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Republic of the Philippines


Quezon City

Student Teaching Portfolio Of


Bachelor in Business Teacher Education
(A.Y 2010-2011)

Assigned at:

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Campus
Don Fabian St. Brgy. Commonwealth Quezon City

Submitted To:

Prof. Marilyn F. Isip

Prof. Sheryl R. Morales

March 2011
Republic of the Philippines
Quezon City

Student Teaching Portfolio Of


Bachelor in Business Teacher Education
(A.Y 2010-2011)

Assigned at:

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Campus
Don Fabian St. Brgy. Commonwealth Quezon City

Submitted To:

Prof. Marilyn F. Isip

Prof. Sheryl R. Morales

March 2011

A Teacher’s Prayer
PUP Vision and Mission
PUP Quezon City Background
COABTE General Objectives and Course Outline
The Student Teacher’s Code
Community Outreach Program
Professional Career Plan
Weekly Narrative Report
Current Issues in Education
Curriculum Vitae
Photograph Collection
Daily Time Record
Student Teaching Schedule

It is with great humility that I present and dedicate this writing to my family,

friends, and future educators to someone who stood by my side and giving me all the

inspiration and support that I need. And most especially to the one and only source of my

strength, courage, knowledge and everything to our Almighty God… Thank you for

allowing me to bask in your loving presence as I continue facing the world.

Thank you very much!


I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the people who helped me for

enhancing my skills, developing my potentials and exploring my abilities and capacity of

becoming a teacher with regard to my journey in this beautiful field of teaching. I want to

thank the following:

• Ms. Nora Ferrer and Mr. Ferdinand Ferrer, when the time that I decided to

to take the PUPCET thank you for the financial and moral support that

you’ve given me that is why I have the chance to enter the tertiary level


• Ms. Kristel Joyce Delos Santos and Mr. Ian Genesis Fernandez, up to this

moment I will never forget what we’ve been through just for me to enter

the university.

• Members of the church choir, Ka. Ramon and Adora Manga, Ka. Liberty

Nova, Tita Nancy Ambay, Nanay Sol Padilla. This people really

contribute a lot of help when I am in times of need especially when it

comes to financial aspect. Thank you so much for all the good things that

you’ve done to me.

• BFF (Best friends Forever) Daisy Escaño, Romelie Gado, Marvin

Valenzuela, Jhimlet Dela Peña and Family, thank you for being there

always on the times that I am stressed and pressured for the bonding,
nightlife at Dela Peña Mansion Ka. Lita thanks for all your support to us,

our friendship really matters to me I hope nothing will change.

• Administrative and Faculty staff of PUPQC, for giving me the chance to

have my practice teaching in the university, and for trusting me during

the time when I am still a Student Assistant thank you for the opportunity

that the university had given me.

• Prof. Norberto Caturay, Prof. Marilyn F. Isip, Prof. Sheryl R. Morales, Dr.

Lily G. Mendoza, Prof. Artemus Cruz, Prof. Cleotilde B. Servigon, Prof.

Doris B. Gatan, Prof. Rosalinda R. Madelo, I want to thank all these

professors for their valuable guidance and assistance all throughout my

practice teaching. They served as my mentors I am truly affected their

spontaneous acts of love, appreciation and support I have kept all your

advice in my heart thank you very much.

• My Students, BBTE 1-1, BBTE 2-1, BSEM 1-2, BSBA-HRDM 1-1,

BSBA-HRDM 2-N, and DOMT 1-1. I want to thank them because they

served as my training ground they helped me to modify and improve my

teaching career. I’ve also learned a lot from them the time that we spend

together inside and outside the classroom was such an experience I would

remember forever.

• My Classmates, Einjels and True Friends. In four years of being together

thank you for all the joy, laughter, good and bad memories for everything

that’s happen to us lately especially now that we are about to separate

ways remember that God has a reason and purpose for all of this. Thank

you so much, hope to see each other again after years of our graduation.

• My Family, who always served as my inspiration for me to continue and

pursue my dream my victory in this battle is lovingly dedicated them.

Finally, I owe all of these to our Almighty God who gave me strength, guidance

and wisdom. I want to thank him for giving me the knowledge and skills that I have used

to pursue my chosen career and for making me feel that the profession that I have chosen

is not a regretful one. Thank you for all the blessings that you continue showered to me.

It feels my heart with so much joy. To God be the glory!


Student Teacher Training is the preparation of an individual to be a professional

teacher. This part of training is manifested after the complex nature of the teacher

learning process while taking up the pre service education.

Individuals who intend to become a teacher are required to fully understand and

appreciate the genuine definition of teaching. And as teaching implies, it is the

systematic presentation of facts, ideas, skills, and techniques to the students. Although

human beings have survived and evolved as a species partly because of the capacity to

share knowledge, teaching as a profession did not emerge until relatively recently in

which designated people assumed responsibility for educating the young ones.

Teachers are like leaves that flourish everywhere but effective teachers are like

fruits, they are rarely found. In view of that, more than knowledge and skills, an effective

teacher should be compassionate and understanding. This kind of training inside the pre

service education, you will learn the important factors which are part of the components

in searching the true meaning of teaching profession.

Student Teaching is the foremost and most important step in moving from

amateur status on the way to gain the competencies that mark the factual professional

status. The true existence of this certain part of the student teacher training is not to be

focus only to the perfection itself but of striving for competence.

Student teacher training is a time for growing confidence and beginning expertise

to get a chance to learn and put the skills on the line of his own classroom.

I want to teach my students how--

To live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife
And to improve their worth.

Not just the lesson in a book,

Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go.

To understand eternal truth,

And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song,

For if I help the world to grow

In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won
And I have filled my place.

And so I ask your guidance, God

That I may do my part,
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.

Help me to be a fine teacher,

to keep peace in the classroom,
peace between my students and myself,
to be kind and gentle
to each and every one of my students.
Help me to be merciful to my students,
to balance mercy and discipline
in the right measure for each student,
to give genuine praise as much as possible,
to give constructive criticism
in a manner that is palatable to my students.
Help me to remain conscientious
enough to keep my lessons always interesting,
to recognize what motivates each of my students,
to accept my students' limitations
and not hold it against them.
Help me not to judge my students too harshly,
to be fair to all,
to be a good role model,
but most of all Lord help me
to show your love to all of my students.


Towards a Total University


The mission of PUP in the 21st Century is to provide the highest quality of
comprehensive and global education and community services accessible to all students,
Filipinos and foreigners alike.

It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are responsive to the
changing needs of the students to enable them to lead productive and meaningful lives.

PUP commits itself to:

1. Democratize access to educational opportunities;

2. Promote science and technology consciousness and develop relevant expertise

and competence among all members of the academe, stressing their importance in
building a truly independent and sovereign Philippines;

3. Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth and its defense, as
well as the advancement of moral and spiritual values;
4. Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural heritage;

5. Develop in the students and faculty the values of self-discipline, love of country
and social consciousness and the need to defend human rights;

6. Provide its students and faculty with a liberal arts-based education essential to a
broader understanding and appreciation of life and to the total development of the

7. Make the students and faculty aware of technological, social as well as political
and economic problems and encourage them to contribute to the realization of
nationalist industrialization and economic development of the country;

8. Use and propagate the national language and other Philippine languages and
develop proficiency in English and other foreign languages required by the
students’ fields of specialization;

9. Promote intellectual leadership and sustain a humane and technologically

advanced academic community where people of diverse ideologies work and
learn together to attain academic, research and service excellence in a continually
changing world; and

10. Build a learning community in touch with the main currents of political, economic
and cultural life throughout the world; a community enriched by the presence of a
significant number of international students; and a community supported by new
technologies that facilitate active participation in the creation and use of
information and knowledge on a global scale.

Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at
providing appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the
development of the citizens, and of the national economy to become globally
competitive, the University shall commit its academic resources and manpower to
achieve its goals through:

1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which meet international

standards of quality and excellence;

2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines

relevant and responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international

3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education opportunities to deserving

and qualified Filipinos; and

4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social, institutional, and

individual returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education


As a state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines believes that:

 Education is an instrument for the development of the citizenry and for the
enhancement of nation building;

 Meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best achieved in an

atmosphere of brotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented
education imbued with the spirit of humanist internationalism.
PUP: The Total University Ten-Point Agenda

1. Foster High Quality Campus Environment

2. Strategize and Institutionalize Income Generating Projects
3. Strengthen Research, Publications and Creative Works
4. Model Quality Management and Fiscal Responsibility
5. Improve Sense of Community Involvement and Linkages
6. Institutionalize the Principles of Academic Freedom and Responsibility
7. Promote Academic Excellence in Student and Faculty Performance Nationally
and Internationally
8. Nurture and Enrich Our Cultural Heritage
9. Integrate ICT with Instruction, Research, Service and Production
10. Evolve Wholesome Living and Pleasant Working Environment for Faculty,
Employees and Students

1. Foster High Quality Campus Environment

• Expand state-of-the-art campus development programs

• Promote strong and vibrant life in the campus
• Improve campus site
• Complete ongoing and new infra projects
• Repair and rehabilitate existing structures
• Upgrade classroom facilities and laboratories
• Fast-track construction of on-campus residence infrastructures (Hasmin and
• Put up centers for specific purposes like the centralized accreditation center,
research center, student center, student/faculty/admin health and recreation

2. Strategize and Institutionalize Income Generating Projects

• Offer quality consultancy and training services

• Improve outsourcing services
• Promote industry-academe linkages
• Amplify networking with alumni and friends of the University
• Generate income through commercialization of research outputs

3. Strengthen Research, Publications and Creative Works

• Provide incentives and benefits to faculty members who engage in research,

textbook writing, and other creative works
• Encourage faculty members to present papers in national as well as international
research colloquia, fora and conferences of professional and scientific
• Institutionalize a Center for Data and Statistical Analysis
• Encourage collaborative research in the biological, physical and mathematical
• Develop applied research in biotechnology, environmental science, information
technology, and alternative fuel
• Develop strategies to increase external research funding both from private and
government funding agencies
• Publish refereed research journals
• Device mechanisms through which linkages, partnership and research tie ups with
S&T agencies could be expanded, strengthened and institutionalized

4. Model Quality Management and Fiscal Responsibility

• Bring about change in traditional bureaucratic organizational climate and culture

• Professionalize the bureaucracy through improved interpersonal relations and
organizational practices
• Deliver needed services to end-users (students, faculty, and staff) utilizing
material resources wisely, effectively, and promptly—right at the time that these
resources are needed the most
• Exhibit political will to serve different sectors of the academic community

5. Improve Sense of Community Involvement and Linkages

• Make its presence felt by meeting the needs of surrounding barangays and other
nearby communities
• Enhance student and faculty participation in outreach programs
• Keep both internal and external communities informed about the developments in
community outreach programs of the University
• Strengthen accountability to the communities being served by conducting needs
assessment, impact studies, and public general meetings
• Establish mutually beneficial linkages with national and international
organizations, businesses, alumni and associates of the university.

