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This week’s Toronto Torah is dedicated by the families of Irwin, Jim and Dave Diamond, on the
occasion of the 6th yahrtzeit of their beloved father, ‫ר‘ משה בן ר‘ דוד שלמה ז“ל‬.

Toronto Torah
Beit Midrash Zichron Dov
Parshat Tazria/Hachodesh 27 Adar II , 5771/April 2, 2011 Vol.2 Num. 30

Brit Milah — A Different Type of Mikvah R’ Tzvi Sobolofsky

The parshiyot of Tazria and Metzora excluded from the Beit HaMikdash, yet before the Jewish people could
d e a l p r i m a r i l y w i t h Chazal had a tradition that he is leave Mitzrayim. The korban pesach,
various tumot (spiritual impurities) that equivalent halachically to a tameh. whose blood clearly demarcated who
e man at e f r o m h u m an be i n g s , Thishalachah sheds a new light on the was a Jew, was off limits to an arel.
beginning with the laws mitzvah of Brit Milah. It indicates that it is Becoming part of the nation of Hashem
oftumah concerning a woman after not merely an action required by the required the ability to
childbirth, then the detailed emphasis Torah as other mitzvot such experience hashraat hashechinah in the
on the rules of tzaraat, and culminating as matzahand shofar, but rather it fullest sense.
with the laws of negah. The unifying transforms the individual from an arel to Brit milah as a prerequisite for a full
theme of these tumot is that they all a mahul (circumcised), similar to tevilah relationship with Hashem exists not
stem from a person’s body. bemikvah which transforms a tameh into only in the realm of korbanot and
There is one pasuk in parshat Tazria that atahor. the Beit Hamikdash but in our
appears to be unrelated to tumah – the The halachah that prohibits an arel from daily avodat Hashem as well. When
requirement to perform a brit entering the Beit HaMikdash is indicative a brit milah is performed a brachah is
milah (circumcision) on the eighth day. of the fundamental distinction between given: "keshem shenichnas lebrit ken
Chazal in Massechet Shabbat (135a) an arel and a mahul in their respective yikanes letorah lechupah ulemaasim
note that it appears strange that the r e l a t i o n s h i p s with Hashem. tovim". It appears that there is a
mitzvah of brit milah appears In Parshat Lech Lecha before Avraham is connection between the mitzvah of brit
in Parshat Hayoledet together with the given the mitzvah of brit milah he falls on milah and all the subsequent mitzvot the
laws oftumah vetaharah. Perhaps the the ground when Hashem speaks to him. child will perform. Brit milah is what
Torah is alluding to a significant aspect Rashi comments that this phenomenon enables the boy to live a life of avodat
of brit milah by placing it in the context occurs as well in reference to Bilam. He Hashem. Without it, his Torah
of tumah vetaharah. is described as, "nofel vegaluy eynaim", - umitzvot could never be complete
The Gemara in Massechet Chagigah the one who falls when he sees. Avraham because there is a real barrier, a tumah,
(2b) teaches us that one who is tameh or before brit milah and Bilam that separates him from Hashem.
an arel (uncircumcised) cannot perform the arel cannot stand in the presence of
Just as the tameh cannot reach the
the mitzvah of visiting the Beit Hashem. The orlah is an impediment to
ultimate heights of spirituality,
HaMikdash on the Shalosh Regalim. The experiencinghashraat hashechinah in the the arel is limited in his quest and can
reason for the exclusion of a tameh is fullest sense. This barrier prevents only become, at most, a "mofel vegaluy
obvious since the Torah explicitly the arel from ever visiting the Beit eynaim." Tevilah in the mikvah and brit
prohibits him from entering the Beit HaMikdash. milah, which enable people to come
HaMikdash. An arel is never explicitly This barrier of orlah had to be removed closer to Hashem, are appropriately the
two procedures involved in the process
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz of converting to Judaism, and reaching
the greatest heights of avodat Hashem.
