The Responsibility and Mission of Maitreya (Laughing Buddha) Youths

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The Responsibility and Mission of Maitreya(Laughing Buddha) Youths


In this stressful wave of the global economy, the rich get richer, the poor become poorer; those who are powerful
survive, and those who are weak are destroyed. The brutal reality is: the superior succeed and the inferior fail.
This reality creates a lot of human tragedies. Is this a blessing or a curse? Is mankind heading towards a path of
progress and civilization, or a path of regress and self-destruction? At the present moment, the genome project is
a hot topic. If we recommend this type of advanced technology, we are in fact cloning or trying to reconstruct a
new race: without sickness, the ability to live longer, a strong physique, and high IQ, etc. If we do become
successful in this project, will this bring us prosperity or disaster? Will this lead mankind to a new civilization
or extinction?

While we sped into the 21st century, the 20th century became an age of technological advancement, the
inundation of materialism; and rampant profiteering, with mankind at the crossroads between satisfying selfish
desires and human rights. When mankind was still pursuing for fames, profits, riches, eminences, comforts, and
amusements; fighting for status, position, power, influence, and wealth; indulging in alcoholism, eroticism,
mammonism, and hegemonism, a sudden terrorist attack in New York City on 11th September 2001 shocked the
world. From television screens, we watched the twin towers of World Trade Center in New York City fell to be
a pile of rubble and rubbish; and the Pentagon (The American Defense Department) suffered from an airplane
crashing into it. Did this incident awaken mankind from delusion? Or did it represent an alarm bell, ringing to
tell us of our destruction? A sudden attack can even severely damage such global landmarks within a
superpower country. No wonder the ultimate truth says: All visible forms are destructible and all illusive
images are non-lasting! At this incident, have we woken up to realize something? The rich don’t always get
richer, the strong don’t always become stronger! At last it is not much difference (maybe a difference of a thin
string) between the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, honor and dishonor, success and failure. Why
should we insistently cling on one side?

The giant claw of technology has grasped the entire planet. The wave of worldly knowledge has taken up and
swallowed the world. Mankind have deluded their conscience and are heading towards the “Superficial and
Material” way of life, fighting ceaselessly, becoming cold and calculating, blindly leading themselves to further
their worldly desires. From ancient times to nowadays, this ceaseless pursuit has become a regular but
unnatural habit that: The values of life have etched upon the ability in possessions of status, position, power,
influence, and wealth; the aim in life has settled upon the gains for fames, profits, riches, eminences, comforts,
and amusements; the achievements of life have built on the performances of scholarship, knowledge, capability,
skill, intelligence, and wit; and the meaning of survival, as many people think, is determined by the enjoyments
of dainties, liquors, lusts, and gambles or alcoholism, eroticism, mammonism, and hegemonism. For the sake of
personal possessions, gains, achievements and enjoyments, humans ceaselessly keep on fight, count, and pursuit.
This leads to immense greed and selfishness as a way of life. They harm or even kill each other, by hook or by
crook, to fulfill their objects. Thus the value of life has been stepped upon and destroyed. We no longer value
the lives of other people.

Actually, mankind has always lived in an illusive world. Why do we name it an “illusive world”? In fact, all
possessions (status, position, power, influence, and wealth); or gains (fames, profits, riches, eminences, comforts,
and amusements); or achievements (scholarship, knowledge, capability, skill, intelligence, and wit) are subject to
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causality, unreal. Further, all enjoyments (dainties, liquors, lusts, and gambles; or alcoholism, eroticism,
mammonism, and hegemonism) are as transient as dreams. Hence we should realize that, no matter how great or
how much, possessions, gains, achievements, and enjoyments are just temporary, not everlasting. Facts show us
that, we can’t always keep up relation with possessions, gains, achievements, nor can we always live in ease
and comfort.