6. Institutionalize Principles of Academic Freedom and Responsibility

• Advocate the practice of academic freedom in all aspects of academic life

• Recognize the importance of responsibility in practicing such freedom
• Foster mutual respect between and among members of the academic
community—administrators, faculty, staff, alumni and family
• Develop control mechanisms that will check and monitor violations of such

7. Promote Academic Excellence in Student and Faculty Performance Nationally

and Internationally

• Maintain an accreditation rate of at least 95% for all academic programs eligible
for accreditation
• Increase recognition of centers of development/excellence
• Offer new programs such as Bachelor of Science in Biology, Bachelor of Science
in Railway Engineering, Master in Engineering, etc.
• Pilot ladderized programs in HRM, Tourism, IT and other courses
• Increase student success in completing academic program as measured by high
retention and graduation rates and high percentage of passing rate in different
licensure board examinations
• Increase percentage of faculty with master’s and doctoral degrees
• Strengthen alliance with international institutions and agencies for student and
faculty academic exchange and scholarships
• Upgrade academic programs and standards towards global competitiveness by
developing learner-centered curricula that incorporate international and
interdisciplinary components in the undergraduate, Graduate School and Open
• Recognize outstanding students and student organizations, faculty and employees
• Pilot a “Tele-University” as an alternative delivery of instruction
• Increase recruitment, retention and graduation rates of foreign students

8. Nurture and Enrich Our Cultural Heritage

• Support worthy programs and projects that will nurture and enrich our cultural
• Identify areas through which different cultural activities could be best nurtured
and enriched
• Initiate and maintain partnership with the National Center for Culture and the Arts
and other cultural organizations for future national and international
• Strengthen degree programs in the Arts, Humanities, Languages and Linguistics
and Communication

9. Integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Instruction,

Research, Service and Production

• Technologize the campus

• Maximize application and utilization of ICT
• Strengthen web-enhanced and on-line teaching and learning in the Graduate
School and Open University
• Computerize all campus operations
• Operationalize a University Management Information System (MIS)

10. Evolve Wholesome Living and Pleasant Working Environment for Faculty,
Employees and Students

• Promote development and motivation of staff

• Provide incentives for faculty and staff
• Study possibilities for additional healthcare assistance to faculty and staff
• Invest in equipment and other capital development for efficient services
• Provide food courts and lounges to faculty members, staff and students
• Make the campus more attractive, healthy and safe
• Give members of the community a greater sense of participation and shared
responsibilities in maintaining campus environment
PUP Quezon City Background

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus (formerly known

as PUP Commonwealth) in Quezon City was established through the generosity and

benevolence of Mr. Walter Rothlehner, a German church leader and owner of a certain

square building situated at the Sikhay Compound Don Fabian Street Brgy.

Commonwealth Quezon City. 1119 National Government Center, Quezon City. Mr.

Rothlehner donated the said property to the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

The PUP Quezon City is an established campus of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines with the National Government Center to bring quality education to the urban

poor communities especially the unprivileged families of Quezon City. PUPQC is one of

the branches of PUP Sta. Mesa Manila. It came to exist through its formal launching held

at the Misereor Hall, last July 29, 1997. Its commitment is to provide better education to

the youth of Quezon City and other localities. PUPQC continues to accept students

especially those who are less privileged class but deserving ones.

PUP Quezon City Campus is under the administration and supervision of the PUP

Open University through the directorship of Pro. Pascualito B. Gatan with the energetic

support of President Dr. Dante G. Guevarra.

PUP Quezon City is an extension of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

which caters student residents of Quezon City, as well as the nearby cities and towns like

Caloocan, Bulacan, and Rizal.

As a member of the PUP system, the University provides education to students.

As of 2007, the campus offers six undergraduate programs providing the needs of the

business world. Programs offered include:

Undergraduate Programs

• Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

• Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Management

• Bachelor in Business Teacher Education

• Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing


• Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Human

Resources Development and Management

Diploma Course

• Diploma in Office Management Technology

Graduate Programs

• Master in Educational Management (Distance Learning Mode)

• Master in Information Technology (Distance Learning Mode)

• Master in Public Administration

College of Office Administration and Business Teacher Education


1. Realize the relevance of observation, Participation and Community Immersion to the

student’s preparation for a teaching career.

2. Share ideas on the objectives of the course and its contents.

3. Participate in determining the importance of the requirements of the course to the

teacher’s tasks.

4. Established effective working relationship with the teacher coordinator in the

attainment of the course objectives.

5. Appreciate the responsibilities of a student teacher.


Descriptions, objectives and requirements of the course (the students are given copies of

the course syllabus).

1. Familiarize student observers with their responsibilities to the prospective students and

teaching staff of the school where they will have their observation and ultimately

become their training institutions.

2. Integrate meaningfully classroom lecture to concepts, theories, principles and process

of teaching and learning.

3. Provide the student teachers opportunities to observe how principles of learning and

techniques of teaching are implemented in an actual classroom work.

4. Orient student teacher how to established good public and human relations with school

officials, staff and students.

5. Prepare the student teacher to acquire experiences through participation in classroom

work and special school assignments like participating in preparing test materials for

national competition in their field of expertise, training students for national

competition, room improvements, preparing bulletin boards, and other jobs related to

teaching which the school officials deem necessary.

(from Rivera and Sambrano)

A. Responsibility to the student

1. The student teacher is a professional practitioner in his relationships with his

students. All data concerning the school and the students must be kept


2. The student teacher refrains from imposing his religion or political views upon

his students.

3. The student teacher recognizes his continuing need for understanding student

growth and development.

On the basis of understanding, he develops:

a. A learning program oriented to the individual capacities of his student.

b. A social climate which encourages personal integrity and social responsibility.

B. Responsibility to the Host School

1. The student teacher acts only though accepted channels of communication and

authority in the school system.

2. The student teacher recognizes his duties, responsibilities and privileges.

3. The supervising teacher is legally responsible for in control of the class;

therefore, the student teacher assumes only the authority which has been

delegated to him.

4. The student teacher respects the professional rights and personal dignity of the

supervising teacher, regular teacher, (critic or cooperating teacher) and other

staff members, the college supervisor and student observers in the classroom

5. The student teacher who encounters difficulty in a professional situation first

consults the supervising teacher. If he desires additional aid, he will take the

matter to the Department Head or Dean.

C. Responsibility to the Teacher Education Institution

1. The student teacher recognizes that any misconduct is a reflection upon the

teacher education institution. He upholds the standards of the institution in his

professional right.

2. The student teacher approaches his own learning institution with a positive


3. The student teacher appreciates and makes constructive use of the assistance of

the student teaching or college supervisor in adjusting to professional practice.

D. Responsibility to the Profession

1. The student teacher shows pride in and considers himself a member of the

profession. He acts according to the established ethics in all matters.

2. The student teacher maintains membership in and supports professional


3. The student teacher is a reader; he keeps up-to-date on professional matters

and current affairs.

4. It is the student teacher’s responsibility to obtain information about the legal

aspects of his professional practice and certification.

5. Placement

a. The student teacher, looking forward to placement, establishes a file in

the professional placement office.

b. Prior permission is obtained from people whose names are used as

professional references.

c. Applicants use only professional channels and do not employ political

pressure in obtaining a position.

d. The student teacher does not apply or underbid for a position held by a

qualified teacher.

e. In order that the administrator may best utilize the prospective teacher’s

ability the student teacher will be candid in the statement of his


f. Upon acceptance of a contract, the student teacher withdraws all other

applications immediately.

The Outreach Program that we held last December 11, 2010 at Rabosna Day Care Center

in North Fairview is really a heartwarming activity we did this activity not only because

of the Christmas Season, but also as a future professionals it is also our responsibility to

share something for the other members of our community. When we got there and the

programs are already started we can see the smile in every child that benefited with our

little gifts. When I witnessed that I’ve come to realize that I wanted to go back being a

child once more because as a child you are free from any problems you have nothing to

do but to play, eat, and sleep… I do hope that this child would have a better and brighter

future and be able to be a good citizen of our nations.