 Why did Hashem command the laws of tzara’at to both Moshe and Aharon? Parshiyyot Tazria and Metzora teach us
(Ramban, Ibn Ezra, and Rabbi S.R. Hirsch to Vayikra 13:1) h o w t o o verc o me t um ah and
attain taharah, enabling us to
 Why did the laws of tzara’at on a house only apply once the Jews entered the Land experience hashraat hashechinah. Brit
of Israel? m i l ah is an int egr al p ar t of
(Rashi, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Netziv, Daat Mikra, R’ S.R. Hirsch, to Vayikra 14:34)
these parshiyot as it too facilitates our
 When describing the affliction which appears on his home, why must a person use ability to reach this lofty goal.
the term k’nega, “like an affliction” and not nega, “an affliction”?
(Rashi, Malbim, Mizrachi, Maharal, Torah Temimah, and Shaarei Aharon to Vayikra
14:35, and Tosafot Yom Tov to Mishnah Negaim 12:5) Originally published on
Republished with permission.
 For children: What is the significance of each of the items a metzora brings during
his purification process? (Rashi to Vayikra 14:4)
‫איתמר זולברג‬ ‫וראהו הכהן‬
‫הרמב" ם מגדיר שיש שני סוגי ראיה; ראיה התבוננות שיטחית כי אם השגה רוחנית‬ ‫פרשת משבוע שלנו עוסקת בדיני טומאה‬
‫מוחשית באמצעות העין וראיה רוחנית והתבוננות פנימית‪.‬‬ ‫וטהרה של מצורע ‪ .‬התהליך אותו עובר‬
‫המצורע הינו ארוך מכל תהליך טהרה אחר‬
‫שהיא למעשה השגה שיכלית‪ .‬אבל מה אנו נקודת החיבור בין השניים היא המפתח‬ ‫שיש לנו‪ .‬בעוד שלטמא מת יש שבוע ימים‬
‫יכולים ללמוד מהגדרותיו של הרמב " ם לראיה חיובית‪ .‬המשנה במסכת אבות (פרק‬ ‫של טומאה ‪ ,‬זב ממתין שבוע מרגע שהפך‬
‫ה ‪ ,‬יט ) מנחה אותנו מיהו תלמידו של‬ ‫לעניין המצורע?‬
‫לזב וכן נידה‪ ,‬מצורע עובר הסגר של שבוע‬
‫חז " ל דורשים את סמיכות הפרשיות בין אברהם אבינו‬ ‫שבו מצפים לראות האם הנגע יתפתח‬
‫עין טובה ורוח נמוכה ונפש שפלה‬ ‫חטא מרים לאזהרה על הצרעת ‪ .‬דבר זה‬ ‫לצרעת או לא ‪ ,‬לאחר מכן במידה ואכן‬
‫מתלמידיו של אברהם אבינו‬ ‫פשוט כי מרים דיברה לשון הרע על משה‬ ‫מדובר בצרעת מחכים עוד שבעה ימים של‬
‫ועונשה היה צרעת‪ .‬החפץ חיים‪ ,‬רבי ישראל‬ ‫החלט וממתינים לרפואת הנגע ‪ .‬יש משהו‬
‫מאיר מראדין ‪ ,‬כותב בפתיחה לספרו על עין טובה היא זו המסוגלת לא רק לראות‬ ‫שונה במצורע מכל שאר הטומאות‪.‬‬
‫הלכות לשון הרע כי ישנם מספר רב מאד את הגלוי אלא אף לפרשו לטובה‪ .‬תכונה זו‬
‫של עוונות שאדם עובר עליהם כאשר הוא של ראיית הטוב בכל אחד היא אחד‬ ‫בנוסף למשך ימי "ההחלמה" של המצורע‪,‬‬
‫מדבר לשון הרע‪ .‬לאחר שפירט את הלאווים הדברים שמאפשרים לאדם לראות את‬ ‫ישו דין נוסף‪ ,‬המצורע מקבל את הגדרתו‬
‫והעשיין מביא החפץ חיים רשימה של חברו מעבר להופעתו החיצונית‪ .‬אדם אשר‬ ‫כטמא רק לאחר שהכהן רואה ומכריז כי‬