When we cling upon possession, people superficially respect us; but when we lose such possession, others stop
respecting us. We become happy and arrogant when we gain; but when we lose, where is the happiness? When
we succeed, people give us praises and compliments; when we fail, or others become more successful, wherein lie
the praises and compliments? In addition, when we indulge ourselves in worldly enjoyment, we feel joyful; but
when we cease indulging ourselves (usually because we have run out of money), wherein lies our joy or
happiness? Therefore, human life is dominated by illusion. Every moment throughout our lives we are subject to
causality, we dream about and live in such illusive dreams. They include: the ceaseless pursuit, fight, argument
and desire for worldly possessions, gains, achievements, and enjoyments. Unfortunately, we don’t take rest from
these dreams until our very last breath. The harsh blow of reality to every human being is death. After we
breathe our last breath, we finally come to realize that in fact, we cannot take anything with us. Not our
possessions, gains, achievements, and enjoyments; not even our own physical body. None of these can stay with
us forever and we must abandon them. Whether a person is rich or poor, once he breathes his last breath, he
becomes ash! Such is life. And it is unfortunate if we do not awaken ourselves from this illusive world!

The encounters of life are honor and dishonor, gain and loss, praise and ridicule, fame and defame, fortune and
misfortune, weal and woe, prosperity and adversity, success and failure. The fates of life are the rich and the
poor, the highbred and the lowbred, the clever and the stupid, the pretty and the ugly. These encounters and
fates are the processes of our lifelong journey and not the means nor the purpose of life. Unfortunately we have
deluded our conscience by taking what should be the process of life as the aim of life. Once we do this, we then
live in the vicious cycle of self-delusion, within an illusive world. That’s why we always stay with our
obstinacy, discrimination, preference, fight, and count. That’s why our emotion is always up and down,
unstable. For example: When encountering honor we become overly happy; when encountering dishonor we
become angry. When we gain we rejoice; when we lose we cry bitter tears. When we face with fortune we
become complacent; when we encounter misfortune we are in despair. During times of prosperity we are
content; but we feel pain during times of adversity. When we succeed we become overly smug; when we fail we
lose hope. When we are poor we always reprimand ourselves; when we are rich we become arrogant. A pretty
person may become overly conceited; an ugly person may become overly depressed.... Therefore, within this
illusive world, life is full of suffering and worry, adversity and war, friction and disputes, argument and
conflict, deceit and treachery; even becomes crime-ridden and evil.

On the other hand, what is a true world? A true world is a world of brilliant conscience! In our life, we know
all possessions, gains, achievements, enjoyments, encounters, and fates are only the processes, not the aim of life.
But what is the aim? Our aim in life, is to retain a brilliant conscience and by moving one-step further, to
awaken the conscience of others. When everybody’s conscience shines brilliantly, then we step into the century
of brilliant conscience, a harmonious world will naturally come. Once we can live in our own true world, we
will cherish any encounter, fate, possession, gain or achievement as a helpful affinity, and make good use of it
to retain our brilliant conscience. This is our aim of life. Further, when any encounter or fate comes, we will
heartily be grateful! On the good side (honor, gain, success, richness….), we won’t be overly happy, rejoice,
complacent, or arrogant. On the bad side (dishonor, loss, failure, poorness….), we won’t be too sorrowful,
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depressed, disappointed, or inferior. Regardless of the good or the bad, we just consider it is the best fuel
supplies assisting us to achieve and maintain a brilliant conscience. Thus we must be thankful! Please cherish
all affinities, be they good or evil. Even when we encounter malevolence or mistreatment, these assist us to
achieve our aims.

Therefore, a true world is a world of brilliant conscience; a happy and carefree world without worry or barriers.
In this world there is freedom and joy, purity and benevolence. In other words, this is a world of happiness,
well-being, satisfaction, and joy. We come to realize that awakening oneself to brilliant conscience is so
important, even more precious than one’s life, because conscience awakening affects each individual, family,
society, country and the entire world. When an individual strays from brilliant conscience, even if this person
continues to survive, this person will still engage in evil conduct and be subject to the karmic cycle of
reincarnation; this is not the purpose of life! A family that moves away from brilliant conscience will definitely
encounter tragedy; family members will no longer live a life of happiness, well-being, and joy. When brilliant
conscience is depleted, society will become violent, criminal, dark, and filthy; but not peaceful nor harmonious.
If a country lacks brilliant conscience, it will encounter civil unrest, political corruption, economic depression;
citizens are unable to enjoy peace, goodwill, prosperity or development. Without brilliant conscience, a world
will be of wars, disasters and calamities, where all beings encounter danger and unrest.