Presently I am a graduating student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Campus. At this point I am very happy that finally I almost finished my

tertiary level education. I have so many plans but my immediate plan after my

Bachelor’s Degree is to find a job right away weather be it a teaching or office career

upon having this I will save money because I want to take the LET exam not more than

one year after the graduation and after that I want to enroll immediately my Master’s

Degree I want to finished it five years below from the day I graduated from college. I

will not let myself to be stocked I want my career to move on I will not stop looking for

self improvement because that is one of the philosophy of the teacher to promote

continuous education. I know I can’t do all this without the helping hands of our

Almighty God so I always pray to him to continue shower me with all the graces and

blessings that I will be needing in my journey. All of this will be offered back to him. So

help me Lord.

Dream Big… Dream High… Do something to achieve it at the end of the day you will

end up Victorious…

Emerson Ray R. Aguinaldo


Week 1- November 8-12, 2010

After having my practicum 1 The Observation Participation and Community Immersion

here comes the practicum 2 The Student Teaching, this time I don’t feel much of the

nervous unlike the first day of my practicum 1 maybe it is because I am still in the

university and much of my students are all my students during my practicum 1 the BBTE

1-1, BBTE 2-1 and DOMT the new set of students I have now are the BSBA-HRDM 1-1

& 2-N and BSEM 1-2 so that I don’t have a major adjustment from the professor and to

the students. What I have to do is to know2 more my students especially the new class

that I have. It is the first week of the second semester I was just introduce by my

coordinating teacher to the class which I am going to take my student teaching they are

given an assignment for next meeting and for me this practicum 2 is just like a

continuation of practicum 1 but this time it is quite harder because I am really the one

who will handled the class.

Week 2- November 15-19, 2010

This week is really a start of being a student teacher, wanna know why? Because I enter

the class throughout the period all by myself I was kinda shock when the time I am

having a discussion as based on the assignment that was given to them I almost lost my

patience when there are students who seems like not interested to the lesson and when

they are having too much noise. But as much as I can I employ techniques and strategies I
have learned to catch their attention and I know to myself that I should have to exert

more effort and energy because it is just the beginning the worst has not yet to come.

On the other hand, I am sad because I miss my classmates and friends because they are

all having their students teaching outside the campus and we will only see each other

every Saturday. I missed our bonding the sharing of stories and experiences with our

handled class.

Week 3- November 22-26, 2010

Well, this is an unexpected week for me I only teach my Monday class after my second

period class I lost my voice, but the reason of losing my voice is not my teaching load

somewhat yes it is, it triggers my bad feeling until I totally got sick I had fever, cough

and colds so that the next day up to the end of the week I was absent in the school. I’ll

texted my coordinating teacher about what happen to me so they will know the reason of

my absences.

If possible I really don’t want this to happen because I want to go on with each lesson

especially the one that I really prepared and to be practical I missed 12 hours of my

students teaching but it’s ok because I am ahead compared to my other classmates

because some of them up to this time are not yet start taking their student teaching.

Week 4- November 29- December 3, 2010

This week is purely a classroom discussion in all my class all of us are already acquainted

with each other since this is the fourth week we had to go on with our lesson. I started the

class by checking their attendance before I go on with our discussion and every after
discussion I’ll give them a short examination just to let me know if they understand our


Week 5- December 6-10, 2010

This week is exactly like the routine what we had last week the continuation and opening

of a new discussion in every class and sometimes it depends upon the class situation if I

am going to give them an assignment or a quiz just like the normal thing that I used to do

just to make sure if they really catch the lesson that we had.

Week 6- December 13-17, 2010

Well, this week is the last school week for this year we can now have our Christmas

vacation for the students I’ll give them their Christmas gift hahaha….. their vacation

assignments. I can’t stop myself from laughing when I see their reaction they are all

making angal but I need to do this vacation should not be an excuse for them not to study

they need to work on it so that it will serve as start of our topic when we meet next year.

Good luck to all and may we have a prosperous year to come yahoo…..

Week 7- January 3-7, 2011

This is the first school week for 2011, the students are still in the mood of the vacation

days but this should not be the reason not to start and continue the class. I collected their

assignments and have a discussion right away and I notice that there are some of them

who did not submit assignments and study their lesson maybe because they really enjoy

the season and they are not expecting me to start the class as early as first meeting of the

New Year.
Week 8- January 10-14, 2011

This week seems to be the busiest week for all the class that I have, we need to finish

discussing all the topics that are already discussed so that it can be included to their

pointers to review for their upcoming midterm examination. I used to fixed their schedule

as base on their usual class schedule what I tend to do is to have a batch examination so

that the classroom will be overcrowded and also to avoid cheating at the same time they

can answer and think well and on my part I want everything to be organized.

Week 9- January 17-21, 2011

This the week for Midterm Examination it is the second time that I have witnessed the

said activity but this time not as an ordinary student but as a student teacher. It is a great

pleasure for me because I am the one who made the exam I really feel that I am a teacher,

feel my authority within the class. As I watched the students taking up their exams it

flashback memories during the time when I was the one taking exam I saw one of the

most complicated scenarios on the life of a college student. On the other hand I am

looking forward to know the result of their exams for me to see how they have learned on

my subjects, Good lick to everyone!

Week 10- January 24-28, 2011

The midterm exams are over now the burden of checking their test papers (essay type and

worksheet) and recording of grades is on my hand I started to sleep very late at night at

around 2:00 a.m just to finish everything because it is a part of my duty as a student

teacher. It is not so good for me because some of the students failed in the exam but I
believed that it is normal for a student who does not pay attention to his lesson. But all in

all most of the student got a good grade in the exam which I can say that my passion for

teaching will not be wasted.

Week 11- January 31- February 4, 2011

It is a start of a new beginning, start of the second part of the semester new sets of lesson

is about to start so again I put extra effort by reading books and preparing some of the

materials that I will be needing in my class. And also I am continuing to think of a new

and other strategy that I can employ to my class because it seems that the students get

bored in the traditional kind of teaching strategy which is the normal classroom

discussion so I think of something to be added with what I used to have and I find it

effective because the students get focus on the lesson and it is very important that the

teacher should know when to change and employ other methodology to cater the needs of

the learner.

Week 12- February 7-11, 2011

Nothing new for this week continuation of the topics that needs to be discuss except the

fact that this week is the campus field trip I observe in every class they are all excited

about the event they are all talking what to bring and prepare until one class was asking

me not to have a class before the day of their field trip off course they not won because

my reason is its their choice to attend in the activity our class should not be compromise

and then they were saying “si sir para naman kayong hindi naging estudyante ” I just

smile at them.
Week 13- February 14-18, 2011

This week was a very busy days for me because aside from my regular teaching loads one

of my coordinating teacher ask me to handle one of her class and I did not notice that

there is a problem with the time schedule Thursday 7:30 – 10:30 and my class is 9:00 -

12:00 and so what I did since the classroom is just a step away I minimize the time to the

extent that the two classes will suffering with the situation. I started the class on time

before 9 O’clock comes I’ll give them something to worked on so that I can go to other

room. On the lighter side of the story I am happy because this week is the Valentine’s

Day and the students are very appreciative they give something to me greetings,

chocolate, that’s all hehehe…

Week 14- February 21-25, 2011

My schedule for this week is exactly what I have last week even if I get tired of it, It is

fine with me because I know it is a calling of the profession I was enjoying every class

because few weeks left the semester is about to end.

Week 15- February 28 – March 4, 2011

Weeks to go before my last day as a student teacher. I feel so sad for that because I am

so attached with my students. Since last week is the I.T week one of my class are being

excuse so we need to have a make up class to finish everything especially now that the

final examination is about to come. I find it also as an opportunity to extend our time

together with the students so far same scenes were done just like before but it seems that

its more dramatic because will going to say goodbye to one another.
Week 16- March 7-11, 2011

I am so exhausted with all the things that I’ve been doing as a student teacher but I am

enjoying it despite of the workloads that I have because of that even if the final exam is

about to happen next week I to my class I’ll give it to them this week yes off course they

are informed about that they’re exam is one week ahead with the rest of the students in

the university I’ll do it for my own convenience I’ll be stated to them the reason behind

all this and they are all agree with it for them to prepare to their social dance activity

good luck to all of us.

Week 17- March 14–18, 2011

This week was so very busy for me because the deadlines of different things were coming

on my way. But I am sure after all of this I’ve learned my lesson and that would be the

best treasure that I will bear forever. After the final examination lots of paper works are

waiting for at home test papers, final projects, practice set oh no… and so again I started

not sleep just to finished everything and to meet all my deadlines.

Week 18- March 21-25, 2011

This is my final week as a student teacher in PUPQC. I feel blessed to have my mentors

and my student’s thank you for being part of my student teaching training as I have told

you the last time we are gathered in a classroom for helping me to improve my

knowledge and ability so that I am here now.

Again thank you, I love you all and I will miss you a lot!
It’s time for me to take a rest yahoo… I’ve already submitted all the grade sheets to my

coordinating teacher 2 requirements left the OJT Dialogue Forum and the Teaching


Happy it’s so nice to be happy….



By: Ryan Cristopher J. Sorote
November 09, 2010

CEBU, Philippines – Student activists protested in front of Commission on Higher

Education regional office yesterday to show their opposition to the cut on next year's

education budget that they believe would affect the funding for scholarships.

Over 30 students from different student organizations gathered in front of the CHED

office bringing with them placards and shouting to air their sentiments against the

government's move to slash by 33 percent or by P1.69 billion the education department's

original budget of P2.54 billion.

They said this would only further aggravate the problems that the commission is already


The protesters also fear that their will be more college dropouts because many students

will no longer be able to avail of scholarships.

Akbayan-Cebu chairperson, Lex Lucas said the government should help students to

achieve their dreams by building classrooms and improving facilities.

He is disappointed over government's "unjust actions" like giving more funds to the

Armed Forces instead of giving it to the education department which needs it most.