‫ה ' ארורין ' ‪ .‬הארור הראשון ברשימה הוא מוכן לסגל לעצמו ראיה של עין טובה יוכל‬ ‫הוא טמא‪ .‬דבר זה בולט במיוחד בדין של‬
‫"ארור מכה רעהו בסתר"‪ .‬כנגד הסתתרותו בעזרתה להגיע לאהבת ישראל ושלום עם‬ ‫צרעת הבית ‪ .‬החפצים מוצאים מן הבית‬
‫של מספר לשון הרע ‪ ,‬צריך המספר לחשוף כל אחד‪ .‬על כן אין ראוי ללמוד ממנו מסר‬ ‫לפני שהכהן נכנס לתוך הבית ‪ ,‬לאחר מכן‬
‫את עצמו ‪ ,‬לפנות לכהן ובסופו של דבר זה מאשר בן בנו של אהרן הכהן‬ ‫רואה הכהן את הנגע‪ ,‬יוצא החוצה ומכריז‬
‫להתבדל מתוך הקהילה ‪ ,‬לנהוג במנהגי‬ ‫שהבית טמא‪ .‬יש להבין מדוע הבית נעשה‬
‫הלל אומר הוי מתלמידיו של‬ ‫טמא רק לאחר שהכהן מכריז זאת‪ .‬הכהן‬
‫אהרן אוהב שלום ורודף שלום‬ ‫אבלות ולהכריז 'טמא טמא'‪ .‬האדם שניסה‬
‫לארוב לחברו בין הצללים מוצא עצמו ניכר‬ ‫איננו רופא אשר רק מאבחן 'הנגע הזה הוא‬
‫אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה‬ ‫צרעת‪ ,‬כך שתי אספירין ותחכה שבוע מחוץ‬
‫לעין כל‪.‬‬
‫(אבות פרק א‪ ,‬יב)‬ ‫למחנה' הכהן הוא זה שקובע שם לתופעה‬
‫אך משהו נוסף יש כאן ‪ .‬כל דיני הצרעת ‪,‬‬ ‫שהוא רואה ‪ .‬אפשר לומר ‪ ,‬שבטרם ראה‬
‫הטהרה והטומאה ‪ ,‬כולם מתרחשים רק הכהן ‪ ,‬שמידתו היא אהבה ‪ ,‬נשלח אל‬ ‫הכהן את הנגע‪ ,‬אין זה נגע צרעת‪.‬‬
‫באמצעות ראיתו של הכהן ‪ .‬הכהן איננו המצורע ‪ .‬המצורע מצידו צריך להבין את‬
‫רופא כפי שציינו‪ ,‬הוא מתבונן במבט רוחני התלות שלו בכהן‪ ,‬לראות בו את מה שהוא‬ ‫אחת הדרכים של התורה להביע מסר‬
‫על האדם ‪ .‬הצרעת בהיותה מחלה רוחנית מייצג‪ ,‬אהבת ישראל‪.‬‬ ‫כלשהו בעבורנו היא לחזור על מילה‬
‫מסוימת פעמים רבות בתוך פרשה אחת ‪.‬‬
‫אשר איננה תלויה בטיפול פיזי למרות ה ע ו נ ש ש ל צ ר ע ת א י נ נ ו ע ו נ ש כ י א ם‬ ‫באופן ברור המילים שמופיעה הכי הרבה‬
‫תסמיניה המוחשיים ‪ ,‬מראה את מצבו‬
‫הז ד מ נ ו ת נ ו ס פ ת ש ל ה א ד ם ל ה ת ח י ל‬ ‫פעמים בפרשה (פרק יג) הם כהן (‪ )55‬ונגע (‬
‫הרוחני לש נושאה ‪ .‬האדם שאינו מסוגל מהתחלה ‪ .‬חז " ל אמרו כי מצורע חשוב‬ ‫‪ )74‬אך מה שמפתיע הוא השורש ר ‪ .‬א ‪ .‬ה ‪.‬‬
‫לראות את הצלם א‪-‬לקים של חברו ומדבר כמת ‪ .‬יש כאן הזדמנות למצורע להתבונן‬ ‫שמופיע ‪ 83‬פעמים שזה יותר משורש צ‪.‬ר‪.‬ע‪.‬‬
‫לשון הרע ‪ ,‬משהו ביכולת השגתו המטא ‪-‬‬
‫לתוך עצמו ‪ ,‬לפתח את אותם חושים‬ ‫( ‪ )38‬שהיינו מצפים לראות מוביל את‬
‫שנסתמו בו‪ .‬את הראיה המוחשית‬ ‫מעשים‬ ‫פיזית פגום ‪ .‬אין זו רק ראיה של‬
‫יכולת‬ ‫חוסר‬ ‫ותהנהגויות של הזולת ‪ ,‬אלא‬ ‫הרשימה‪ .‬התורה מדגישה את הבט הראיה‪.‬‬
‫והרוחנית שתוביל אותו לחיים טובים‬
‫לראות את האדם שמעבר למעשים‪ ,‬מחשבה‬ ‫אם נרצה להבין את המשמעות של ראיה‬
‫על השלכות וראיה לעתיד ‪ .‬הוא זקוק‬ ‫אנו צריכים להגדיר את האופי של מילה זו‪.‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫למישהו שידריך אותו לראיה נכונה ‪ ,‬לא‬ ‫מי שעושה את העבודה בנושא הזה הוא‬
‫הרמב"ם במורה הנבוכים (חלק א‪ ,‬ד)‪:‬‬
‫‪613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 86, 87, 462‬‬ ‫דע כי ראה והביט וחזה ‪ ,‬שלשה‬
