the cooperating teacher for about one week, eventually
gaining more responsibility in teaching the class as the days and weeks progress. Eventually, the
student teacher will assume most of the teaching responsibilities for the class including class
management, lesson planning, assessment, and grading. Thus, the student teacher is able to more
fully experience the role of the teacher as the classroom teacher takes on the observation role in
the class. There is sometimes a "phasing out" week were the student teacher returns the teaching
role back to the regular teacher.

The supervisor, as well as cooperating teacher, are to monitor the progress of the student teacher
throughout the experience, ensuring it’s satisfactory. A grade of Pass or Fail in student teaching,
as well as satisfactory completion of a school's education program, is an indication as to whether
the college recommends the student for certification to teach.


As a state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines believes that:

 Education is an instrument for the development of the citizenry and for the enhancement
of nation building;
 Meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best achieved in an atmosphere
of brotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented education imbued with
the spirit of humanist internationalism.


Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at providing
appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the citizens,
and of the national economy to become globally competitive, the University shall commit its
academic resources and manpower to achieve its goals through:

1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which meet international standards of

quality and excellence;
2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and
responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment;
3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education opportunities to deserving and
qualified Filipinos; and
4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social, institutional, and individual
returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education resources.


Towards a Total University


The mission of PUP in the 21st Century is to provide the highest quality of comprehensive and
global education and community services accessible to all students, Filipinos and foreigners
It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are responsive to the
changing needs of the students to enable them to lead productive and meaningful lives.

PUP commits itself to:

1. Democratize access to educational opportunities;

2. Promote science and technology consciousness and develop relevant expertise and
competence among all members of the academe, stressing their importance in building a
truly independent and sovereign Philippines;

3. Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth and its defense, as well as
the advancement of moral and spiritual values;

4. Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural heritage;

5. Develop in the students and faculty the values of self-discipline, love of country and
social consciousness and the need to defend human rights;

6. Provide its students and faculty with a liberal arts-based education essential to a broader
understanding and appreciation of life and to the total development of the individual;

7. Make the students and faculty aware of technological, social as well as political and
economic problems and encourage them to contribute to the realization of nationalist
industrialization and economic development of the country;

8. Use and propagate the national language and other Philippine languages and develop
proficiency in English and other foreign languages required by the students’ fields of

9. Promote intellectual leadership and sustain a humane and technologically advanced

academic community where people of diverse ideologies work and learn together to
attain academic, research and service excellence in a continually changing world; and

10. Build a learning community in touch with the main currents of political, economic and
cultural life throughout the world; a community enriched by the presence of a significant
number of international students; and a community supported by new technologies that
facilitate active participation in the creation and use of information and knowledge on a
global scale.
Novaliches High School is a learning institution that produces graduates who are
economically self-sufficient, peace loving, emotionally, physically and mentally,
healthy, morally upright, globally competitive and responsive to the demands of
modern times.



- Equip the students with long life skills, and functional literary.
- Instill moral values and promote physical and psychological state of health.
- Provides avenues for continuous acquisition and training for have technology.
- Continually provide opportunities for the discovery and development of talent.
- Provide a child friendly environment for the students to have fun while learning.


Moral leadership to attain excellence an a nurturing, caring, and loving learning environment.


- Forward Ever!!!!!
- Go for Excellence!!!!
Community profile

Novaliches High School lies nestled within an environment that is close to nature and far from
the maddening crowd and pollution of the bustling metropolis. The school itself is situated along
Lakandula and Diego Silang Streets at the heart of T.S Cruz Subdivision in Barangay San
Agustin Novaliches Quezon City, Philippines. It occupies a 1.3 hectares lot which was donated
to the city government by the owners of the T.S. Cruz Subdivision. It has 8 buildings, one of
which was the old Practical Arts Building already demolished giving way to the newly
constructed four storey 18-classroom building.
Novaliches High School started as an annex of Quezon City High School in the school year
1960-1961 with 88 students, 5 teacher-pioneers and a head teacher to blaze the trail.

It reached its independent status in 1964 under Mrs. Isabel C. Tinga, who was initially Head
Teacher-in-charge of the school (later promoted as its principal in the school year 1971-1972).
In the school year 1966-1967, the Reservoir, Novaliches High School’s official Publication
released its maiden issue. It was also during this year when Bienvenido E. Laguesma, once the
Secretary of Labor during the Estrada Administration graduated as valedictorian and Most
Outstanding Leader of the year.

In 1969, the school was practically leveled to the ground by the calamitous visit of typhoon
“Yoling”. But, like the phoenix that emerged young and invigorated when it rises from its ashes,
Novaliches High School rose triumphantly from its ruins through the concerted effort of the city
officials, the school administrators and civic-minded citizens, to once more meet the challenges
of time with fervor and determination.

It produced a new generation of student leaders in 1971 with Mr. Ricardo S. Reyes as the
principal – an event that would later mark the beginning of what would later be a glorious decade
in the history of the school.