The 21st Century is the century of brilliant conscience. This is also the Maitreya Age. Lord Maitreya has
pledged to carry out the mission of universal salvation. Under the heavenly decree, the holy mission is to bring
universal peace, a world of brilliant conscience. This mission will create a Pureland, a society full of conscience
morals and virtue. It will bring the Maitreya Kingdom on earth, which is filled with conscience and
compassion. Therefore, the trend of the day is to follow the footsteps of Lord Maitreya. As Maitreya Youths,
we should step in and take action! We should give up an illusive world of rampant materialism and enter a true
world of living truth and conscience reality. Let the light of our conscience shine by speaking Maitreya words,
upholding Maitreya heart (i.e. heart of compassion), practicing Maitreya deeds, and revealing Maitreya smile to
everybody. This way we are, on track of the current trend, becoming the more enlightened, more advanced
human. Otherwise, we may fall behind with those who have been rendered obsolete by this trend. From the
ancient times till now, the mentality has been wanting to become powerful through force and status. The strong
and powerful, in every aspect speaks louder than the weak. Fortunately, His Holiness Gaoshan Yuren once
taught us “People may bent to the will of power and authority by force. But people will heartily comply to the
virtuous with their soul.” This precious quote tells us that force or authority does not bring prosperity and peace
to mankind.

An advanced nation in the 21st Century will naturally turn towards a harmonious way by moral and justice,
where Conscience guides the people of the land. From the global tensions, lack of harmony, we can see that,
force and authority do not match with the Maitreya trend; nor do they meet the moral atmosphere, the justice
environment and the conscience world in this 21st Century. If all citizens have moral conversations, righteous
practices, and display conscience deeds, their nation will be strong and become the model nation. When
conscience permeates mankind, then a world of universal happiness, a Pureland, a Heavenly Kingdom of
Maitreya will naturally manifest itself in our world. This is how human should be guided in the 21st Century in
order to survive!

Maitreya Youths, you who are passionate, brave, strong, bold, resolute, quick-witted, have the potential to
shine brilliantly. You can manifest the preciousness of life and carry the torch of wisdom. We look forward to
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your leadership, so that mankind will come to unison in heart and virtue. We can share the bitter and the sweet,
by assisting in the manifestation of the true restoration of nature’s beauty; the true rediscovery of serenity and
the true balance of harmony in our world. Maitreya Youths, let your vigor, life, vitality and energy leave a
bright and splendid page in the human history. Let us strive hard and be vigilant to create the prosperous,
content, happy and forever peaceful world, which characterizes our Maitreya Homeland.

Who is “Maitreya Youth”?

When you think about how to leave darkness, and move towards light; when you think about how to avert
criminal activity, and walk upon the righteous path; when you think about leaving behind all chaos and filths,
and step closer to peace and tranquility; when you think about jumping out of suffering and pain, and come
closer to happiness and freedom; when you think about averting hatred and complaint, and go for compassion
and contentment; when you try to end all jealousy and suspicion, and run towards the path of compliment and
trust; when you think of avoiding conflict and dispute, and take a step closer to comity and contribution; when
you end all selfishness and arrogance, and become more considerate and modest; when you stop being stubborn
and obstinate, you become more flexible and nimble; when you end all laziness and laxity, you move towards
diligence and progressivism; when you stop pessimism and negativism, you turn towards optimism and
positivism, You are actually calling for Maitreya! Lord Maitreya will definitely hold your hand and guide you
out of the sea of suffering and tragedy. Regardless of your age, you are the “Maitreyan Youth.”

