Course Materials

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Latin Course Materials

Langley High School

1) Each student is required to keep a working notebook, which
must be brought to class each day. This notebook must be neat,
functional, and complete. Purchase a hardback three ring binder
with rings that at least 1½ inches in diameter. The Latin
notebook aids the student in developing organizational skills and
facilitates the learning of the foreign language. Filing all
classwork, home-work, vocabulary, grammar notes, and cultural
papers in the notebook in proper order and section prevents the
loss or misplacement of important information and maximizes the
student's time and effort in preparing for all quizzes, tests, and
ultimately the final exam.

2) The Latin notebook is divided into these five sections:

1) vocabulary 2) grammar 3) culture 4) classwork

5) homework

3) Each student needs to following materials in class every day:

►Latin class notebook ►a set of five

notebook dividers

►a zipper pouch ►a supply of

notebook paper

►a red ink pen or felt tip pen ►a blue or

black ink pen

►a blank rewritable CD disc with case ►two pencils

with erasers
►a hi-liter of any color ►class

►Latin textbook ►Latin

workbook (Levels 1-2)

►Collins Latin Gem Dictionary ►Vergil’s

Aeneid (Level 4 & AP)

►1 German/Japanese white eraser By W.F. Jackson

Knight (Borders)

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