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THE – O, A, OS, AS
A – UM, UMA – antes de sons consonantais
AN – UM, UMA – antes de sons vocálicos
(A, AN) Só são usados com nomes no singular

Questão – (1) Complete a seqüência e depois marque a alternativa correta.

____ bag
____ orange
____ egg
____ horse

a) a, a, a, a, a
b) an, an, an, a, a
c) a, a, an, a, na
d) a, a, an, an, a

Questão (2) – Observe a frase, e depois marque o artigo que a complete de forma
She was ___ old woman.

a) a
b) the
c) is
d) an

Questão (3) – Complete, em seguida marque os adjetivos que complete e dê sentido as
Peter and Mary are very ____ because they don’t have money,
but Sally and Bill are very ____ because they spend money with travels.

a) beautiful / ugly
b) young / new
c) poor/ rich
d) happy / sad

Questão (4) - Complete, em seguida marque os adjetivos que complete e dê sentido às


Jim is very ____ today, because their parents forgot his anniversary.
Betty is very ____, her two sisters visited Disney World.

a) sad / happy
b) ugly / old
c) expensive / clean
d) short / tall

Questão (5) – Complete com os “ARTICLES” e depois marque a correta:

There is ___ boy in my class. He is __ good friend.

a) a, a
b) an, an
c) a, an
d) an, a

Questão (6) - Complete, em seguida marque os adjetivos que complete e dê sentido às

My brother is very _____, he is three years old.

But my uncle Bin is very ____, he is ninety years old.

a) sad/ beautiful
b) new / old
c) young /old
d) happy / small

Questão (7) – Complete com os “ARTICLES” e depois marque a correta:

____ United States has beautiful cities and beaches and Japan is __ populous

a) The, the
b) The, a
c) An, the
d) The, an

Questão (8) – Complete com os “ARTICLES” e depois marque a correta:

___ bird can fly.

There is ___ child in my room.
This is ___ hot day.
There is only ___ apple.

a) a, a, an, an
b) a, a, a, an
c) an, an, a, a
d) an, a, an, a

Questão (9) – Ligue os opositivos e depois marque a seqüência correta:
1 happy ( ) big
2 beautiful ( ) short
3 small ( ) ugly
4 thin ( ) fat
5 tall ( ) sad

a) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4
b) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
c) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1
d) 5, 3 , 4, 2, 1

Questão (10) – Complete com os “ARTICLES” e depois marque a correta:

____books was written by me.

___ girl was sitting on the floor.

a) the, an
b) a, the
c) the, the
d) an, the

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