Great Youths

We live in a rapidly changing society, in which we are not sure what the next day will entail. Nobody can be
certain of the future, but the youths who have potential and responsibility will not allow themselves to be eaten
up (waiting to be killed). Together, we will strive hard to change the fate of mankind; the fate of our country;
the fate of our immediate society; the fate of our family; and the fate of our individuals. Thus we will have a
bright future! How can we guide others and change the downfalls of mankind? The best way is to deeply
engross ourselves in propagating the Maitreya Gospel, spreading word and ferrying others to receive the light of
Maitreya. This will bring the world closer together to achieve universal happiness and to assist the Kingdom of
Maitreya, the Pureland on Earth become a reality. Only these actions can lead mankind towards a brighter
future, to thoroughly find a perfect solution to our fates. Dear youths of today, we are responsible for a
flourishing future. We have the duty to be compassionate towards our country, our kinsmen and our world!

On April 27, 1911, to save and rebuild the China from corruption, 72 Heroic Youths sacrificed themselves for
the country. This is the great spirit of 72 Martyrs enshrined at the Yellow Flower Mound. They revealed the
spirit of duty and sacrifice. Today in the great era of conscience, our mission isn’t just sacrificing for a
particular country. We sacrifice in spirit of love and care for all mankind and all beings. We live and sacrifice
for the world!

Since the beginning of mankind, we have ceaselessly engaged in wars and battles, economic struggles, religious
tension, and ethnic discriminations. Why? Because we are too narrow-minded! Our tunnel vision limits our
perspective on nations, races, cultures, or religions. These have created discriminations and wars among
ourselves. To stop these needless struggles, we need to change the way we think. Lord Maitreya teaches us to
reach out our hands of understanding and regard the world as a family. We need to see and accept all humans
as our kinsmen. We must respect, tolerate, and love everyone. We need to work together to build a more
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peaceful and harmonious global family!

Footing in the World to Care for all Beings

Dear friends, despite our ethnicity, we should look further ahead and look clearly. Where is our motherland?
Where is our home? The World! The entire world is our true home. We need to have a universal perspective and
assist Lord Maitreya in accomplishing a harmonious world, which is the salvation all man have searched for.
From outer space, the planet Earth is one whole unit, there are no dotted lines defining latitudes, longitudes, or
boundaries among countries. It is us who draw these lines among ourselves. Therefore, Maitreya comes to help
us undo these lines of barriers. He comes to bring a paradise of conscience, benevolence, and grace. He will
restore the true Paradise of Nature to our world.

As Maitreya Youths, loving everyone as a family and loving the world as our home is the ultimate expression.
The whole world is a family, and everyone is my sibling. Heaven, earth, all beings and things are one family.
Indeed, nature and I are one family. Simply say, nature is myself, myself is nature; heaven, earth, all beings and
things are integrated with me as a unit. Once we develop this macrocosm outlook, then whatever we say, do, or
act, our movements and ideas will stem from this crucial thought: Am I doing things for the good of this world
and the global family? Am I helping our brothers and sisters? No matter how minor the good deed may be, we
should do it whole-heartedly. This should be the compassionate mindset of every Maitreya Youth.

Our starting point of serving others, what we say, how we act, and the things we think of should be for the
good of this global family. We have to do good for our brothers and sisters. These are the basic responsibility of
Maitreya Youths. This is how we can assist Maitreya to accomplish the mission of restoring universal happiness
on Earth. Indeed, the youths of today come at the right time. His Holiness Gaoshan Yuren, seniors and elders
have already paved the way for us. Now it is up to us to prepare ourselves. We should cultivate a lofty
tolerance, a broad mindset, and cosmopolitan outlook. Let us assist Maitreya to establish a harmonious world!

No matter how great a knowledge or achievement one has, when it is at a personal scale, it cannot be considered
a great deed. However, if they are used for global harmony, this is in fact a great deed. Then life is rich and full
of purpose. Indeed, an individual’s life and death is a minor matter! A purposeful life is not a life to glorify
oneself. From ancient times to the present day, none of those who lived for themselves are accounted as a great
person. Those who only care about themselves became very minor persons, who eventually vanish as unnoticed
as do the trees and the grass. The wise does not exist for themselves. They can positively benefit the entire
human race by their deeds of universal love. Their very nature helps them become immortals. This is the true
essence of existence. Maitreya Youths are promising to change the era, the history. This is the great era to fully
show our love and concern for the world. It is by the Grace of God and the benevolence of Maitreya for giving
us the opportunity to make a positive mark in history.

