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March 29, 2011

Dear Friends,

It is a great joy for me to announce my 11th pilgrimage to the Holy Land, ADVENT IN THE HOLY LAND,
November 28-December 10, 2011.

Attached is the itinerary and the registration form for this pilgrimage. We spend the first week in the
Galilee, the place where most of our Lord’s life and ministry took place. We will visit his home in
Nazareth, journey the towns and areas of his itinerant preaching and healing work, and sail on the Sea of
Galilee. Then we travel for a day in Jericho and then up to Jerusalem, the place of his death and
resurrection. We will open the Bible and ponder the saving acts of God that took place exactly where
we will be standing. We will worship, and pray, and make Eucharist, celebrating the truths and stories of
our faith where they happened.

It is my deep conviction that, if possible, every Christian should journey at least once in a lifetime to the
very soil of the land that the Son of God walked. No one returns the same person. Your faith will be
challenged and deepened.

Please read the attached brochure, and feel free to call me (781-223-5611) if you have any questions. A
minimum of 15 registrants is required by July 19.

Shalom in Christ,

The Rev. Jürgen Liias


Church Offices: 85 Constitution Lane, Suite 200-A, Danvers, MA 01923 Telephone: 978 774 3163 FAX: 978 774 3164
Worship Facility: 188 Elliott Street, Danvers, MA 01923

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