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Everett Lacey Jr
Bib Lit Hw
Mar 30, 2011
Reading Klings book on Bible History, I had truly mixed feelings on the role or place of women
in the church. It was new to me that there was actually a scriptural history of both patriarchy and
equality, which inevitably would cause a problem with interpretation. I had never read Galatians 3:28
or Acts where Peter quotes Hebrew Scripture in order to show that in the new church, it is comprised of
nothing but equals. The conflict is that 1: I have gotten used to the idea of patriarchy and though I do
not agree wholeheartedly, I at least understand the logical validity (not soundness) of that positions
argument. The second problem that I have is the view represented by some of the denominations which
were once friendly to women but not are less in favor of them in priestly roles. This position can be
seen in the quote be(representatives) broached the issue of women's ordination-- the convention
resolved not to decide matters of Christian doctrine and practice by modern cultural, sociological and
ecclesiastical trends or emotional factors (Kling273)” This position has shown a problem on the part of
churches not only as they try and stand the test of time immortal but also as they try and continue a
tradition in a society that is ever changing. To not address these issues because of a woman's
movement, a different political climate, blaming it on emotions and not reason seems like rubbish to
me and after seeing some of the intent and reasoning behing the passages for scriptural equality
between men and women has led me to adopt a position closer to St. Paul's. I don't think that his church
would have been tainted by allowing women to hold high status. It is almost oxy-moronic especially
when most Christians have an affinity for Christs mother but does not hold women as equal. I feel that
times have changed and even Martin Luther's position is outdated “if a woman wants to become a man
there will be a disturbance and confusion.... of everything.(274)”. Maybe we need to clarify terms such
as ordination.

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