LFS-UP Cebu secretary general Melanie Montaño also said the government is putting

more importance on global demands instead of prioritizing the country's immediate

"Clearly, the budget cut in all state colleges and universities (SUCs) around the

archipelago sets ground for pursuing priorities basing on the demand of the world

market," said Montaño.


By: Preciosa S. Soliven
November 18, 2010

To meet the UNMDG for national sustainability the Indonesian government is making

sure that 60 percent of their secondary schools will have the technical vocational

program. Only 28 percent are expected to enroll in the universities. The Thai Ministry of

Education is following suit to make sure 50 percent of their secondary schools will “go

TVET.” Acknowledging weakness in their current curriculum, Thailand is determined to

develop performance indicators for excellence. This is part of the report delivered at the

16th IVETA-CPSC international conference by Dr. Paryono, Deputy Director and

research specialist of SEAMEO VOCTECH center at Brunei Darussalam.

ESD in TVET 2010

Prof. Shyamal Majumdar, Director General of CPSC Colombo Plan Staff College for

Technician Education and Klaus Sodemann, president of IVET (International Vocational

Education and Training) Association together with the new TESDA Secretary, Joel

Villanueva co-sponsored the international conference with the theme “ESD in TVET”

last Nov. 3 to 5 at EDSA Shangri-La.

With just five years for UN member states to reach the UN Millennium Development

Goal of sustainability they stated that global efforts are on the rise in establishing
economic development strategies to enrich quality of life while taking care of the

environment. The mid-decade assessment of Decade of Education for Sustainable

Development (DESD 2005-2014) in Bonn Germany last year pointed out how high

global consumption together with the human destruction of the cosmic biodiversity have

caused resources to run out and therefore nothing would be left for our future


This poses a critical challenge to reorient education sector in rising ESD awareness.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), as a major sub-sector and

being the largest producer and consumer of natural resources, has to play a vital role in

addressing sustainability. Therefore ESD principles are high on the agenda of TVET

institutions around the world.

Global ESD enablers in TVET

More than 60 world experts, senior administrators, decision makers and educators from

America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific presented their papers in four tracks: TVET

Curriculum for ESD, Green Technology approaches for Industry and Education,

Sustainable TVET Institutions through Partnerships and Alliance, Research, Monitoring

and Evaluation.

“Greening TVET” as a framework for providing enabling environment to learn skills,

learn and re-learn habit forming practices in the world of work was advocated by Prof.

Shyamal. With his lengthy experience in TVET Teacher training, ICT and Total Quality

Management he referred to the five dimensions of “Greening TVET” – First, the GREEN

CAMPUS means managing campus resources such as energy, water and fuel, to reduce

the carbon footprints of students, teachers and staff within TVET institutions; Second, the
GREEN TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM touches on projects to meet upcoming skills for

clean and green jobs; Third, to enhance daily life through GREEN COMMUNITY

extending ESD practice at the community level to extend the TVET movement to

society; Fourth, GREEN RESEARCH to foster the development of a research culture in

relevant areas of sustainable development; Fifth, promoting GREEN CULTURE to

strengthen ethical standards, attitudes and behavior that respect ecological resources and

values the requirements of the future generation.

Green jobs and skills

Dr. Sandra Rothboeck, Skills and Employability specialist of ILO Bangkok reported that

Climate Change adaptation and mitigation have become major drivers of change for

societies, economies, enterprise and workers to shift to a low carbon economy during the

last decades. A profound transformation in modes of production and consumption can be

expected. There will be a redefinition of job profiles. The global market for

environmental products and services is projected to double from $1370 billion per year at

present to $2740 billion by 2020. Half of this market is based in energy efficiency and the

balance in sustainable transport, water supply, sanitation and waste management.

Dr. Harry Stolte, head of the InWEnt, Capacity Building International spoke of trends in

work demands which are environment driven due to climate change. In building

construction there will be more need for assistant managers for sanitation, heating or

cooling systems, experts for alternative energy (thermal, wind, solar and water). Dr.

Stolte also announced the establishment of the new UNEVOC Center for Sustainable


Barriers in TVET
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership allowed Turkey to promote her entrepreneurship to

enable her to join the EU (European Union) market. Funding SVET (Strengthen

Vocational Education and Training) project to the cost of 51 million euro between 2002-

2007 parallel to the MVET (Modernization of Vocational Education and Training

institutes which ran from 2003-2007 costing Turkey 4.5 million euro and EU 14 million

euro). Yet it fell short of the ideal target of 65 percent share of total secondary

enrollments while the enrollment in the past decade remains a constant at 35 percent.

According to Dr. Ilhan Gunbayi of Akdeniz University Faculty of Education in Turkey,

the main reason is that the Turkish students still consider technical professions least

prestigious and easy to enter compared to graduating from a university. Does that sound


Dr. Gunbayi’s paper included a table comparing the distribution of enrollment in

VocTech secondary schools of European and OECD countries: Austria, 77.3; Belgium,

69.6; Finland, 66.7; Germany, 57.4; Italy, 59.8; Netherlands, 67.6; Norway, 57.5;

Switzerland, 64.8. Lower than 50 percent enrollees are France, 43.8; Japan, 24.3; Mexico,

9.4 and Turkey, 36.7.

Some professions like catering, real estate, surveying, etc. have been performed by

people without attending vocational schools in Turkey. Some of those jobs are still

performed by unqualified people. But in the near time, these professions will be

performed by technicians who graduated from vocational schools. A student who studies

in a vocational school must know that he will have a good job, earn more money, and get

good life conditions after finishing the vocational school successfully.

Thus, the enrollment rate to the VET in Turkey has not reached the target yet of 9th

Development Plan (2007-2013). However, if policies to increase the quality and

attractiveness of VET are put into action and new projects like SVET orienting VET

closer to the requirements of the employment system and the corresponding labor market

needs are started, it is expected that VET in Turkey will be preferred by 65 percent of the

students at high school level.

Other barriers to enhancing the quality of VocTech training are the lack of training

standards in the Turkish system. They merely serve administrative purpose. The content

is often a list of topics to be taught and without indication of levels required at the start

and the level to be achieved upon completion. Guidelines for assessing the student are

lacking and the technology is often outdated. Being teacher oriented it lacks flexibility to

meet local demands.

Many countries stress the need to place greater emphasis on TVET in the years to


Vocational Education has recently been one of the primary policy areas of governments,

industrialized or developing alike. Globalization of the economy, increasing international

competition, changes in demographic development and the labor market, are giving rise

to a need for new strategies on education and training policy. Economic development

depends a great deal on adapting TVET systems to meet social and economic demands.

For this reason many countries place a greater emphasis on highlighting the importance

of providing attractive qualified training programs and continuing training opportunities

in order to enhance employability and occupational mobility.

By: Rainier Allan Ronda
November 25, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – One hundred seventy-six faculty members and officials of 31

state universities and colleges (SUCs) have received training to boost their capacity to

teach engineering and other technology-focused college degree programs from experts of

the prestigious Singaporean educational institution, the Nanyang Polytechnic

International (NYP).

Dr. Patricia Licuanan, chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), hailed

Singapore’s Temasek Foundation, a non-profit philanthropic organization, for stepping

forward with the S$1.12 million grant that made the training program of SUC professors

and officials on technology education possible.

The beneficiaries included 96 specialist teachers in industrial electronics and

mechatronics engineering, 70 senior officials from the 31 participating SUCs, and ten

senior officials of CHED which included Commissioner William Medrano.

The training were held in eight batches conducted from January until this month.

Under a partnership forged late last year between CHED, Temasek Foundation and NYP,

the beneficiaries were trained in technical manpower development by their counterparts

from the Singaporean polytechnic institution known for its top-rate international faculty

and state-of-the-art facilities.

NYP is a training partner of the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as other

government agencies. It also supports the Singapore Government’s technical assistance

initiatives to help developing countries meet their manpower development needs.

Benedict Cheong, chief executive officer of Temasek Foundation, expressed hope that

the beneficiaries will spread the knowledge they have gained in the training program to

their peers in other SUCs.

“This capacity-building program complements the efforts of Philippine authorities to

develop its technical and technological manpower. After completing their initial training,

participants will continue to share their learning with their peers to facilitate

improvements in systems and processes that will enhance the standards of higher

education in the Philippines,” Cheong said.


Ni Malou Escudero
December 05, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – Nakalatag na ang plano para sa pagbuo ng isang ad hoc board

na magsasagawa ng konsultasyon tungkol sa implementasyon ng karagdagang 2 taon sa

Basic Education o K12 program.

Ayon kay Senator Edgardo Angara, bagaman at hindi pa kasama sa budget ng

Department of Education para sa 2011 ang implementasyon ng karagdagang 2 taon, nasa

planning at assessment stage na ito.

Sinabi pa ni Angara na ang ad hoc committee board ang magrerekomenda ng

karagdagang taon sa school system at kung idadagdag ito sa tertiary level, ang gastos o

financial burden ay sasagutin ng mga magulang.

Pero kung ang karagdagang taon umano ay ilalagay sa primary at secondary levels, ang

pondo ay dapat manggaling sa gobyerno.

Suportado ni Angara, chair ng Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, ang

karagdagang dalawang taon sa basic education curriculum.

Dapat umanong ipantay sa international norm ang bilang ng taon na ginugugol ng mga

estudyante sa eskuwelahan dahil kabilang ang Pilipinas sa iilang bansa sa mundo na 10

taon lamang ang basic education.


By: Ding Cervantes
December 09, 2010

CLARK FREEPORT, Pampanga, Philippines — President Aquino said here that the

P271.67 billion education appropriation in the 2011 budget, already passed in the Senate,

surpasses the education allocations of any of his predecessors.