‫המלות האלה נופלות על ראות‬
‫‪Stay away from Idolatry‬‬ ‫העין ‪ .‬והושאלו שלשתם להשגת‬
‫השכל ‪ .‬אמנם זה בראה מפורסם‬
‫‪To combat potential attraction to‬‬ ‫‪certain cities in which they lived. Some‬‬ ‫אצל ההמון‪ ,‬אמר וירא והנה באר‬
‫‪idolatry, the Torah includes various‬‬ ‫‪suggest that this is why Satmar Chasidim‬‬ ‫בשדה‪ ,‬וזה ראות עין ‪ .‬ואמר ולבי‬
‫‪prohibitions intended to obstruct its‬‬ ‫‪called their home “Satmar” rather than‬‬ ‫ראה הרבה חכמה ו דעת ‪ ,‬וז ה‬
‫‪practice. This includes mitzvah 87‬‬ ‫‪the proper Romanian name of “Satu‬‬ ‫השגה שכלית‪ .‬ולפי זאת ההשאלה‬
‫‪against trying to persuade a group to‬‬ ‫‪Mare”, but this is likely incorrect; the‬‬ ‫הוא כל לשון ראיה שבאה בבורא‬
‫‪), mitzvah 462‬מדיח( ‪worship false gods‬‬ ‫‪Romanian “Satu Mare” means “large‬‬ ‫יתברך ‪ .‬באמרו ראיתי את ה '‪,‬‬
‫‪against trying to persuade an individual‬‬ ‫‪village” and is not associated with any‬‬ ‫וירא אליו ה '‪ ,‬וירא אלקים כי‬
‫‪), and‬מסית( ‪to worship false gods‬‬ ‫‪religion.‬‬ ‫טוב ‪ ,‬הראני נא את כבודך‪ ,‬ויראו‬
‫‪mitzvah 86 against swearing an oath‬‬ ‫‪On the other hand, Ibn Ezra (introduction‬‬ ‫את אלקי ישראל ‪ ,‬כל זה השגה‬
‫‪invoking a false god.‬‬ ‫‪to Esther) suggests that Mordechai and‬‬ ‫שכלית‪ ,‬לא ראות עין ממש בשום‬
‫‪This last prohibition is also understood‬‬ ‫‪Esther omitted G-d’s Name from the‬‬ ‫פנים‪ ,‬כי לא ישיגו העינים רק גוף‪,‬‬
‫‪to prohibit the mere mention of‬‬ ‫‪megilah lest the Persians, in copying the‬‬ ‫ובצדו קצת מקריו גם כן ‪ ,‬כלומר‬
‫‪idolatrous deities, other than those‬‬ ‫‪megilah, be led to include the name of‬‬ ‫מראה הגוף ותארו‪ ,‬וכיוצא בהם‪.‬‬
‫‪which are listed in Tanach. Historically,‬‬ ‫‪their deity in the text.‬‬ ‫וכן הוא יתברך לא ישיג בכלי‪ ,‬כמו‬
‫‪this led Jews to alter the names of‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫שיתבאר‪.‬‬

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
R’ David ibn Zimra — Radbaz R’ Netanel Javasky Caesarea
Caesarea, a Roman port town located on
Rabbi David ibn Zimra (Radbaz) was born
Torah in Translation in Spain in 1479 and was forced to leave
the Israeli Mediterranean coastal plain
about midway between Tel-Aviv and
Abolishing the Repetition of the Amidah with his family in 1492, settling in Tzefat. Haifa, was built at the beginning of the
Shut Radbaz 4:94 He left Israel in his thirties, settling in Common Era. Today, the site of the
Morocco and then eventually in Cairo, original city is a nature preserve, but
Egypt. there is a small Jewish town with the same
Regarding the question that you asked about
name nearby.
