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Looking at each other stared at each other for a long time

2. Mary thrust out her chin Mary stuck her chin out
3. and glared Stared angrily at the Aboriginal
4. Clutching her hand Peter gripped her hand
5. He stood waiting: waiting for Waiting for something to happen
something to happen.
6. He was content to examined The Aboriginal scrutinized them
these strange creatures at this
7. Mary… intensified her glare. Causing Mary to glare harder at him
8. The bush boy seemed in no He ignored her
way perturbed
9. Peter started to fidget Peter began moving uncomfortably
10. His head began to waggle, his He tried very hard not to sneeze
nose titled skywards; he
spluttered and choked; he tried
to hold his breath;
11. But all in vain But he failed
12. It was a mighty sneeze for He sneezed violently
such a little fellow.
13 The bush boy’s attention The Aboriginal looked at him.
shifted from her to Peter.
14. She condemned her brother Mary then scolded Peter
out of court; turning on him
15. When a second sneeze even He sneezed again more violently than before.
mightier than the first
shattered the silence of the
16. He was doubled up with belly- The bush boy laughed hysterically,
shaking spasms of mirth.
17. She looked at the bush boy in Mary looked at him in wonder
18. Then whole-heartedly, he too Peter also burst out laughing loudly.
started to laugh.
19. They started to strike comic The boys posed in funny positions
20. Each striving to outdo the Trying to be funnier than the other

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