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Barber middle school

March 10, 1997

Dear Students,

I fell that this project was slightly overwhelming for me because I was not focusing on the
project I was focusing on my friend. I did not work to my highest l level of education and I think
in my point of view I need to work with people that I speak to. I also think that we worked
together; we did not collaborated very well. Also I think that there was not as much work given
to us, but I also have to say that I took advantage of the music use on the computer.

Am not going to apologize because it’s my grade and I made my grade the way it is. She will
treat you an adult the work will be very long and hard sometimes but if you push yourself
through you can pass her class within A. if you freaked in her class just ask for help long if it’s
legit and not something you should have listened to in the first time she spoken and explained
the assignment clearly, if you were playing around in her class then that’s ALL on yourself and

When you get to class the first thing you will probably think is you can do anything you want to
do in her classroom but you will soon get more hard and challenging work to do. But the
amazing thing from this class and other classes is she is a very flexible when it comes to music
and playing games online because she believes that if your done you be FREE because if you the
student listens to her she listen to YOU as indivisible not a student.

So all you have to do in her class is focus and you’ll be fine learn love the essence of her
teachings and have an effort to succeed in learning skills she teaches you will be a successful
student in Mrs. Watts class.

Sincerely, Former 8th Mrs. Watts’ student

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