Living at the Turning Point of this Great Era

After sixty thousand years, our world has become defiled and chaotic. By the grace of God, Maitreya has been
Decreed to guide us to overcome the chaos we created. Maitreya will brighten our history, change the current
dark age, and transform the defiled land into a Pureland on Earth. This takes tremendous effort because it is
something that has never occurred before. Human beings have always dreamt of a paradise, the Ideal World,
Utopia or Peach Blossom Orchard. These are the beautiful vision that we long for. As human beings, we hunger
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for a peaceful, happy and beautiful living environment, and yearn for a permanent peaceful world. We long to
be tolerably well off, prosperous, never inadequate, never hungry and never be trapped by poverty. We wish to
live in an environment, which is free from man-made tragedies and natural disasters. These visions are
something we commonly hope for and long for. But how can they come true? We dislike man-made tragedies
and natural disasters. No one is happy being victim of violence and crime. No one likes hunger and poverty. We
want to live in a prosperous, adequate, peaceful, happy and warm environment. This is something that we
yearned for from the beginning to the present.

Most youngsters of the modern generation lack righteous ideals. There is absence of great aspirations to serve
the world. For this reason, willingness to do good for the world is lacking. Instead many indulge in leisure,
successes and gains without wanting to sacrifice or contribute. Many have fancy ideas and live in an illusive
world. This phenomenon happens throughout recorded time, and has brought the human history to the bottom
of the most sinful, dark, astray, and chaotic abyss. We need to clearly see what we have fallen into. If we are
not concerned with this, we are not seeing what we are doing. The human race will come to extinction if we
don’t change our ignorant and idle ways. At this crucial moment, we need to change, and come back onto the
path which life was intended.

Yes, indeed it is easier said than done. How can we change our ways, habits, and mindsets? Where can we find
the strength to truly see what we are doing and thoroughly change? Who can give us the potential energy and
teach us, guide us and show us how to live a purposeful and meaningful life with dignity? The compassionate
Maitreya! Lord Maitreya was Decreed from God to come at our time of need. As human call for help, He comes
to show us how to live such life and help us restore our original nature.

We are living at a global turning point. It is now the changeover from history's darkest moment to an era of
light. It will shift from a sinful age to the most compassionate age. From the most defiled time to the most
sanctified time and from chaos to harmony. Living at a crucial turning point, we need to understand the
situation we are facing. We need to grasp the meaning of this age and master such fate. If we don’t, then we
can easily be swayed to go with the astray flow.

The present moment seems like a pessimistic time; but with a new way of living, the Maitreya way, it is the
most optimistic period. We seem to be living in a very desperate period; but the light of change makes this period
a period of great hope. The downfalls of mankind seem to make living at this moment misfortune; but the
witnessing of the coming of the Pureland, seeing and experiencing the change and shift is a great bliss. To be
alive at such a blissful moment, how do we get a good grip of ourselves? How can we become a part of this
miracle and changeover? How can we prepare ourselves to lead a brilliant life? If we can grasp hold of this
grand opportunity, life is then full of great purposes. If we make us of this grand opportunity, we are the
blessed ones.

Maitreya Spiritual Refinement and Reformation

Living in the most crucial turning point in history, how do we have a grip on our life? Revealing our inner most
compassion towards all things and the world is a start. Then we step forward by assisting Maitreya in the
harmony and joy He wants to bring to our world. Don’t follow the flows of defilement. If we do, are not any
different from the astray and ignorant. We need to take some time to think about this. Reflect on what we can
do and give. We need to not only envision ourselves as pioneer the Golden Age of Light and Compassion, we
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need to actively be a part of it. This is how we should handle our prospects and master the fate of our future.
His Holiness often reminded us: “Lead society to follow the way of conscience. We shouldn’t be led astray by
the defilements of society.” If we go with the flow, we cannot bring a positive influence to society. How can we
contribute a promise mark in the history of mankind? Therefore, we have to be a model of great conscience. Let
the astray follow the light of conscience; let history have a brilliant mark on the glories of the conscience; and
let the world comply with the ways of the conscience. Let moral, virtue and the conscience lead us. This is the
paragon, the star model of the Maitreya Age.