“We have committed more resources to primary and secondary education to ensure that

the children of the 4.6 million (poorest of the poor) families have schools to go and then

be provided with skills for sustainable livelihood,” Aquino said in his speech after

leading groundbreaking rites for a P200-million Medical City here last Monday.

“This is the reason why we have increased the education budget in 2011 by 16 percent or

to P271.67 billion,” he added. Last Dec. 2, the Senate passed the proposed budget of P1.6

trillion for 2010.

He stressed that “no other administration has spent this much on education.”
This, even as the President also said that the 2010 budget as already passed in the Senate,

also provides an 11 percent increase in the budget for state universities and colleges

(SUCs), contrary to claims that funds for government tertiary schools have been slashed


“Despite the claims of some elements that we have cut the budget for state universities

and colleges, we have actually increased the total appropriations that they will receive by

more than 11 percent,” the President said. Budget already approved by the Senate “can

confirm this,” he added.

SUCs held recently a series of protest rallies directed at the President and Congress over

alleged big cuts in state funding for the tertiary education institutions. At least 87 SUCs

held various forms of protests. Even the conservative Philippine Association of State

Universities and Colleges (PASUC) joined the protest actions.

The protesters had quoted the President himself announcing 1.7 percent slash of budget

for 112 SUCs nationwide. The President was quoted as having said: “We are gradually

reducing the subsidy to SUCs to push them toward becoming self-sufficient and

financially independent, given their ability to raise their income and to utilize it for their

programs and projects.”

In an interview with the STAR, Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said “we are concerned

about SUC’s but there’s just too many of them.”

“Just because they are not getting enough does not mean the government has already

abandoned them. We are in a discussion with the Commission on Higher as we look at

rationalizing SUCs so we can truly have worthy centers of tertiary excellence,” said

The Philippine Star
December 16, 2010

MANILA, Philippines - Leading wireless services provider Smart Communications, Inc.

(SMART) recently gathered more than a hundred key officials from academic institutions

based in Luzon and NCR for the first ever Schools Conference held at the Mandarin

Oriental Hotel, Makati City.

With the theme “Shaping Communities for the Future: Empowering Schools through

Mobile Solutions”, the event was spearheaded by Smart’s Community Solutions

department, which partnered with the academic community to develop breakthrough

applications that benefit both the school administration and thestudent body.

One of the conference highlights was the recognition ceremony for partner schools of

Smart’s Infoboard information system (Infoboard). A two-way web-based information

system that allows schools to send and receive real-time announcements via SMS

broadcasts, Infoboard has become a preferred information tool of schools all over the

Philippines. Infoboard facilitates the effective dissemination of relevant updates and

information, and likewise gathers feedback from among members of the school

community through a customized SIM card. The innovation has earned a nomination in

the 2009 GSMA Global Mobile Awards held in Barcelona, Spain.

To date, there are more than 200 partner campuses across the country that have been

distributing to their students customized SIM cards powered by Smart’s Infoboard

technology. SMART recognized several partner schools during the conference based on

four Infoboard categories.

1. Highest registered Infoboard users: Arellano University, Malayan Colleges, Mapua

Institute of Technology, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Philippine Women’s

University, Systems Technology Institute (STI)

2. Highest number of broadcasted Infoboard messages: Far Eastern University

FERN College, Philippine Women’s University, Polytechnic University of the


3. Highest Infoboard downloads (Multimedia content): Batangas State University,

Malayan Colleges, University of Baguio

4. Best practices in the use of Infoboard: University of Baguio, Ateneo De Manila

University, Our Lady of Fatima University, Mapua Institute of Technology

The Schools Conference also featured resource speakers who expounded on how new

technologies are impacting education in the Philippines.

Professor Michael Tan, UP dean for College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, spoke

about challenges of educational institutions that are related to social media;

UP Open University chancellor Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso shared the benefits of online

learning; Michelle Casio of Microsoft Philippines, Inc. presented their group’s new

innovations that are specific for schools and educators. Prof. Brad Geiser, co-founder of

Geiser Maclang Marketing Communications, Inc., discussed social media’s impact on


Representatives from Smart who presented the company’s future plans included Dr.

Rodolfo Alberto Villarica, department head for Network and Platform Services; Tricia

Dizon, department head for Buddy and International Services; Giovanni Bacareza,

Department Head for Broadband, Internet, and Data Services; Joy Y. Sanchez,
Department Head for Customer Care; and Direk Carlos “Bong” Agustin, Media

Consultant for Smart.


The Philippine Star
January 05, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Patricia Muñoz, a fully credentialed special education teacher in

California, will hold a SPED seminar on Preparing an Effective Individualized Education

Plan (IEP), a Vital Tool in the SPED Program on Jan. 9. She will also conduct seminars

on Implementing an Effective Inclusion Program for Children with Special Needs on Jan.

16; How to Cope When Your Child or Student is Special, Jan. 23; Utilizing Instructional

& Curricular Modifications for Special Needs Students in an Inclusion Program, Jan. 30;

Utilizing Effective Strategies to Serve the Needs of Special Chidren, Feb. 6; and Creative

Music, a Powerful Therapy Intervention for Children with Special Needs, Feb. 27.

Seminars and classes will be held at Protégé SPED Center, Unit F, third floor, 732 N.S.

Amoranto St. (formerly Retiro) near cor. Sto. Domingo Ave, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon

City, with tel. nos.: 0918-3588855; 576-0869; 434-6064. Seminar hours are 9 a.m. to

5p.m. Registration starts 8 a.m. Weekday classes on the above modules and Basic Sign

Language may be conducted as per arrangement. Protégé offers tutorial lessons, therapy

services, educational assessments and consultancy on setting up special education schools

and programs.
By: Preciosa S. Soliven
January 13, 2011

NANCHANG, Jiangxi, China — Flight to Nanchang was delayed since our plane was

caught in the snow blizzard from Tibet, a highland province of China. Overnight stay in

the airport hotel required our getting up at four in the morning to catch the earliest flight

the next morning. Our tight schedule could not dislocate the programs already set by the

host’s months ahead with Mr. Jimmy Po, president and board vice chairman of the

Chinese Montessori Foundation of Taipei, a non-profit educational organization. This

included the formal induction ceremony of our hosts’ school into the Chinese Montessori

Foundation where local government officials with educators, parents and media people

were guests.

Parent-teacher forum at Nanchang University

Planes, train rides and first class hotel accommodations have been carefully pre-booked

months ahead. Our Chinese Sta. Ana Montessori branch coordinator, Kathy Chua and

one of our teacher trainors, Cecile Azurin accompanied me. Young lady receptionists and

teachers would greet us “Huan ying” from an attractive green reception counter with the

logo of the Chinese Montessori Foundation. The pictorial history of Dotoressa Maria

Montessori are displayed on the adjacent walls. A magazine stand with articles for

parents and the bimonthly Chinese Montessori Journals published by the Taipei

Montessori Association helped answer the new parents’ and grandparents’ questions.

Nanchang is filled with historical sights associated with the Communist Party. Before

holding the ECE forum at the Nanchang University, we were toured at the Teng Wang
Pavilion, which features a very huge and elegant ancient architecture with a three-tiered

pagoda tile roof. Our hosts, Mesdames Li Quiong and Ms. Wang are in-charge of the

university preschool that would be inducted into the Chinese Montessori Foundation


Branded at first “capitalist roader” for offering commonsense corrective solution to the

excesses Deng Xiaoping went on to become China’s leader. His economic reform carried

his famous remark “to get rich is glorious.” From the mid ’70s Zhou Enlai (who groomed

Deng Xiaoping as his successor) did much to restore balance and China found a seat in

the United Nations in 1971.

The Nanchang University hall was filled with educators, students and parents. They were

very eager to learn the Montessori psychology, which promotes the full potential of

children from birth in contrast to the traditional pedagogy of educating children through

memorization. The video presentation of how the Montessori system replicated itself

yearly for 45 years producing the new Filipino children from infancy to adolescence

intrigued them. At the moment China is not inclined to use the system beyond preschool.

Hong Kong’s Ralph Yau and Daisy Lau talked about the “New Parenthood and the New

Children.” The parents posed several questions on their role in transforming the home

environ to condition their children to love work and order in lieu of mere play.

One fifth of humanity

Everyone knows that China is the most populous nation on earth. Even a richer country

might despair when faced with the necessity to feed, house, clothe and educate one fifth

of humanity. The official figure of the population now stands at 1. 328 billion. Half of the

population is under 21 years of age. Translated in terms of total population of the planet,
almost one person in every four is Chinese. For every 24 hours there are about 33,000

additional mouths to feed in China. In one year, China’s population increases more than

enough to replace the whole population of vast metropolis of Tokyo or New York.

China’s official goal of 1.2 billion by the year 2000 has been surpassed. A vigorous

campaign has been mounted based on the assumption that if 65 percent of the population

under 30 agrees to limit their families to one child the objective can be achieved. Since

the mid ’50s authorities have encouraged family planning through delayed marriages and

distribution of free contraceptives, but these policies were not effectively implemented

until the ’70s and then mainly in the cities.

Chinese experts said China could only support a population of 800 million. This is a

major reason for the great emphasis China has placed on birth control. Thus the reward

system for parents who raise only one child has guaranteed income bonus, more health

care subsidy, better retirement pension as well as being given priority in housing

allocation. Their only child also gets preferential consideration for day care enrollment

and even future job allocation.


By: Isagani Cruz
January 20, 2011

According to CHED Memorandum Order 59, series of 1996, general education demands

“an interdisciplinary approach which would help the students see the human being as an

integral person living in both a national and a global community.”