In the following years, beginning 1972-1973, with President Ferdinand E. Marcos declaring
Martial Law in the country, these “New Youth of City Schools continued to emerged”.
Under the stewardship of Mr. Florencio B. Dumlao (October 1972-August 1982) ovaliches
High School became a model community school with the following outstanding achievements:

• National Winner – National Green Revolution Contest

● Winner – Regional Green Revolution Contest

● Division Winner – Model School

● District Winner – Model School

These years, under the leadership of the late Mr. Florencio B.

Dumlao were considered the “Golden Years” of Novaliches High
School in the areas of academics, discipline, leadership, cleanliness
and beautification, and this developed among the students a positive
brand of activism.
With the influx of enrollees, the school was forced to open an annex at Lagro in 1974.
Lagro High School headed by Mr. Pilar, was the first of Novaliches High School’s
annexes. The second followed in 1980 Sta. Lucia High School, then led by Mr. Eliseo
Cabangon as its head teacher-in-charge.

In the year 1983-1984 Novaliches High School boasted a total of 4,239 students and 132
teachers under the leadership of Ms. Flor Sandoval as Secondary School Department
Head and in-charge of the school.

Novaliches High School continued to consistently produce

winners in the different districts, divisions, regional and national
level contests and was also the recipient of different awards in
the “Tulungan sa Kalikasan”. These scores of awards distinctions
and honors were added to the gallery of achievement of
Novaliches High School student and alumni.

The years 1986-1994 were replete with

social awakenings, political turmoil, and economic setbacks. In
Novaliches High School, Mrs. Consuelo Sison, Mr. Ernesto
Anunciacion, Mr. Alfredo L. Principe, Mrs. Corazon G. Magbaleta, Dr. Marcial
Domingo, Dr. Thelma Cruz, Mrs. Angela Ferrer and Mrs. Norma Mapanao, as principals,
carved a name in the hearts and minds of the Novaliches High School graduates.

Those years were highlighted by the “Alay Linis” campaign where students were seen
cleaning not just the school premises but also the community grounds. It also marked the
inauguration of the SEDP building in 1992, which housed the science classes, as well as
the blessing of the NHS Covered Court, all through the initiative of Mr. Alfredo L.

In the later part of 1995 Dr. Gil T. Magbanua, a progressive and revolutionary principal
came to Novaliches High School. It was through his effort that the Mathay Hall was
erected the early part of 1995 with Mayor Ismael Mathay Jr. as the guest of honor.

Under Dr. Magbanua’s stewardship, for the benefit of NHS students, a massive
rehabilitation of the school buildings and other principal facilities came into place.
Students’ needs and staff development were concerns that were given top priority.

And so, beset by the perennial problem of congested classroom, Novaliches High School
open its third and fourth annexes - the San Bartolome in 1991 led by Mrs. Rosario
Estrada and the Doña Rosario Annex under Mrs. Victoria Mangosong, which was
inaugurated on July 18, 2003 with Mayor Sonny “SB”
Belmonte as the guest of honor.

When Mrs. Sheridan Evangelista took over the reign as the

principal in 2003, the school renovations continued and the
students were pushed to further broaden their horizons and
strive for excellence as they attended leadership trainings
and competed in contests from the district to the national

With Mrs. Evangelista supervising the main campus and Mrs. Lucia Herrera as the
Officer-in-Charge of the Doña Rosario Annex, Novaliches High School’s classrooms
teemed with learners and some of the teachers were given extra loads to assure that no
student is neglected.

In April 2006, a vibrant, ICT-focused Principal in the person of Dr. Maria Noemi M.
Moncada, Ed.,D,LIB, formerly of E. Rodriguez Jr. High School, assumed leadership of
Novaliches High School. With the distinction of being an Outstanding Secondary School
Principal since 2005, Dr. Moncada’s vision is to turn Novaliches High School into one of
the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Model Schools in Quezon City
and Asia Pacific Region.
Through the years, Novaliches High School, as a fountain of knowledge, has endeavored
to encourage creativity, freedom of action and innovation among its faculty and students.
It has produced graduates who have consistently qualified for entry into prestigious
universities like the University of the Philippines, De La Salle University, Ateneo De
Manila, University of Sto. Tomas, the Philippine Normal University and the like.

Indeed, after more than 40 years of existence, Novaliches High School stands proud of its
greatness and of its successes amidst obscurity and innumerable setbacks. It stands as a symbol
of an invulnerable educational institution that will continue to pave the way for the present
generation and for the generations to come –- a refuge from ignorance, poverty and bigotry.
February 23, 2011

Learning Component: TLE

Sub-Learning ICT
I- Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Recognize the importance of titles or credits in creating a movie.

