Death of Rats Illusion Knit

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Death of Rats Illusion Knit

Hey there. This is my first attempt at coherantly sharing a pattern with other knitters, so if
something is unclear, strange or just plain wrong let me know, and I'll do my best to fix it.

Gauge is somewhat irrelevant here, but a tighter knit will produce a better result. I used size 4mm
needles, with white and black double knit wool, and the end product was 41x63cm approx.

This is an illusion knit, and the chart charts ridges, not rows. The key to the chart is as follows:
Grey = knit with light colour
Brown = knit with dark colour
White = purl with whichever colour is appropriate to the current row.

Alternate ridges between light and dark.

The red grid is 5x5 stitches, the entire pattern is 90x125 stitches.

To start:
CO 90 in dark colour.
P row in dark colour
K row light colour
K row light colour
K row dark colour
P row dark colour
K row light colour
K row light colour
K row dark colour

At this point the first

detail row is reached.

P35 K5 P5 K17 P28

dark colour
K row light colour
K40 P22 K 28

Always knit the non
charted rows, and
alternate dark and light
colours for ridge.

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