Let me continue to explain the key words in that sentence through examples.
First, the word “human.” In the film Patch Adams, the main character (played by Robin

Williams) protests when a doctor refers to a patient by number rather than by name.

Patients are human beings that have names and personalities.

Similarly, teachers that look at students as mere names in a class list are not doing their

job. A good teacher knows every single student, not just by name, but by attitude and

capability. When I observe a class, I have a simple measure for finding out if a teacher is

good or not: a teacher who divides a class into buzz groups by simply asking everyone to

count off is too lazy to sit down and figure out who can work best together.

Now, the word “integral.” Students know very well that they cannot shut off the world

when they sit down for a test. Their latest encounter with their classmates or their parents

necessarily affects their concentration. One of the problems with so-called standard

multiple-item tests is that they assume that everybody thinks exactly in the same way at

exactly the same pace. A student, like everybody else, is an integral person, which means

that he or she always thinks with the heart and feels with the brain.

The word “national” appears simple, but it is not. Look at newspapers. Last Sunday, only

one newspaper (Philippine STAR) thought of putting on its front page the news about 47

people dead because of floods in southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao. The other

newspapers thought that it was not of national importance, even if the rains affected most

of the country. Other newspapers routinely put things that occur in Metro Manila on its

front pages (even heavy traffic, for heaven’s sake!) and ignore major events happening

outside the center of government.

General education must make students aware that the country is much bigger than Metro

Manila. The Philippine Literature course (for which I did the syllabus) in the GE
curriculum makes this explicit: “The student must have written a term paper of at least

five pages analyzing one literary text written in the language of the region or by someone

born in the region where the school is located.” It is wrong to assume that Metro Manila

writers are superior to writers in other regions just because they live or work in the

capital. Literature in Cebuano or Capampangan is as “national” as literature written in

Tagalog or English. Literature in Tagalog or English is as “regional” as literature in Bikol

or Ilocano.

Finally, the term “global.” As early as 1996, it was already clear to CHED that the fate of

our country is closely tied to the fate of the whole world. We cannot say that climate

change, the knowledge economy, and the war on terror do not concern us. Like it or not,

even if we want to be nationalistic and think only about ourselves, Filipinos are dying

from floods during what should be the dry season, many of our best intellectuals are

working abroad, and somebody throws a grenade somewhere near us every so often.

Students must be made to realize that what we do affects everybody else, and what other

people do affects us.

Since I wrote the final draft of CMO 59, I can tell you where I got that definition of

general education. I plagiarized it from the description of general education in the old

manuals of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. Education is education, and

its nature, purpose, and outcome have not changed since the time Confucius and Socrates

convened what today would be called classes.

Recently, the CHED Technical Panel on General Education came up with a definition of

general education that keeps the same centuries-old concept but uses words more

comprehensible to students and teachers in the 21st century:

“The objective of Philippine education on the tertiary level is the holistic education of

Filipinos who contribute humanely and professionally to the development of a just and

economically-robust society in an environmentally-sustainable world through competent

and innovative leadership, as well as productive and responsible citizenship. General

Education (GE) on the tertiary level addresses the development of the human being.

Some of the outcomes expected of students finishing GE are: an appreciation of the

human condition, the ability to personally interpret human experience, the ability to view

the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives, the ability to

reflectively and critically discern right and wrong in today’s world (beyond compliance

to rules, laws, and expectations in traditional culture), the ability to tackle problems

methodically and scientifically, the ability to appreciate and to contribute to artistic

beauty, and the ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the development of

the Philippines.”

TEACHING TIP OF THE WEEK. From South Africa comes this sensible tip for veteran

college teachers: Take a one-year leave from teaching and work full-time in a

corporation. In this way, you bring current real-world experience into the classroom.


By: Aurea Calica
January 27, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino hailed yesterday the contribution of

the University of Santo Tomasin providing not just quality but “humanizing” education in
the country, noting that “principles” and not just education set UST graduates apart as

they became professionals.

The President congratulated UST during the quadricentennial celebration as keynote

speaker during the 10th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Universities

of St. Thomas Aquinas and said quality must be able to develop not only competitive

citizens but also people exposed to the realities of the world.

“For four centuries, you have upheld the traditions of excellence and integrity, known to

many as the Thomasian spirit, which now resides in the hearts and minds of our leaders

and professionals,” the President said.

“For four centuries, the University of Santo Tomas has educated the best this country has

to offer. But when we look back at the long list of distinguished individuals this

institution has produced, it is not merely education that sets them apart, but principles.

This university has made it its noble mission to instill Catholic principles to each of its

students, while at the same time, giving them a high quality of education,” Aquino noted.

The President said it was no surprise that among those who served the country at the

highest levels presidents, senators, Supreme Court chief justices, saints, martyrs, and

even artists “many are Thomasians people who have learned to balance their intellect on

an unshakable foundation of morality.”

“I think this is what Thomasians around the world share in common – the ability to excel

in their chosen field and contribute to the welfare, not just of their country, but of the

world,” Aquino said.

The President said quality education was a vital tool for national development and social

change and this was exemplified by UST and which the government would

want educational institutions to follow.

“The formation of the human mind requires a curriculum that is not merely empirical,

contingent and relative, but one that is humanizing,” Aquino said.

He said the Philippines was facing the gargantuan task of rehabilitating itself from years

of turmoil, which sparked an attitude of disillusionment among the Filipino people and

many had unwillingly resigned themselves to live abroad due to the lack of opportunities


“The duty to give back to the country is not forgotten, but it is largely overshadowed by

the pressures of mere survival,” he said.

“The 21st century has brought with it a changing cultural, social, and spiritual

environment. Thus, Catholic institutions must work harder to develop in their students the

necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills required not only to produce competitive

citizens, but also to expose them to the realities of the world; and UST has always been

an exemplar of what we ask of our educational institutions. Through your efforts, we are

hoping that Filipinos across the archipelago can all exhibit the qualities of your

graduates,” Aquino said.

The President said the CHED had also started to take action to review and fix

the higher education systems in the country to make them more efficient.

“We remember (national hero Jose) Rizal’s famous challenge: ‘Where are the youth who

will consecrate their golden hours and enthusiasm for the welfare of the country?’ And

we must hold ourselves to this standard that our national hero has set for us and act upon
it with vigor and initiative. We should therefore remember that one’s financial state is but

an instrument for the common good which will then influence one’s sense of satisfaction

with life,” Aquino said.

Aquino assured the “daylight is upon us” and “we have restored the all-important trust

between government, private institutions, and the Filipino people.”

Founded in 1611, UST is the oldest university in the Philippines and the largest Catholic

university in the world in terms of student population located in one campus. UST also

enjoys the singular privilege of being the only pontifical university in Asia.


By: Christina M. Mendez
February 03, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Edgardo Angara called on his colleagues in the Senate to

help him in pursuing legislation to integrate computer education into the curriculum of

students as early as the elementary level.

“In our efforts to recover from lost economic grounds, our people need to be updated on

the latest advances in technology. The youth must be scientifically and technically

prepared to fully tap their inner talents and contribute to national development,” said

Angara, who chairs the Senate committee on education.

To demonstrate how backward the country has been in terms of information technology,

Angara cited the 2009 Global I.T. Report released by the World Economic Forum in

Davos, Switzerland, wherein the Philippines has further slipped from its 2008 ranking of

81st in terms of Network Readiness to 85th.

In 2007, the country ranked 69th.

In a bid to enable the country to keep up with other countries in terms of global

technology, Angara has filed Senate Bill 2012 which seeks to promote computer literacy

by including basic computer applications and programs in primary schools, to produce

highly-skilled workers in programming, digitally-aided design, hardware, networking and

software development.

SB 2012 will allow the creation of the Board of Computer Education, which will assess,

supervise and monitor the accreditation of schools; provide the curriculum for computer-

aided logic, math and science education in the elementary level; and monitor over all

performances of the schools and the students.

The bill will promote the Build-Operate-Transfer scheme of the program, which will

include facilitating the training of teachers on computer literacy and maintenance and

provide apprenticeships to qualified students into the facilities maintenance component of

their education.

This is pursuant to Republic Act 6957, the act authorizing the private sector to build and

operate infrastructure facilities and later on transfer ownership to the (local) government.

Finally, the bill will put in place a voucher system for specialized computer education in

19 of the poorest provinces of the country.

Under this provision, qualified students who completed secondary school will be allowed

to take competitive aptitude tests. Upon passing the test, they can avail of vouchers from

the partner agency or through the local unit of the Board to enroll in a computer school of

their choice.

“This bill is intended to prepare the Filipino youth to meet the technological challenges of

the new century,” Angara said.

The Philippine Star
February 10, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Educating children in the new millennium poses new challenges.

We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and complex society, requiring each

of us to keep pace with rapid technological advancements. Thus, the need for an

educational institution that equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills and

develops them to become globally competitive achievers is paramount.

Established 25 years ago, TRACE College provides world-class education from

preschool and grade school to high school and college, featuring an advanced curriculum,

outstanding teachers, and state-of-the-art facilities. All of these aspects enable students in

the Los Baños-based school to discover their potentials, aim for their goals, and achieve

success in their chosen career.

Here are some of what TRACE offers:

• The TRACE System of Education, a comprehensive and holistic system benchmarked

among top educational institutions in the world

• Comprehensive and intensified training in Math, Science and English across all levels.

• Chinese and Japanese language lessons to boost children’s linguistic skills and develop

a greater appreciation for multi-cultural diversity.

• Recreational to competitive sports, an innovative sports development program

cultivating discipline and values.