2. Develop the learner’s creativity

3. Apply the title animation accurately

II- Content

A. Topic: Adding Titles or Credits

B. Materials: Computer Units

C. Reference: Windows Movie Maker 2000-2002 by Microsoft corp. pp.9-11

III- Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Daily Routine- Checking of Attendance, Uniform, ID

2. Drill/Review- Based on a discussion yesterday the student must”

1. identify the importance of video effect and transition

2. compare and differentiate the video effects to transition

3. recite at least 5 examples of effects and transitions

3. Motivation – showing a move entitled “ I got a Flower”

B. Development of the Lesson

Microsoft Movie Maker in Adding titles or credits

 Steps in adding to a movie

 Different options in choosing title location

 Categories of title animation

 Different icons in formatting title animation

C. Closing Activities

1. Generalization

The titles or credits creates an interesting sequence of your title to

2. Valuing

Develop creativity

3. Application

Voluntary Recitation

2-3 students will add titles or credits and choose title


IV. Evaluation



Topic: Saving a movie

1. Identify the different options

2. enumerate the steps

3. Explore the different options

Reference: Windows Movie Maker 2000-2002 by Microsoft corp. pp11-13


Reading of the guidance in the teaching of reading

Primary schools in clearly states: "reading to develop their thinking and inspire
students to taste. Reading ability of students to gradually increase the understanding of the
text content will gradually deepen." Thus, in Chinese teaching, proper and full use of reading
means to help students understand the content of the text, the Development of language,
development thinking and cultivate emotions. Also, can promote students understanding of
knowledge and memory, and can help students to accumulate a lot of words and sentences,
improve their comprehension and expression . Clearly, the emphasis on teaching reading in
the reading guidance is the responsibility of each level of language teachers should do. First,
the teacher read range, infection students For improving the reading levels of students,
teachers, the scope is very important to read. Because the text needs to be read in some places,
speaking on behalf of, some places do not read good content of the text can not be understood
well. Sometimes reading can also create a climate in which the highest point of the classroom
atmosphere . This requires teachers to read their own research, read a good text, attracted the
attention of the students, the students can not help but look the part. Teachers should allow
students to listen and when the norm would like to read, watched and painting, the right to
listen to the rhythm, pause and speed, to enable students to enter the mood. teachers in
guiding students to read, first read their own to be extremely rich. the only way to infected
students to lay the foundation for understanding the text. Second, based on teaching
materials, instruction reading Guidance should also pay attention to methods to read, pay
attention to targeted training. Based materials based on the analysis in the text, to enable
students to read, so that the students themselves to chew, taste. While also guiding students to
read the text proper emotional, sense of language training. Emotionally speaking, reading in
guiding the process, we must combine teaching reading in the understanding of the text fully
Experience the thoughts and feelings of the article, the role and character cultivation. Like
<<Prairie >>,<< Lin >>,<< cute grass Tong>> and other such artistic conception, strong
emotion, beautifully written texts, but also to enable students to understand the thoughts and
feelings on the basis of the text, using appropriate tone, speed, and read with feeling.

On the style, the teacher in guiding reading, it is necessary to carry out according to the
different read style guide. If feeling strong reading, language beautiful, lively style you will be
taken along distinct rhythm, the circumflex tone, one go to read the language the potential to
experience the beautiful landscape of Guilin scenery, mountains and rivers of the country to
express the love of good feelings. Third, the key paragraph, focus on reading Key section of
the text, some words are also very accurate, some very deep meaning of the sentence, on a
larger role in the performance of the central idea. Guide the students read well these words,
paragraphs, the article can help the student understand the thoughts and feelings. For
example, when Reading "<unforgettable lesson>> in the" here are the original paintings of
the great men of Japan, and now 'recovery', and put our own great men in China. "Phrase
reading, teachers should first guide students to understand the sentence in a little word, and
then read again and asked to read the Words a little stress, emotional to read, so that students
truly understand: this hall are linked to the Japanese original great, and now recovery, and
hanging on China's own great man, this is a matter how hard ah! Strong national spirit and
deep patriotic feelings of the author's eyes moist. Teachers on the key sentences and
paragraphs to read the guide, both to enhance the students of the texts central meaning of the
master, but also can promote the key paragraph in the profound meaning of the statement of
understanding, to achieve the training of language sense, genuine emotion reads the text and
lay solid foundation. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download IV into the chant
familiar to stimulate interest


Reflecting on the Readings in whether ICT raises student achievement

From the reading I have done, there is very little research and data gathered in whether
Computers in the classroom raise student achievement. Kirkpatrick & Cuban's (1998)
article on Computers make kids smarter-right? critiques the flaws in the research on this
subject and the mistakes researchers make with lack of aim /purpose, data gathering and
effectiveness statements. The effectiveness statements from a lot of studies lack
credibility and are of little use, unless there is elaboration on the childrens' ages, the
subject, the software used, the kinds of outcomes that were sought, and how the study
was done (Kirkpatrick & Cuban 1998). Over the years, I have been doing university
study on this subject e.g. computers, technologies, pod casting, digital story telling etc, I
have noticed that a lot of research articles that appear on the databases do not cover
these aspects.

* Type of study being conducted: Qualitative or Quantitative

* The aim / focus as to why the research is being conducted
* Name of the school
* Sample size
* Participants - age, year group and number required
* Methodology
* Groupings:- experimental, control, random
* Data Gathering e.g. interviews, test, survey, (frequency of this process)
* Findings / Results
* Data Analysis
* Summary
* Evaluation / Conclusion

Kirkpatrick & Cuban (1998) highlights that a lot of material on the use of technologies
in the classroom do not have a clear focus / purpose on what the technology is used for,
why it is used and how it relates to the learning. Another area research falls down is
when standardized tests are used for comparing student progress before and after the
computer technologies are implemented (Kirpatrick & Cuban). This type of assessment
does not measure what the computer has taught the students. This type of assessment is
like comparing apples with bananas. There are so many other influences which may
determine whether one group performs better than the other group.