what happened in the year 5299 (1539 C.E.) Independently wealthy as a successful
when the Sephardim protested against the businessman, he founded and supported Caesarea has a rich history, and has been
Mustarabim (Arab-influenced population in his own Yeshiva. Among his many important to Jews and non-Jews alike. The
Egypt) concerning the repetition of the students was Rav Betzalel Ashkenazi, area around Caesarea was captured and
tefillah (shmoneh esrei) aloud. The custom in author of the Shitah Mekubetzet. In Egypt annexed into Israel for the first time by
Egypt was that the chazzan would pray only he held the title of Chief Rabbi for Alexander Yannai (a Hasmonean king) in
one tefillah, aloud (without the preceding approximately forty years and was the year 90 B.C.E. Shortly thereafter, it
silent prayer), which is against the law of the recognized as the leading halachic was overtaken by the Romans when they
Gemara, halachic decisors and the books of authority of his time. He received invaded Israel. In the year 31 B.C.E.
tradition. This was the custom in many cities, thousands of halachic questions Augustus Caesar gave the entire
but the Sephardim protested because all of throughout his life, relating to all matters shoreline to Herod. Herod then turned the
the other cities had returned to the common of Jewish life, from around the world. town into a big city and named it
practice, the law of the Gemara. Therefore, Caesarea, as a tribute to the donor. The
At the age of 90 he settled in Jerusalem for
the Egyptian community should also return to city was built as a non-Jewish town,
a brief time, but due to the enormous
complete with sanctuaries for idol-
the common practice and pray two tefillot, financial pressure applied by the
worship, bathhouses and more. Herod
one silent prayer and one aloud. government at the time, he chose to leave
also built an enormous port for the
The Mustarab community responded that and live out his days in Tzefat. There purposes of trade and travel. After
their practice is based on an institution of the Radbaz served on the Beit Din of Rav Yosef Herod's death, Caesarea became a home
Rambam who wrote a responsum in Arabic Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch, and to Jews as well as Romans. The Jews often
that said the following: was known as the leading authority at this suffered at the hands of the Romans, and
time in Tzefat. Radbaz authored numerous in 66 C.E. a chain of events outside a
It is appropriate in our days that we don’t
works, including a commentary on the synagogue in the city caused a bloodbath
pray the silent tefillah followed by the
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah, a kabbalistic between the Jews and the Romans. That
tefillah aloud because when the chazzan
work on the Hebrew alphabet and a was the start of the great Rebellion.
repeats the tefillah all those that have
commentary on the Shulchan Aruch. His During the Bar Kochba revolt, Caesarea
prayed and already fulfilled their
most well-known work, Shut HaRadbaz, is played a major role in supplying food,
obligation will turn to talk to others or
a compilation of over 3,000 responsa; and weapons, as well as other supplies
engage in idle chatter, or turn away from
these were collected and published after needed by the Romans, aiding their
the east and spit and remove his phlegm.
his passing. Radbaz died at the age of 110. eventual victory. It is also the place where
Others who are not able to pray on their
own and have not fulfilled their own this enactment for his day, as he wrote at several of the "Asara Harugai
obligation will see this and think that the the outset, “It is appropriate in our days.” Malchut" (The Ten Martyrs) were
chazzan’s tefillah is not one in which This indicates that if the reason for the executed, among them, Rabbi Akiva.