• State-of-the-art facilities, the only school in the Philippines that has two virtual

laboratories equipped with an emergency care simulator and a baby simulator, which
mimic the actual responses of a real human being to clinical intervention and drug



The Philippine Star
February 19, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama says better education in math and

science is critical to pushing the US forward in the global competition for innovation and

jobs, and he wants the private sector to get involved in making it happen.

Obama recorded his weekly radio and Internet address during a visit this week to Intel

Corp. outside of Portland, Ore. He praised the company Saturday for making a 10-year,

$200 million commitment to promote math and science education and held it up as an

example of how corporate America can make money at the same time it builds the


"Companies like Intel are proving that we can compete that instead of just being a nation

that buys what's made overseas, we can make things in America and sell them around the

globe," Obama said. "Winning this competition depends on the ingenuity and creativity

of our private sector. But it's also going to depend on what we do as a nation to make

America the best place on earth to do business."

Obama's West Coast swing, which also included a dinner with big names in California's

Silicon Valley including Apple's Steve Jobs and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, was part

of his push to promote a budget proposal that increases spending in targeted areas like

education, research and development and high-speed Internet, while cutting in other
areas. Republicans newly in control of the House are pushing much deeper cuts and

resisting new spending.

The GOP is also taking Obama to task for avoiding significant changes to the biggest

budget busters: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. In the

Republicans' weekly radio address, Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., trumpeted the GOP's push to

cut $60 billion from the current fiscal year budget and promised a 2012 budget proposal

that, unlike Obama's, offers "real entitlement reform."

"Our reforms will focus both on saving these programs for current and future generations

of Americans and on getting our debt under control and our economy growing," Price

said. "By taking critical steps forward now, we can fulfill the mission of health and

retirement security for all Americans without making changes for those in or near



By: Eladio Dioko
February 24, 2011

In the midst of the controversy on RH bill, one congressman has come out with a

statement that this proposed measure is not necessary since population management has

long been a government policy. We are referring to Congressman Karlo Alexei Nograles

of Davao City who is one of the sensible legislators who oppose the enactment of this

anti-life bill. Indeed, why craft a law that would divide the nation and arm-twist a people

to control birth?

Condom, which is the popular means of controlling birth, would be freely distributed by

government health workers because huge funds would the earmarked for the purpose
once the bill is passed. In fact, this year, even with the bill still pending enactment, the

government is setting aside – hold your breath – P3 billion for information campaign on

contraceptive use.

In its premise the RH initiative purports to encourage the use of natural and artificial

means of birth control. Yet there are provisions which mandate the government to shell

out millions of pesos for buying anti-pregnancy materials for distribution to the general

public. Once passed, this legislation would therefore abet the use of artificial means of

spacing birth, a position the Catholic Church vehemently opposes. The reason is by now

clear to most Filipinos who have followed this issue: Using contraceptives aborts life in

the mother’s womb. It’s murder pure and simple. If this is encouraged by the state,

where’s the constitutional declaration that we are “imploring the aid of Almighty God” in

governing this country?

There is no question on the need to control population growth. But the answer, like the

answer to almost all of our social problems, lies in education, general education including

an expertly managed sex education. Raise the level of the educational attainment of the

92 million Filipinos and population growth tapers off. But leave tens of millions of these

under the “scratch and dig” state they now endure and babies would continue to tumble

out by the dozen from many households.

The trouble is there is no money for education. True, we have a compulsory basic

education. But how many manage to finish high school? Not even half of the school age

youth. This means that only about 50 percent of Filipinos are functionally literate. Yet

even this state is not yet a guarantee for gainful employment because in today’s world a

higher level of schooling is a must. Hence, there’s a huge mass of poverty stricken warm
bodies whose urgent concern is survival and to whom family planning is a meaningless

thing. If only we have a no-nonsense anti-poverty program. If only we can better educate

our people there would be no need to spend billions for birth control.

But there’s no money for education, for good education, that is. For years we have run

our school system on a “puwede na” mentality –puwede na even if one classroom is used

by two or three classes, puwede na even if only one textbook is available for three or four

students, puwede na even if many high schools are manned by “casual” teachers, puwede

na even if mere pictures of equipment are used in science classes, etc.

The irony is that there’s money for other less critical purposes. Pork for legislators, to

name one, gets billions from the national coffer. Superfluous infrastructures, to name

another, drain the same coffer of more billions. And of course, corruption has leeched

this nation into its current anemic state.

Education? It’s the boast of politicians that this program gets the lion’s share of the

budget, but this happens because it has the most number of personnel. The bitter truth,

however, is that only a meager 15 to 16 percent of our GNP is shelled out for education.

Compared to other Asian countries, most of which spend 20 to 25 percent of their budget

for education, we are the miser in this regard.

Our failure to spend enough for our school system could be the reason why we have

remained the economic poor boy of Asia. Years were when we were the envy in this part

of the world for education and progress. But we must have been asleep (like Rip Van

Winkle?) all these years because many of our neighbors like Indonesia, Vietnam, India

and others, which used to be in the backwaters of development, are now looking down at

What will wake us up? Education, of course, because education is the engine of growth

and development. But as long as we treat our schooling system like decrepit barangay

schools we will remain half awake and problems such as poverty and its companion

goblin of high population growth rate will always haunt us.


By: Tam Noda
March 04, 2011

MANILA, Philippines Globe Telecom and the Autism Society of the Philippines (ASP)

are bringing in both technology and training to support the special education of public

school children diagnosed with autismspectrum disorder (ASD).

The two organizations signed a memorandum of agreement with the Department of

Education today to push for the undertaking in the country’s public schools.

Held at DepEd’s main office in Ortigas Center in Pasig City, the signing was represented

by Yolanda Quijano (DepEd’s undersecretary for programs and projects), Jeffrey

Tarayao (head of corporate social responsibility of Globe); and Erlinda Koe (chairman

emeritus of ASP).

Under the agreement, two public schools in Metro Manila were chosen as pilot test

centers, tapping the use of information and communications technology (ICT) for

education of children with special needs.

Globe and ASP have chosen P. Gomez Elementary School in Sta. Cruz Manila and P.

Villanueva Elementary School in Pasay City. The schools will receive free one-year
Internet connectivity from Globe, while ASP will provide visual-learning software and

some related training for teachers and parents.

Cristina Estampador, board of trustees of ASP, identified the visual software as Vizzle, a

visual learning software introduced in 2007 and is now being used

for special education abroad.

“Autistics are visual-thinkers and they are very specific about things, they have fixations

and Vizzle would be a very good help,” she said.

Estampador said teachers can also incorporate speech lessons using Vizzle. It can also be

used for teaching deaf students.

“One can also modify the lessons in Vizzle according to Pinoy culture, such as our very

own ‘balarila’ which goes like Lanie, Lenny and Bantay,’ and many more,” she added.

Tarayao said Globe is closely working with DepEd, and is now completing the


“What technology can do is make people inclusive in society. We hope that this will be

the start and that others will follow as well,” he cited.

According to ASP, there are about one million people diagnosed with ASD’s in the

Philippines and 45 certified pediatricians for this.

“Studies show that one percent of the work population in the world has autism and that’s

why there are still a lot of people with ASD’s are left undiagnosed or hidden from

society,” Koe said

The Philippines Star
March 10, 2010

MANILA, Philippines - Mayors and top level local government

officials, school administrators, and other education advocates who attended Synergeia

Foundation’s 8th National Education Summit have committed to hammer down to zero

the dropout rates in public schools in their localities.

Synergeia trustee Washington Sycip encouraged the participants to focus on the reduction

of dropout rates and not just improving public schoolchildren’s performance. He said

good education would lift families across the country from poverty, as well as ensure that

democracy would work.

“When people are hungry, they sell their votes. Only when poverty is reduced will

democracy really work in this country,” Sycip said.

Over a hundred top level representatives (mayors, vice-mayors and other LGU officials)

from almost 50 municipalities from Cagayan Province to the Autonomous Region for

Muslim Mindanao attended the Summit. One provincial governor, Sarangani Gov.

Miguel Rene Dominguez, headed the province’s contingent.

There were also 114 educators from the Department of Education like teachers,

principals, supervisors, and superintendents who supported the new target, as well as

education advocates from the corporate sector like Metrobank Foundation and Team

Synergeia president and CEO Milwida Guevara said efforts to reduce dropout rates

would complement measures to improve students’ achievement tests through trainings for

teachers, administrators, and parents as well as getting community support.

During the workshop sessions, participants agreed that supporting the DepEd’s

Alternative Learning System (ALS) that targets out-of-school youth is the country’s hope

for bringing children back to school. In ARMM where the USAID-

funded Education Quality and Access to Learning and Livelihood Skills Project invested

heavily on hiring instructors specifically for out-of-school youth, the ALS program has

started to bring children back to school.

The 8th National Education Summit was organized with the assistance of the DepEd,

DILG, USAID, World Bank, Ford Foundation and Ateneo de Manila University. It was

held last Feb. 18-19, at the Ateneo Professional Schools in Makati City.


The Philippines Star
March 17, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Why has science and mathematics education in the Philippines


According to a University of the Philippines (UP) expert, this is because local education

persisted in using an obsolete discipline-based curriculum in math and science (which is

mostly by rote and without much inquiry and high level of thinking) already rejected as

early as 1993 by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Dr. Merle Tan, UP NISMED (National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Development) director, said the present math and science curriculum has produced

questionable results in the performance of students in the yearly achievement tests which

are below those in other countries.

Also, Tan said, the present curriculum does not consider the high drop-out rate in local

education and is not responsive to the needs of students who might leave school at a

particular grade level.