One of the interesting aspects I found out from Kirkpatrick & Cuban's article was
how magazines, newspapers and policy briefs are very selective in which studies they cite
and sometimes ignore the research findings. It makes me wonder whether to believe
everything I read on this subject if the content is biased and not research driven. A lot of
misinterpretations can easily occur, without the full facts. It makes us all gullible to
misled information.

Another article I've read was Schacter and Fagnano (1999) on Does Computer
Technology Improve Student Learning and Achievement? How, When, and under what
Conditions? In this article a range of software programmes were reviewed that fitted
under Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Intelligent Tutoring systems.
The results from the implementation of these software programmes enabled these areas to
be explored further inquiry learning, reflection, collaboration, co-operative learning,
design and creativity. Learning improved more so than traditional classroom teaching
methods. This was through ensuring computer technologies are designed according to
different educational and psychological theories and principles. I believe the key to this
success was making sure that the technology integrated with what the students were
currently learning. Schacter & Fagnano (1999) argue meaningful learning computer
technologies need to be designed to align with sound learning theory and pedagogy.
So overall as educators we need to have a clear purpose as to why we are using a
particular technology to enhance student learning and we also need to relate it back to
sound learning theory and pedagogy.


Research Regarding Direct Instruction

One of the biggest problems in teaching phonics is that a substantial amount of

drill is required. In poorly designed phonics programs, young children are expected to sit
through hours of dull repetition. This is unfortunate, since it is possible to turn drill into a
highly engaging, exciting group activity through the use of Direct Instruction (DI). Direct
Instruction is a specific teaching style originally developed at the University of Illinois
and later at the University of Oregon. It has the following attributes:

• Homogeneous Skill Grouping: Children are grouped according to their levels of ability, rather
than according to age or other factors. If you are going to teach the same material to a group of
children, they clearly benefit most if they are all able to follow the material.

• Scripted Class Sessions: Teachers use pre-designed scripts when teaching. The scripts are based
on extensive research regarding student retention, and every aspect of every script is based upon
results that were demonstrated through research. The great advantage of this approach is that
every teacher using the script becomes the beneficiary of that research and will probably teach
much more effectively than if left to his or her own devices.

• Intense, Constant Student Interaction: The scripted sessions consist primarily of sequences of
stimulus/response pairings, wherein the teacher stimulates the class with a description of a
concept, an illustration of the concept through an example, and finally a request that the class
repeat the example. The class responds orally, usually as a group.

• Teaching to Mastery: The group does not move on until everyone in the group understands the

There is a substantial body of research supporting the use of DI for early childhood
instruction, although it is not nearly as voluminous as the research supporting phonics since
DI is relatively new. If you are interested in more information about DI research, you can
visit the web site of the Association for Direct Instruction. This web site and its associated
University of Oregon ADI site together contain samples of DI materials, including a sample
DI script, samples of the SRA Reading Mastery curriculum, an extensive bibliography of
research supporting the use of both phonics and DI, and a summary of the results of the
largest and longest educational research study ever conducted - the U.S. Department of
Education's "Project Follow Through".
Project Follow-Through

Project Follow-Through began in 1967 under president Lyndon Johnson. Its express purpose
was to study instructional methods that would lead to a reduction in the disparity between
low- and high-performing students by improving the performance of low-performing
students. It was ultimately concluded in 1995 after consuming $1 billion and conducting
research on over 20,000 students nationwide. The reading portion of this study involved over
15,000 students and was designed to test the effectiveness of three major models of reading
instruction. Three specific reading programs were studied under each of the three major
models. The major models (and their associated specific programs) are:

1. Basic Skills Model

This model holds that the objective of education is to induce certain behaviors, all
behaviors are learned, and that carefully designed instruction must be employed in
order to induce those behaviors. The specific programs for this group were:

• Behavior Reinforcement: Social praise and tokens are given to children for correct responses
and tokens are traded for desired activities. Teachers use scripts, and instruction is provided
incrementally. Sponsored by the University of Kansas.

• Direct Instruction: This program emphasizes the teaching of phonemic awareness and phonics,
using the DI techniques described above. The reading curriculum here is essentially the same
SRA Reading Mastery curriculum that we are using. Sponsored by the University of Oregon.

• Language Development: is an eclectic approach emphasizing language development rather than

explicit reading skills. Sponsored by the Southwest Educational Developmental Laboratory.

2. Cognitive/Conceptual Skills Model

This model holds that cognitive growth should be emphasized over the learning of
specific content. A variety of instructional techniques are supported, with the
common thread being an emphasis on self-guided activity and interaction with the
environment. The specific programs for this group were:

• Cognitively-Oriented Curriculum: Based on Piaget's theories of underlying cognitive

processes, this curriculum encourages children to schedule their own activities. Teaching emphasizes
"labeling and explaining causal relationships". Sponsored by the High Scope Foundation.
• Parent Education: Parents of disadvantaged children are taught to teach their own children.
Teaching emphasizes language instruction (precise nature not specified) and development of motor and
cognitive skills. Sponsored by the University of Florida.