decree would disappear, the decree During the Byzantine Era, Caesarea
individuals can fulfill their obligation.
became an important Christian city, when
They will therefore, leave the synagogue would be nullified. Therefore, this was
at the beginning of the fifth century, the
and not fulfill their obligation of tefillah, never intended to be a permanent
Romans divided Israel into districts, and
thereby defeating the entire purpose of enactment, and this is clear from his text
Caesarea was designated as the capital of
the chazzan’s repetition- to fulfill the for any who have eyes to see. Therefore,
the Prima Palestine district. When the
obligation of tefillah for those who cannot the claim that one should not nullify an
Muslims conquered Israel in the 7th
pray on their own. However, if there will age-old custom is defeated, as is the claim
century, Caesarea changed hands once
be no silent prayer at all, all will pray with that nullifying this practice would be a again. Finally, after the War of
the chazzan, as one, in holiness, all who case of a student contradicting his master. Independence, Caesarea was once again
know how reciting silently with him, and As far as the claim that the reasoning of back in Jewish control.
those who are not capable of praying will the Rambam still applies and therefore we
listen and bow with the chazzan, facing the Adapted from an article originally
should keep the practice at least on published by Torah miTzion.
Ark and all of them will fulfill their Shabbat and Yom Tov when many people
obligation. This will rectify the problem, come to pray, I think the opposite is true. enacted that people should pray word for
shorten davening and remove the I have seen with my own eyes that before word with the chazzan, as he wrote
desecration of G-d’s Name which has the chazzan has even finished half of the multiple times in his responsa, and since
spread among the non-Jews, when they tefillah many people finish their private his institution has done nothing we should
state that Jews do not respect their own tefillah and turn to their friends and begin return to the practice of the Gemara. We
prayer services… These are the words of to talk [despite the Rambam’s enactment]. can be sure that were the Rambam alive
Moshe. Therefore, we are back to square one. today, he would encourage people to
{Radbaz responds with a number of We violate the ruling of the Gemara, return to the practice of the Gemara since
arguments for restoring the talmudic halachic decisors and the authorities of his desired outcome was not
practice, including the following} … And tradition and still have not accomplished accomplished.
furthermore, the Rambam himself only made anything at all. The Rambam only

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Parshah Answers Russell Levy

Yeshiva in Volozhin, one must do so with uses language of certainty (“an

Why did Hashem command the laws of
tzara’at to both Moshe and Aharon? the right intentions, for the sake of affliction”) or that of doubt (“like an
holiness and the Torah; if not, it will have affliction”). Rather, he relates in the
 Both the Ramban and the Ibn Ezra write the spirit of defilement. The houses built name of his teachers, the use of the
that the command should have been by the Canaanites were surely built with language of doubt is to impart the
given only to Moshe, like all other defilement in mind, and therefore were requirement of each individual to be
commandments. Nevertheless, since all not fit for Jewish residency. Therefore, humble, and not to declare an opinion
of the laws of tzara’at require the they were tainted with tzara’at, to ensure on a matter for which his opinion is
involvement of the kohanim, Aharon also the impurity would be removed through inconsequential.
received the instructions. the walls’ destruction. Before the Jewish  The Maharal of Prague, in his Gur
 R’ Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, founder People entered the Land, they lived in Aryeh supercommentary on Rashi,
of the neo-Orthodox movement in tents, and did not have the issue of the explains that it would be a lie to
Germany, writes that having both Moshe Canaanite homes. emphatically state that he saw “an
and Aharon instructed together  In a modern, collaborative commentary affliction”: the spot beheld is not an
indicates a special importance to the on Tanach by many of the top Biblical affliction until rendered so by the
laws being related. It is meant to show scholars of the previous generation, Kohen.