To begin, allow Maitreya come into your lives and have the willingness to make self-reform. In mind and acts,
let Maitreya spirit lead the way. Decreed by God, Maitreya comes to fulfill God’s will in the final salvation.
Lord Maitreya brings a world harmony of Paradise on Earth. This is the Ideal World, the Utopia we all
yearned for. This can be achieved when we make the effort to change ourselves so that we become more
“Maitreya.” A Maitreya person is one who listens and acts on his conscience. He who masters this is the
paragon of the world. Through the wisdom and love of our conscience, we can enlighten the human race and
unify world peace.

Persons of such spirit follow the footsteps of Maitreya in ideas, words and deeds. To put these into our daily
living, there are four main points of self-change: speaking Maitreya Words, upholding Maitreya Heart,
practicing Maitreya Deeds, and revealing Maitreya Smiles.

Speaking Maitreya Words

To reform, one needs to learn to speak Maitreya Words, to speak the Maitreya language. Maitreya means
compassion or universal love. Let every word that we utter be of compassion and love. This joy and happiness to
others and this is something that we need to practice and make it as a part of our everyday life. Words were not
meant to hurt or harm others. It was not meant to bring worries and sadness to others. If what we say harms
and brings sadness to others, we need to change. Maitreya Words bring enlightenment and encouragement. This
is what we call speaking Maitreya Words. It brings comfort and happiness to those around us. Maitreya Words
are not sarcastic or deceitful. Maitreya Words do not bring uneasiness to others, point fingers to other. If they
do, they will hurt others. These are not Maitreya Words. We need to change the way we speak if they are not of
compassion and love. We need to push ourselves to engage in Maitreya Words.

Speaking Maitreya Words makes people happy. But we need to be aware that they are not words of blarney or
flatter. Blarney and flatter on the long run hurt others. They are not true words of the conscience. Speaking
Maitreya Words are for the good of others. They are words of wisdom. So don’t utter words that bring negative
effects. When we find that we are engaging in such ways of speech, we need to refrain from speaking.
Otherwise what we say can be sinful, extreme, frustrated, pessimistic, pornographic, over-stimulating, stubborn,
impulsive and cruel. They cannot bring light to other. So they need to be changed. The first approach to change
is speaking Maitreya Words. Then we advance ourselves to further practices.

Upholding Maitreya Heart

The 21st century trends toward the Maitreya Age, an age of brilliant conscience. We have to follow the
footsteps of Maitreya, to help the world and society to be away from defilement and ignorance, and thus
awaken the conscience in everyone. When we follow the footsteps of Maitreya, we prevent the world from
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destruction, violence, crime, and deterioration. Our ancestors and descendants are thus glorified by such effort.
This is upholding Maitreya Heart.

Maitreya Heart is full of universal love. Universal love is conscience. It brings people happiness, light,
confidence, hope, encouragement, positivism, promotion and optimism. A Maitreya Heart is forgiving,
empathetic, caring and concerning for others. One with a Maitreya Heart will not hurt others or bring others a
negative influence. He does not mind suffering or being taken advantage. He only does good for others. He will
never take advantages of others. Maitreya Heart is a selfless heart. Maitreya Heart is loving everyone and
everything. This means loving heaven, earth, humans, beings, a flower, a grass, a tree, a grain of sand, even a
pebble, we should love them all. We are akin with everyone and everything. Thus we see birds, animals and fish
as our brothers and sisters. In simple terms, Maitreya Heart is loving all things in the environment.

We may literally understand the teachings of Maitreyan Heart, but it is not easy to put them into instant
practice. So step-by-step, we need to consistently exert our effort for self-reformation. His Holiness’ golden
quote: “Exert all efforts to assist others and ask for nothing in return.” When we reach the state of this quote,
we are truly upholding Maitreya Heart.

Practicing Maitreyan Deeds

Discriminations from nation, culture, race, territory, ethnicity, or religion are very narrow-minded perspectives.
When we practice Maitreya Deeds, we can break away from such perspectives. Maitreya Deeds are to benefit
all sentient beings, so we need to see the world as a family. Thus we must open our heart and widen our
eyesight with a universal view.