• Self Directed Literature: Students are exposed to literature relating to their own experiences and
interest. Child-directed choices are emphasized, based in part on the assumption that student choice
would enhance enjoyment and facilitate learning through each child's individual learning style. The
specific curriculum here was the Tucson Early Education Model (TEEM), sponsored by the University of

3. Affective Skills Model

The "psychodynamic approach" considers social and emotional goals to be essential

for optimal development of the whole child. Learning presupposes the development
of a healthy individual possessing a positive self-image, trust, emotional stability, and
constructive peer relationships. Instruction emphasizes the quality of interpersonal
relations and an environment which supports self-actualization, assuming that each
child knows what is best for his personal growth. The specific programs for this
group were:

•Learning Center: is based on the "Head Start" nursery school approach, extended into
elementary school. Children select their own learning options at learning centers where they select their
own options in a classroom structured to provide maximal learning opportunities. Sponsored by the Bank
Street College of Education.

• Open Education: is based on the British Infant School model, extended into elementary school.
Learning centers were used here also, and children were further assumed to be entirely responsible for
their own learning, with no teacher-directed instruction provided. Sponsored by the Education
Development Center.

• Self Esteem: is another program utilizing learning centers, but here the curriculum emphasis was
on the development of self-esteem. The central philosophy is that the curriculum must respond
dynamically to the individual needs of each child. The specific curriculum here was the Responsive
Education Model, sponsored by the Far West Laboratory.


Each program had four to eight sites, with children starting in either kindergarten or first
grade. Each Follow-Through (FT) school district identified a non-Follow-Through (NFT)
district to act as a control group. A total of 9,255 FT and 6,485 NFT children were in the
final analysis group. Students in each school district were tested at entry and then each
spring until third grade. Three types of assessments were conducted covering academic
performance, cognitive development, and affective behavior. All FT program sponsors
agreed in advance upon the assessments. The following five tests were used:

•Metropolitan Achievement Test: an achievement test that assess basic skills and cognitive and
conceptual skills, including reading comprehension and math problem solving;

•Wide Range Achievement Test: measures number recognition, spelling, word reading, and oral
and written math problems;

•Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices: measures cognitive skills through the use of visually
oriented problems;

•Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Scale: measured affective skills by assessing whether

children attribute their successes and failures to themselves or to external forces;

•Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory: assesses how children feel about themselves, the way they
think other people feel about them, and their feelings about school.




Bachelor of Business Teacher Education, that’s my course, I almost finish my four year

course after so many requirements. After graduating in a course of Bachelor of Business

Teacher Education, like the other education students, I also have a plan to take and

passed the Licensure Examination for teachers or LET. While preparing in

Examination, I plan to work in Private Schools to earned money and also to gained

experienced and enrolled in Review Center for the Examination. If I passed or not

the LET I decided to take a Masters Degree in any Institutions and after I passed this

degree I will work in University and Colleges as a par timer professor . After 3 years

working in Private or Public school and being Par timer Professor I will buy house lot

for my family and I will settle all their financial needs. And after that I will travel to

Paris to live and to work in that wonderful city in France.

First Week (Dec. 2-10, 2010)


After approving us in Novaliches High School, the TLE Head Mr. Maximo Ramos
introduced us in our cooperating teacher, and explained if how many hours should we need to
take in their electives. I was assigned at ICT Class, and my Cooperating Teacher is Mrs. Adriana
Mabunga, I was nervous that time and while she explained and gave her schedule to me she look
like a strict CT, I copied her scheduled and then she also gave her lesson plan to be a guide. In
this week I observed her class, and I noticed that all of them are belong in a higher sections and
handled only 1 lower section. Our scheduled is from 10:10-4:50, she doesn’t have a advisory
class. She was very strict in terms of deadlines of their projects and portfolios. December 8, that
was Wednesday, was the day of their third grading period unit test, and after that I record their
exams and because she was not around on the next day I handled the next class, some of them
was asking a questions about me and my course and what is my purpose why I stayed in Ma’m
Mabunga. And they are very obedient maybe because they are belong in a higher section, that
experienced was great and I enjoy my first week even though I was so nervous that time.

Second Week (January 3-7, 2011)


The first day of the class for 2011, I am very excited that time because I am the one who
will facilitate the class for their hands-on activity in creating email address. I prepared my lesson
plan because my cooperating teacher will check. The first class is the third year section one,
they are very responsible enough and they know what to do during the hands-on activity. But
suddenly I was surprise on our next class the all boys class which never seen last year, they know
how to search and everything but the real topic was hard enough for them. Then, my patience
was test in their class and I feel very the pressure that I need to explained the lesson very well for
them to easily catch up. The result was some of them didn’t passed because they are late, but
generally that was a great experience for me, I conclude that even they are belong in one section
their capability and capacity in understanding lessons was different in each students.

