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This form is to be completed by students of BCA Instructors after a minimum of two (2) hours of instruction.
Your Instructor(s) will return this form.

Student’s Name: Instructor(s):



Phone: Location of instruction:

Email: Total hours of instruction:

In your opinion, did the above Instructor(s): Would you recommend this Instructor(s) to a
friend who wanted lessons (circle one)?
Know the material covered? Yes No
Please rate your overall experience:
Teach in a way you could understand?

Answer questions well?

Other comments. Add additional sheets as
Have printed material? necessary.

Give you time to try the various items covered?

Provide good value?

Help you set goals for instruction?

Help you measure progress towards those


Thank you for your participation.

Signature: Date:

Note to BCA Instructor: This form must be returned to the BCA office within thirty (30) days from date of class.

Last Revision: October 14, 2003

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