Department of Commerce

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Department of Commerce

I Internal Assessment Test

M.Com II Year IV Sem, Date :- 21/3/2011 Time :-1 hour

Name :_________________________ Roll no:_______________ Marks :____

I Choose the correct answer 10*.5=5

1. Which of the following is not the tool of E-Commerce ( )

a)Internet b)mobile service c) salesman sales d) EDI

2. Internet is the communication of business data ( )

a) within the business b) outside the business c) between two companies d) none

3. Which one of the following is the advantage of E-Commerce ( )

a) Decrees in sales b) Improve Customer interaction c) Delay in payment d) none

4. Select the category of E- Commerce which creates relation between customer and
Business ( )
a) B2B b) C2B c) B2C d)B2G

5.Which one of the following is not the part of the E- Commerce Transaction Cycle ( )
a) Mouse Movement b) Payment c) CPU d) None

6..E- Mail is the Part of E-Commerce ( )

a) True b) False

7. We can Pay the amt using __________ in Usage of E- commerce ( )

a) Cheque b) Credit Card c) Cash d) None

8.Select the ODD man out ( )

a) Google b) ESPNSTAR.Com c) d)

9.Select the search engine from the following ( )

a) b) www.BOB.Com c) d)

10.FTP is the abbreviation ( )

a) File Transfer Protocol b) Fundamental of Transfer Payment d) Both d) None

II Fill in the blanks 10*.5=5

1. HTML ___________________
2. B2C means_____________________
3. EDI Full form __________________
4. _____________ provides the payment of bill through online.
5. _______________ is the network of networks
6. WWW full form __________________
7. write any two advantages of E- Commerce _________________ & ____________
8. .edu is the domain used in ____________ organizations
9. the domain use for Commercial website is____________
10. HTTP full from is__________________

III Answer the following in 10lines

1. Define E- Commerce
2. Explain about any two E- Commerce Applications
3. What are the Dis- Advantages of E-Commerce
4. Define Internet
5. Structure Frame work of E- Commerce

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