Third Week ( January 11-14, 2011)


The continuation of discussion on Microsoft Power point, in creating and

inserting clipart or object inside the placeholder and designing the template using the Linux. For
me, this is also the adjustment period, I need to execute my lesson plan properly and I need to
feel that I am teacher this time. I feel that the class was feel comfortable while I’m in a front of
the class that’s why I easily lessen my nervous. I also prepared to lecture method for the higher
sections and the demonstration for the not so good students.

Fourth Week (January 14-21 2011)


The first 3 days is the preparation for their third periodical test, that’s why this was their
review, review from the creating Email up to introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint. And then
Thursday and Friday the day of their exam I was stayed at the ICT Room, because Ma’m
Mabunga doesn’t have a advisory class to supervise. I just record and compute the grades of the
students and were just waiting for their projects and portfolios. I think this was my rest days.

Fifth Week (January 24-28, 2011)


The adjustment period to fourth grading period, were preparing the students for the final
grading and also assessed the students if they can pass subject. The submission of the
requirements and introduction to their lessons in fourth grading, and Ma’m Mabunga evaluated
them about their periodical exams.

Sixth week ( January 31- February 2, 2011)

The fourth grading formerly start this week, but the continuation of their lessons in
PowerPoint presentation, the hands-on activity that composed 5 different topics, they are given
10 mins to do the activity. But before they go on their activity I need demonstrate first the
activity one by one. The demonstration was done well in my first class and they finished the
activity one very well, they are grouped into 4 with student number each. And after the class I
need to check one by one their work and need to record on that day.

Seventh and Eight Week (February 7-18, 2011)


The fourth grading period also included the Microsoft Movie Maker, the preparation of
my lesson was not so hard for me because my cooperating teacher provides a hand outs for these
topics, the seventh week, I discussed the environment of Movie Maker and also its parts. But I
feel the difficulties because I never encountered the creating movies using movie maker, I need
to have an additional research about it. This lesson also need a demonstration in every lesson ant
make my own output to be presented in front of the class. I also feel the interest of the students
and their willingness to learn for their new lessons they cooperate and participate in discussing
these lessons.

Ninth Week (February 21-25, 2011)


I need to prepare the exam for the students such as Long test and Unit test and also two
Quizzes, because they are all fourth year students they are advance on the other year level, the
submission of their grades was early than the other. We’re rushed in doing those exams, we
need to gave those exams for only just this week to easily have a tentative graduating students.
While giving the exams, i feel the importance of time and the attending the class early as I can, I
feel the difficulties is giving a special schedule of exam for the late and absent students during
the day of examination. And aside from the pressure for the fourth year students, I also need to
prepare my demonstration plan that will do this week Thursday. I was so happy after my
demonstration, I feel so great because my unexpected demonstration class participated very well
and they are very good in achieving my objectives.
Tenth Week (February 28- March 4,2011)


The completion, the students must pass all their requirement for the computation of their
grades, Mam Mabunga require them to pass portfolio and their project their scrap book or the
compilation of the fourth year life. While I’m reading their scrapbook, they are so happy
creating and designing their projects and I’d seen that they enjoyed doing that project. And also
I was glad that I am included in their scrapbook even though I’m just a student teacher, I am
happy because they appreciate my efforts.

Eleventh Week (March 7-11, 2011)


The computation of time and my evaluation week, after almost 3 months teaching the
students of Novaliches High School that was my last week. We’ve evaluated and gave our
clearance to our TLE head and Cooperating teacher.
 Foreign
Student Teaching: Invaluable Classroom Experience
for a Career in Education

by Natalie Pezzenti, staff writer

For Xavier University graduate, Ashley Morgan, the student teaching experience was
one she'll never forget. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in early
childhood education and is currently working towards her master's in reading and
reading endorsement.

Morgan reflected on her time as a student teacher and the benefits it brought to her career as a kindergarten
teacher at Shawnee Early Childhood School in West Chester, Ohio.

Hobsons: Tell me about the student teaching process at your college. How does it work? Do you teach
for a quarter/semester at a time?

Morgan: I student taught for an entire semester during the fall. During the previous spring semester, we
received our student teaching assignments. For Xavier, it is a prerequisite to spend ten hours in the assigned
classroom before your technical"start date" to ensure that your cooperating teacher is a good fit for you.

Hobsons: What was going through your mind before you student taught for the first time?

Morgan: Before I began to student teach, it was really a mixture of emotions. It really is a foreign concept
to teach every day, day after day, for months on end until you actually student teach. I had student teaching
experiences before my"official" student teaching, but never for a full day (from start to finish) and never for
every day for consecutive weeks. I was curious to see the dynamics of the classroom and excited to learn
from my cooperating teacher.

Hobsons: How many students were in your class? What grade did you teach and what subjects?
Morgan: I student taught in a first grade classroom at Shawnee Elementary in the Lakota Local School
District. The subjects were reading workshop, writing workshop, unit study (which consisted of science and
social studies), and investigations mathematics.

Hobsons: What kind of planning does it take for one day of teaching? How many hours of prepwork?

