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Technology Process Manual for MS Paint 1 Movie

Please Note: Mistake in the MS Paint Movies, during the Pause, it says MS Paint icon is on the
Toolbar that should be the Taskbar.

MS Paint Screen Elements Worksheet

Changing the Work Area Size Using Attributes

Image/Attributes/Inches under Units/8.5 w x 11h (portrait) or 11w x 8.5w

(landscape)/Click color/OK

Changing Colors in the Color Box

Double click on a color in the color box/Select a new color to replace the
original color/OK

Creating Custom Colors

Double click on a color in the color box/Define Custom Colors/Create Custom

colors/Add to Custom Colors

Technology Process Manual for MS Paint 2 Movie

Please Note: Mistake in the MS Paint Movies, during the Pauses, it says MS Paint icon is on the
Toolbar that should be the Taskbar.

MS Paint Toolbox Elements Worksheet

Accessing the Text Toolbar if it Doesn't Appear

View/Text Toolbar
Technology Process Manual for MS Paint 3 Movie
Please Note: Mistake in the MS Paint Movies, during the Pauses, it says MS Paint icon is on the
Toolbar that should be the Taskbar.

MS Paint Menu bar Options Worksheet

Creating a Title with a Shadow using the

Transparent Background Pasting Box (TBP box)

Create Title 1 (shadow) using the Text tool/Create Title 2/Select tool to move
title 2 on top of Title 1/Click the TBP box

Three Things to Know Before Saving a Graphic (7:08)

1. Where to Save 2. File Name 3. File Format

Saving a Graphic in MS Paint

Please Note: Mistake at 7:28, should say File/Save As… NOT Edit/Save As…

File/Save As…/Decide on the File type (.gif, .jpg or .bmp)/Name the file/Save in
proper location

Using the Copy To… Command

Select a part or entire graphic/Edit/Copy To…/Select 24 bmp saving

option/Name file/Save in proper location

Using the Paste From… Command

Define area to insert a new graphic using select tool/Edit/Paste From…/Open

graphic/Adjust graphic using resizing handles

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