that the theoretical understanding and Da’at Mikra, it is related that the Jews
t h e ir pr ac t ic a l est ab li s h m e nt ,  According to R’ Yom Tov Lipmann
did not live in houses before they entered Heller, in his Tosafot Yom Tov
represented by Moshe, must also be the Land, and therefore could not have commentary on the Mishnah, the Torah
accompanied by the training and been afflicted with tzara’at on their is warning us from speaking of evil
education of all of the individuals houses before the conquest. which has not yet occurred, and may not
involved for such understanding and
practice.  Based on the Gemara (Yoma), R’ Shimon occur. Since it is possible that the Kohen
Raphael Hirsch explains that tzara’at on will rule that this is not an affliction, it is
Why did the laws of tzara’at on a house a house is punishment for the social improper to wish evil upon oneself by
misbehaviour of considering the purpose describing it as one.
only apply once the Jews entered the
of one’s house to be exclusively for  Similar to R’ Mizrachi, R’ Baruch
Land of Israel?
himself. Therefore, this affliction may Epstein, nephew of the Netziv and son
 Rashi explains that the Canaanites hid only occur after the land is conquered of the author of the Aruch haShulchan,
gold inside the walls of their houses. and distributed to individuals, after which
Through the requirement to break the explicates in his Torah Temimah
such an error might occur. commentary that it is not proper to rule
walls of a house inflicted with tzara’at,
when the final ruling is in the hands of
the Jews would discover this gold. When describing the affliction which another.
 The Ibn Ezra clarifies that the rules of appears on his home, why must a person
tzara’at, a spiritual affliction, are use the term k’nega, “like an affliction” For children: What is the significance of
dependent on kedushat eretz yisrael, the and not nega, “an affliction”? each of the items a metzora brings
holiness of the Land of Israel. Therefore,  Rashi explains that since only the Kohen during his purification process?
before the Jews entered the Land, while may validate the claim of the affliction,
they resided in a place of lesser
 Since tzara’at is a punishment for lashon
even a great Torah scholar may only hara (harmful speech), two birds are
holiness, tzara’at could not occur. relate that he spotted something which is brought, since they incessantly chirp.
Similarly, the Ramban expounds that “like an affliction”, as it is indeterminate
Hashem causes tzara’at, and it is not a  Wood from a cedar tree is brought since
until the Kohen confirms it. lashon hara is also a punishment for
natural act whatsoever. Therefore, its
place of affliction is limited to the Land of  In his supercommentary on Rashi, the haughtiness, symbolized by the tall
third Hakham Bakshi, or Grand Rabbi, of cedar.
Israel to hint at this fact. Had it been a
the Ottoman Empire, R’ Eliyahu
natural occurrence, it would not be  Like the worm-based dye and the hyssop
Mizrachi, questions Rashi’s explanation that must be brought, the afflicted must
location dependent.
as follows: Since a non-Kohen cannot
 When building a house for one’s family, humble himself.
render a decision regarding the
elucidates the Netziv, the last Rosh affliction, it is immaterial whether he

Schedule for the Week of April 2, 27 Adar II

Shabbat, April 2 Tuesday, April 5
5:00 PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner, 368 York Hill Blvd, “Is my neshamah Jewish?” 1:30PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Michah, at Shaarei
for high school girls Shomayim, with Mekorot: The Return of the Seven
Sunday, April 3 Shepherds
9:15AM Pre-Pesach Yom Iyun at TCS See Insert 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion,
7:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Sippur Yetziat Mitzrayim - The Mitzvah of the Westmount Learning Centre
Haggada: Shaarei Shomayim 8:20PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at
8:00 PM The Brain Death Controversy and Organ Donation in the Jewish Clanton Park, Shmurah Matzah, Part III
Community, Shaarei Shomayim See Insert Wednesday, April 6
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Mitzvot Asei She’Hazman Grama, Shaarei Shomayim 9:15AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin
Monday, April 4 Women, Babysitting provided: The Grand Finale
12:10PM Russell Levy, Masechet Pesachim , Wolfond Center Lunch served Thursday, April 7
7:15 PM R’ Meir Lipschitz, Thought of R’ Aviner, 1201-3000 Bathurst Women 8:00PM R’ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa,
7:30 PM David Teller, Rambam, Hakdama to Cheilek Series, KST Bnai Torah
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Rambam Hilchot Tfillah, Clanton Park
8:45PM R’ Meir Lipschitz, Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei Shomayim Monday-Friday 6 AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner, Daf at BAYT
9:20PM R’ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Insights into Parshat Tazria, 12 Midvale

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