Morgan: Planning is always fairly time consuming. Counting planning and collaboration meetings with
other teachers on your team, it usually takes at least two hours to plan for your entire week. As for prep
work, teachers have a never-ending"to-do" list. You do the best you can with the hours you have, but it
never seems like your list is quite empty.

Hobsons: What was it like being in charge of your own classroom?

Morgan: Exhausting! It worked out well, because it was a nice ease-in to what the"real" teaching world is
like (having only one teacher in the room on most occasions). Keep in mind that although I was teaching
the entire time, my cooperating teacher had to be in [the classroom as well]. Really, it was like team-
teaching with two teachers in the classroom.

Hobsons: Do you feel student teaching (in general) is beneficial to up-and-coming teachers? How so?

Morgan: I do, because without student teaching, you really have no idea what
the"real" teaching world is like. I found that I grew the most as an educator during
this time. There is only so much educational theory you can learn and memorize
before you need to jump into the field and learn what is practical to who you are as
an educator and what is best for the children. During this time you pick up things you
like and plan to do in the classroom and (in some cases), you decide on what NOT to
do. Fortunately, I had a great experience and had a plethora of great management
techniques to come away with.

 Local
What has become of education in the Philippines?
The state of the educational system in the Philippines is a great cause for
worry. We used to produce students who were well-rounded and ready for the
challenges of the real world. Today, for every 10 children who start their
primary education, only 6 go on to continue with their secondary education,
and 4 will manage to enter college. What happened? Other countries used to
send their students to the Philippines to learn, now they've overtaken us and
are the experts. Isn't that frustrating?

I hope to be able to make some sense about the decline in the quality of
education, and with the help of people as concerned as I, do something to
change for the better.
Key Issues in Philippine Education
Literacy rate in the Philippines has improved a lot over the last few years- from 72
percent in 1960 to 94 percent in 1990. This is attributed to the increase in both the
number of schools built and the level of enrollment in these schools.

The number of schools grew rapidly in all three levels - elementary, secondary, and
tertiary. From the mid-1960s up to the early 1990, there was an increase of 58
percent in the elementary schools and 362 percent in the tertiary schools. For the
same period, enrollment in all three levels also rose by 120 percent. More than 90
percent of the elementary schools and 60 percent of the secondary schools are
publicly owned. However, only 28 percent of the tertiary schools are publicly owned.

A big percentage of tertiary-level students enroll in and finish commerce and

business management courses. Table 1 shows the distribution of courses taken,
based on School Year 1990-1991. Note that the difference between the number of
enrollees in the commerce and business courses and in the engineering and
technology courses may be small - 29.2 percent for commerce and business and
20.3 percent for engineering and technology. However, the gap widens in terms of
the number of graduates for the said courses.

On gender distribution, female students have very high representation in all three
levels. At the elementary level, male and female students are almost equally
represented. But female enrollment exceeds that of the male at the secondary and
tertiary levels . Also, boys have higher rates of failures, dropouts, and repetition in
both elementary and secondary levels.

Aside from the numbers presented above, which are impressive, there is also a
need to look closely and resolve the following important issues: 1) quality of
education 2) affordability of education 3) goverment budget for education; and 4)
education mismatch.

1. Quality - There was a decline in the quality of the Philippine education, especially
at the elementary and secondary levels. For example, the results of standard tests
conducted among elementary and high school students, as well as in the National
College of Entrance Examination for college students, were way below the target
mean score.

2. Affordability - There is also a big disparity in educational achievements across

social groups. For example, the socioeconomically disadvantaged students have
higher dropout rates, especially in the elementary level. And most of the freshmen
students at the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families.

3. Budget - The Philippine Constitution has mandated the goverment to allocate the
highest proportion of its budget to education. However, the Philippines still has one
of the lowest budget allocations to education among the ASEAN countries.

4. Mismatch - There is a large proportion of "mismatch" between training and actual

jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the
existence of a large group of educated unemployed or underemployed.

The following are some of the reforms proposed:

1. Upgrade the teachers' salary scale. Teachers have been underpaid; thus there is
very little incentive for most of them to take up advanced trainings.

2. Amend the current system of budgeting for education across regions, which is
based on participation rates and units costs. This clearly favors the more developed
regions. There is a need to provide more allocation to lagging regions to narrow the
disparity across regions.

3. Stop the current practice of subsidizing state universities and colleges to enhance
access. This may not be the best way to promote equity. An expanded scholarship
program, giving more focus and priority to the poor, maybe more equitable.

4. Get all the leaders in business and industry to become actively involved in higher
education; this is aimed at addressing the mismatch problem. In addition, carry out
a selective admission policy, i.e., installing mechanisms to reduce enrollment in
oversubscribed courses and promoting enrollment in undersubscribed ones.

5. Develop a rationalized apprenticeship program with heavy inputs from the

private sector. Furthermore, transfer the control of technical training to industry
groups which are more attuned to the needs of business and industry

Woes of a FIlipino Teacher

magine yourself a Filipino teacher. Imagine yourself a teacher in a public
school. Imagine yourself handling a class of 60 to 70 students. Imagine
yourself handling two shifts of classes with 60 to 70 students.