A universal view is to focus on collective benefit at a global scale for all beings. No matter how minute a deed is,
if it is good for the family, perform it. Just step in and start doing good for the world. Within universal view,
we have greater tolerance for each other. We will see that, even a billionaire, a chief director, a president; or
someone gets in honor/dishonor, gain/loss, praise/ridicule, fame/defame, fortune/misfortune, success/failure are
minor things. When we can truly understand this, we are liberated from and no longer focus on those personal
things. Thus, we will put our energy for universal salvation to bring harmony and peace, to strive every effort in
realizing the Pureland on Earth. We also have a broader mind when we have a universal view. Practicing
Maitreya Deeds mean to follow Maitreya’s way and mirror His compassionate acts. One who does this finds
that he has no enemies, opponents, or barriers. Because of such character, he encompasses the world. His heart is
so broad that it is like the vastness of space.

Practicing Maitreya Deeds surpasses any kind of barriers. Maitreya also means great love or tolerance. This
means that, one can forbear all different sects of thoughts, religions, or cultures. This is the spirit of practicing
Maitreya Deeds. In Maitreya eyes, everyone or everything is a family. Therefore Lord Maitreya promises to
bring universal happiness to all of us!

Lord Maitreya uses different angles to solve various problems raised by different religions. So that no one will
say that their religion or faith is the absolute one, and no one will criticize other religions as paganism! The
compassionate act of Lord Maitreya has risen above religious absolutism. His Benevolence surpasses all
conflicts and oppositions. If the idea is within Tao, meaning it is in accordance with conscience, then it is
acceptable. We will never say things such as “ours is the best and yours is no good.” Maitreya Youths should
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have this attitude. No matter what religion your friends may be, as long as their deeds are within the
conscience, beneficial to the world, the country, or the sentient beings, they are to be supported. If we practice
this, then we are qualified to assume the mission of universal salvation.

Revealing Maitreya Smile

As Maitreya Youths in the 21st century, revealing Maitreya Smile is important. Maitreya Smile reveals an
optimism, positivism, and progressivism. Hence we can lead a life full of confidence and hope; we can have
peace of mind and eliminate all anger, hatred, bitterness and worries; we can bring warmth and friendliness to
others so that they can have peace as well. When we reveal Maitreya Smile, we are on the way to guide others
and to assist Maitreya’s universal salvation.

Dear Maitreya Youths, the capability of revealing Maitreya Smile is a basic requirement. So we should begin
with a smile. Just a common smile and make smiling a habit. Then practice smiling with your heart and raise the
compassion with it. Gradually we can reveal a benevolent smile. Finally revealing Maitreya Smile is possible for
us to reach! Revealing Maitreya Smile is an advanced state of conscience revelation. Without such state of
awareness, revealing Maitreya Smile is impossible.

The Maitreya Smile never goes on holidays. However we are being hurt, wronged, deceived, disappointed,
maltreated, falsely accused or no matter how we are treated, we should still display the Maitreya Smile. The
Maitreya Smile surpasses everything. Worldly emotions or egoism cannot affect it. It is not moody as changing
with the weather.

Once we naturally speak Maitreya Words, strongly uphold Maitreya Heart, and fully practice Maitreya Deeds,
we reach the climax of conscience brilliance, revealing Maitreya Smile! A broad smile is beautiful, and the
Maitreya Smile is even more fantastic! We should always have the Maitreyan Smile no matter where we are or
who we face. With a fantastic Maitreya Smile, we will bring peace and harmony wherever we go. Then we can
say that we are living at the peak life. Life is great when we live this way.

We should speak Maitreya Words, uphold Maitreya Heart, practice Maitreya Deeds, and reveal Maitreya
Smile. This is a mutual faith and action! This is the consensus of faith, the thought and action for everyone.
Regardless of what we have chosen in our profession, we will have a bright future ahead. Indeed we are
responsible for the propagation of Maitreya Culture to every part of the world.