“There seems to be a serious gap between science and mathematics education as it is

practiced and the science and math education knowledge and skills needed for day-to-day

living,” she said, citing a 2007 UP NISMED study as basis for her observation.

Tan said a review of the math and science curricula in elementary and high school

showed that topics are compartmentalized, inquiry is not encouraged, contents are

overcrowded, concepts are by rote, and topics are repetitive.

She said students in other countries are performing better because: concepts are dealt

with in more depth, ideas and skills are introduced with increasing levels of complexity

and in real-life situation, and connections across topics and disciplines and development

of scientific literacy are emphasized.

Tan, in a speech before the 170th general assembly of the Foundation for Upgrading the

Standard of Education, Inc. (FUSE), proposed to replace the curriculum with spiralling

and integrated one which has long been adopted by other countries outperforming the

Philippines in assessment tests.

She said the spiralling and integrated curriculum will: avoid major disjunctions between

stages of schooling, provide the basis for continuity and consistency in basic education,
allow students to learn appropriate to their developmental and cognitive stages, show the

interrelatedness of the topics with each and their connections across topics, strengthen

retention and mastery of topics and skills, and benchmark Filipino students with their

foreign counterparts.

“In this world increasingly shaped by science and technology, they will not be alienated

from the society where they live , they will not be overwhelmed and demoralized by

change, and they can make political, environment, and ethical choices in the face of

issues confronting us all,” Tan quoted UNESCO


By: Donnabelle Gatdula
March 21, 2011
MANILA, Philippines - Massive poverty remains a primary concern in the Philippines

where more than 23 million Filipinos are still living below the poverty line. Because of

poverty, many children do not even have the chance of getting into school. Some children

even have to work at an early age to eke out a meager income to help in their family’s


While the government is doing its part in providing free elementary

and secondary education, other costs such as school supplies, food and transportation

allowances, uniforms and projects bore a heavy load on impoverished families whose

main concern is to at least eat a decent meal three times a day.

As a good corporate citizen, oil player Flying V has expanded its corporate social

responsibility (CSR) program through its foundation, the Academe Foundation Inc.

which provides scholarship grants to poor but deserving students.

Since its inception in 1999, the Academe Foundation has granted more than 1,200

scholarships to underprivileged children nationwide from grade school to college.

Aside from its scholarship program, the Academe Foundation operates five learning

centers nationwide that provide free values formation classes to indigent children

between three and six years old. These Learning Centers has benefitted 871 children and

is operating at five locations, namely: Taal, Batangas; Barangays Poro and Canaoay in

San Fernando, La Union; Marahan West in Davao City and in Barangay Pinugas in

Baras, Rizal.

“Through our learning center program we are able to teach Filipino values to children as

young as 2 ½ to six years old. In our learning centers we give indigent children the

opportunity to thrive in an environment where learning is fun and exciting. They are also

taught essential basic skills to prepare them for formal school,” Natasha Reyes, the

foundation’s executive director said.

The learning centers are fully operated by the Academe Foundation. However, the

Foundation partners with local government units and the Department of Education to

provide the learning structure and ensure a conducive learning environment for the


“We do not charge any tuition fees in whatever form or kind and all materials and

equipment, including books and school supplies are free,” Reyes said. Through this

program, Flying V hope to help these children lead better lives by teaching them not only

skills but more importantly, values which will help shape them as responsible adults.

“We will soon be opening our doors in Morong Rizal and in Porac Pampanga. Our

Scholarship Program, on the other hand, has benefitted more than 1,000 children
nationwide and will be granting an additional 35 scholarships for the coming school year

to underprivileged but deserving College students,” Reyes said.

Through the foundation’s scholarship program, qualified youths were taken off the streets

into classrooms for a chance at a brighter future. Such an opportunity has been given to

the transport sector through scholarship grants and employment opportunities for children

of jeepney drivers.

The coverage of the scholarship program include “assistance for tuition, books, school

supplies, uniforms, and other allowances which they need to finish tertiary education at

a college or university and course of their choice, ” Reyes said.

The application process for the scholarship program begins when a certain group or

sector of society has been identified as beneficiaries. The would-be beneficiaries are

admitted in the scholarship program based on their scholastic standing and their family‘s

financial condition.
196 Tabigo St., Brgy. Commonwealth,
Manggahan, Quezon City
Mobile# 09289520553/09174403487/09306463927



Age: 25 yrs. old

Sex: Male

Birthdate: October 14, 1985

Birthplace: Quezon City

Name of Father: Edwin Arn L. Aguinaldo

Occupation: Driver

Name of Mother: Rosalia R. Aguinaldo

Occupation: Housewife



Bachelor in Business Teacher Education
Major in Business Technology
Minor in Technology and Livelihood Education
2011– Tertiary


2002 – Secondary


1998 – Primary

Visayas Avenue, Diliman Quezon City.
• Administrative Staff
(Summer Job April 01- June 15, 2009)
• Office Practicum
(Student Trainee November 2008- March 2009)


Commonwealth, Quezon City Campus
• Student Assistant
(June- October 2008)

Ever Gotesco Commonwealth
• Merchandiser 2006


Robinson’s Galleria Edsa Ortigas
• Salesclerk 2005


‘’Certificate of Completion Office Practicum’’

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Quezon City
March 17, 2009

“Certificate of Appreciation Choral Festival 2008’’

New Era University Hall May 30, 2008

‘’Certificate of Appreciation Volunteer Teacher/ Para Teacher’’

Summer Kindergarten Program New Era University May 28, 2007


“OJT Dialogue Forum: Keys towards Office Professionalism”

PUPQC Multi- Purpose Hall
March 5, 2011

“PUPQC: Building and Strengthening a Learning Community”

Eurotel North Edsa, Quezon City
March 26, 2011

“Technology the Application of Arts and Science in Production and Rendering Services”
Future Business Teacher Organization
February 05, 2010

“Current Trends and Issues in Basic Education and Magna Carta for Public School
Future Business Teacher Organization
February 15, 2010

“Environmental Management: A Social Responsibility”

PUPQC Audio Visual Room
October 8, 2010

“Enhancing Teaching Skills towards Professionalism”

PUPQC Multi- Purpose Hall
October 20, 2010

“May They Be One I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel” An Ecumenical Bible Forum
Organizer Chairman of the Documentation Committee
January 29, 2009

“Human Rights Forum, Dangal at Katarungan Para sa Lahat: May “K” Ako!
Organizer Chairman of the Documentation Committee
December 11, 2008

“Empowering the Youth towards A Sustainable Environment”

NSTP-CWTS February 26, 2008

“Proper Decorum, Office Procedures, Personality Development and Personal Hygiene”

PUP Quezon City Campus July 22, 2008

“Maximizing Students Employability” Career Congress August 29, 2008

“Functional Literacy: To Live and Love Well in a Healthy Philippines”

Future Business Teacher Organization December 11, 2007


Dr. Lily G. Mendoza

Professor, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Quezon City, Campus.

Prof. Artemus G. Cruz

Head, Guidance and Counseling Office
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Quezon City, Campus.

Eng. Ramon F. Manga

Professor, New Era University
Technical Trainer FUJIXEROX Philippines



8 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
9 2:00 – 5:00 3
10 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
11 9:00 – 12: 00 3
15 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
17 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
18 9:00 – 12: 00 3
22 7:30 – 1:30 6
30 2:00 – 5:00 3



1 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
2 9:00 – 12: 00 3
6 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
7 2:00 – 5:00 3
8 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
9 9:00 – 12: 00 3
13 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
14 2:00 – 5:00 3
15 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
16 9:00 – 12: 00 3


3 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
4 2:00 – 5:00 3
5 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
6 9:00 – 12: 00 3
10 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
11 2:00 – 5:00 3
12 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
13 9:00 – 12: 00 3
17 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
18 2:00 – 5:00 3
19 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
20 9:00 – 12: 00 3
25 2:00 – 5:00 3
26 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
27 9:00 – 12: 00 3
31 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9


1 2:00 – 5:00 3
2 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
3 9:00 – 12: 00 3
7 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
8 2:00 – 5:00 3
9 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
14 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
15 2:00 – 5:00 3
16 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
17 7:30 – 1:30 9:00 – 12: 00 6
21 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
22 2:00 – 5:00 3
23 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
24 7:30 – 1:30 9:00 – 12: 00 6
28 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9


1 2:00 – 5:00 3
2 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
3 9:00 – 12: 00 3
4 11:00 – 1:00 2:00 – 5:00 6
7 7:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 9
8 2:00 – 5:00 3
9 10:30 – 1:30 2:00 – 5:00 6
10 9:00 – 12: 00 3
15 11:00 – 1:00 2:00 – 5:00 6
16 2:00 – 5:00 3



November 9 48
December 10 51
January 16 84
February 15 87
March 10 48
60 318

Prepared by:

Emerson Ray R. Aguinaldo


____________________ ________________________
Prof. Marilyn F. Isip Prof. Cleotilde B. Servigon

_____________________ ________________________
Prof. Rosalinda R. Madelo Prof. Doris B. Gatan


7:30 - 10:30 Office Practicum ( BBTE 2-1 )

10:30 - 1:30 Keyboarding 2 ( DOMT 1-1 )
2:00 – 5:00 Bookkeeping 2 ( DOMT 1-1 )


2:00 – 5:00 Software Packages ( BSEM 1-2 )


11: 00 – 2:00 Heograpiya Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas (BSBA-HRDM 2-N)

2:00 – 5: 00 Intro. To Word Processing and Presentation with Laboratory
(BBTE 1-1)


9:00 – 12:00 Applications of Marketing


10:30 – 1:30 Student Teaching Class


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