Yes, it is a nightmare. And yes it happens in real life within the public school
system. It is a manifestation of the two most prevalent problems in the
educational system: lack of classrooms and lack of teachers.

In fairness, most private school teachers, especially those in small private

schools, will admit that public school mentors earn more than they do. But
even with the relatively higher wages, it does not seem to compensate for
the daily travails of public school teachers.
The ideal ratio of teacher to student is 1:25. The less number of children
handled by one mentor, the more attention can be given to each individual,
especially if their learning competencies are not equal. With 25 students in a
class, the teacher is likely to know each of her students, not only by face but
by name and how they are actually performing in class.

But with 60 children in a classroom, it is a miracle how teachers are able to

stay sane every single day. They hardly know their pupils, save for the
excellent ones or unfortunately, the notorious. She does not even bother to
remember them. How can she? Classrooms are cramped, if there are any at
all. Many classes are held in makeshift rooms meaning a multi-purpose
covered court with partitions where 4 or 5 classes are merely separated by
thin plywood walls. With 60 kids north, east, south and west, it's a wonder
teachers can hear themselves over the din.

And how do you tailor lessons with so many competencies to consider? Often,
the result is children are left to cope on their own. If they get the lesson, well
and good. Otherwise, they are lucky to pass at the end of the year.

Yes, students are still divided into sections and they are grouped into the
level of their academic skills. Which leaves those who are academically
challenged lumped together and their teacher to stretch her skills, patience,
resources and dedication to addressing the need of her students.

Resources are another matter. Many public school classrooms are equipped
with the most basic of equipment: a blackboard, chalk and eraser. Some are
fortunate to have visual aids, either donated or purchased by the school. But
many times, a teacher will not only have to be creative, but will dig into her
own pocket to produce the kind of materials she needs and wants to teach

It used to be that rolls of Manila paper were adequate to write down the
lesson for the day. But this can get to be very expensive, especially if the
lessons are long. And with a class so huge, children are barely able to see
small handwriting from the back, so you need to write bigger, and use more
paper. Children always welcome additional and unique visual aids, and woe
to the teacher who has to create them if she wants her subject or lesson to
be more interesting.

Which brings us to the budget for visual aids. It is non-existent, except if you
choose to shell out on your own. Teachers still have to make ends meet. And
often, their pay is simply not enough to cover their needs, as well as their
The Department of Education just announced that so many millions of pesos
have been released for the construction and repair of classrooms around the
country. I believe this will only cover those included in a priority list. But there
are many more schools which lack classrooms, and more communities that
lack schools.

When additional classrooms are built, will there be additional teachers? If new
teachers will be hired, will there be a budget to support their wages?

It's a never-ending cycle, because the government has yet to come up with a
plan that will finally address these problems.


Vanessa Fajardo Brimon

Ph. 10A Pkg. 2 Blk. 2 Lot 20 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09124906028

JOB OBJECTIVE: Be able to be a Student Teacher to enhance and develop my skills

and knowledge.


 Computer literate
 Basic Stenography ( English, Filipino and Machine Shorthand


Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Commonwealth, Quezon City
Bachelor in Business Teacher Education (BBTE)

Kalayaan National High School

Ph. 10 B. Bagong Silang, Caloocan City

Kalayaan Elementary School

Ph. 10 B. Bagong Silang, Caloocan City


• PUPQC: Building and Strengthening a March 26, 2011

Learning Community
• Enhancing Teaching Skills October 2010
towards Professionalism
Environmental Management: October 2010
Social Responsibility
• Job street Career Congress September 2010


Age: 20years old

Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth : October 13, 1990
January 5, 2011
I- Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. define the MS PowerPoint and its function, differentiate to MS Word.

2. Listen and Participate

3. Manipulate and practice the 3 types of presentations.

IV- Content

A. Topic: Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint

B. Materials: Computer Units

C. Reference: Simple PowerPoint by Antonio Andes pp.3-5

V- Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Daily Routine- Checking of Attendance, Uniform, ID

2. Drill/Review- Differentiate Ms Word to Ms PowerPoint

3. Motivation – Based on their knowledge about Opening MS Word and

Ms Excel the students will try to open up Ms PowerPoint.

B. Development of the Lesson

Microsoft PowerPoint tool to create professional presentations

 Ways in starting up the office

 Types of Presentations

C. Closing Activities

1. Generalization

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful tool to create a professional

looking presentations and slide shows. There are two ways in open up the
office, and there are 3 types of presentations; the Auto content wizard,
Design Template and Blank presentation

2. Valuing
Be Patience in creating different presentations and follow the steps

3. Application

Voluntary Recitation

Each student will try to use the 3 Presentations and differentiate


VI. Evaluation


1. Define the Microsoft PowerPoint

2. State the ways of Starting up the Office

3. Recognize the 3 types of presentation


Topic: Opening existing Presentation and the PowerPoint Screen

1. What is the steps in opening an existing presentations

2. what are the different PowerPoint Screen

3. Identify the functions of the PowerPoint Screen (each)

Reference: Simple PowerPoint by Antonio Andes pp 6-10

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