How to Maintain a Dignified Life

Living at the turning point of human history, personal agendas such as honor or dishonor, gain or loss becomes
trivial matters. These circumstances are less important. If one can wholeheartedly spread the Maitreya Gospel,
the Maitreya Spirit and the Maitreya Culture to every corner of the world, then everyone will live with joy; the
world will be in harmony; and we can say that we live a splendid life! Life is short, do not live your life in vain.
Make it meaningful and full of greatness. Live the Maitreya way! Even though something we may have
obtained and possessed, it will vanish one day.

From ancient times to the present, powerful monarchs those who have glory and riches, how many of them
remain in history and are thanked by others? Who will cherish their deeds and remember them? They may have
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enjoyed the lives they lived, but even if they possess the world, they are just minor people and will soon perish
like the trees and grass. This is not the most meaningful, nor the most dignified.

History proves that people who, lived for their own power, were great for some time; but when they took their
last breath, they would soon be forgotten! Few people may remember them, but their deeds are not cherished.
Why? Because they only lived for themselves, they did not touch people’s lives! It is a great pity to live a life
without ever touching a soul. If a person lives for the well-being and the goodness of others, then this person is
really living a dignified life. That is why we should take a good look at ourselves, and set a great purpose in life.

We need to start living a purposeful life, a valuable life and a splendid life. We have received the Light of
Maitreya and are given the key to strengthen our fate, to create an unlimited bright future. So, why not take up
this opportunity? Why not stand up and take the responsibility to make this mission a reality?

Future Prospects

All Maitreya Youth in the Nature Loving Varsity must work hard, promote yourselves and upgrade yourselves,
because our responsibility is too important to be expressed in words. Our mission is Holy. The work of Maitreya
Youths in the Nature Loving Spirit is not limited to our own country. In the future, our work will spread to
every corner of the world to become a Global Youth Team. Step by step, we will propagate the Nature Loving
Spirit to Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Myanmar and other countries around the world.
Wherever we go, the Youth Team needs to be established.

In spreading this work, be aware that the mission of every Maitreya Youth is to motivate others, and to realize
our own responsibility! The task at hand is to assist Maitreya to realize World Harmony, to build the Kingdom
of Maitreya and to establish a Paradise on Earth. What a great deed this is! This is an event that has never
happened before! And this event is to be undertaken by Maitreya Youths, how glorious and fortunate we are!

We need to spread the idea of Nature Loving to the world. Nature Loving is not only confined to the natural
environment; our inner world is even more important. Our heart pertains a deeper meaning. Superficially,
Nature Loving seems to be materialistic, but the highest level of Nature Loving is on a spiritual level.

Today, if we can speak Maitreya Words, uphold Maitreya Heart, practice Maitreya Deeds and reveal Maitreya
Smile, we are then a true Nature Loving soul, because we return to nature. If we cannot speak Maitreya
Words, uphold Maitreya Heart, practice Maitreya Deeds and reveal Maitreya Smile, then our true nature is
distorted and is abnormal; we become hypocritical and defiled. We can learn from each other to be a good
Maitreya Youth together.

We will strive to propagate Nature Loving to our country and to every part of the world. In time, everyone will
zealously see the world as their real home, be good citizens, respect other human beings, respect their homeland,
lead purposeful lives, as well as treating heaven, earth, man and everything as part of themselves. We will
experience the harmony in the oneness of everything. This is becoming a true Maitreya Youths. This is the
responsibility and mission of the Maitreya Youths in the 21st Century.

The Responsibility and Mission of Maitreya Youths in the 21st Century

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Author: Wang Tzu Kuang
Publisher: Tzu Kuang Publishers
Address: 12/F, 31 Minsheng East Road, Sect. 3, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Telephone: (02) 2503 2081
Facsimile: (02) 2503 8238
Editorial: English Editorial Division, Culture Department, World Maitreya Great Tao Organization
Address: No.1, 14th Liao, 8th Lin, Hu-Kuang Village, O-Mei, Hsin-Chu 315, Taiwan, ROC
Telephone: (03) 580 6396x326
Facsimile: (03) 580 6257
ISBN: 986-7935-85-3
Copyright © 2002, Tzu Kuang Publishers

All rights reserved. (r)No.2576, Dept. of Publication and Distribution, ROC

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