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Year 13 OCR Media Studies

Postmodern Videogames:
Fragmented Representations

Learning Objectives

1. To be able to identify and discuss fragmented

representations in postmodern videogames
What makes a
What makes a videogame
1. Fragmentation of representations
- characters, settings, events

2. Intertextuality
- genre hybridity, media interdependence, immersion and rabbit holes

3. Lack of Verisimilitude
- machinima, shifting contexts, temporal mastery

4. Open-endedness
- micro-narratives, sandbox style vs. linearity

5. Interactivity
- player agency and emergent gameplay
Fragmentation of Representation
The idea that nothing is represented in
isolation. Representations in videogames
are sometimes conflicting. Thus, people
places and events are re-presented to us
as copies rather than an original.

• Videogame content is borrowed from the

past, representations are disjointed and
fragmented but not new…
Explain how character
representation is fragmented
• Choose a videogame character to focus
• Find a screenshot/image of the character
and deconstruct the representations
• Create a pie chart detailing the sources of
the various attributes of the character
• You can use the internet as a research
25% ‘Travis’ from the film
Taxi Driver 1976
75% ‘Sasha’ from the film Job = 15%
Behind Enemy Lines 2001 Interests = 10%
Physical characteristics
and accent = 30%
Race/Ethnicity = 20%
Ethics/Morals = 15%

Voiced by Michael Hollick.
"Life is complicated. I killed people. Smuggled
people. Sold people. Perhaps here, things will be
Grand Theft Auto IV's protagonist, Niko Bellic, is an ex-
soldier from Eastern Europe who moved to Liberty City
to escape his past and pursue the "American Dream."
Niko was persuaded to move by his cousin Roman, who
claimed to be living there with beautiful women, sports
cars and lots of money. It soon becomes apparent,
however, that Roman lied in order to cover up his own
failures in life - the truth is he runs a failing taxi
business, has mounting debts, and various criminals
from Liberty City's underworld have put a price on his
head. Niko also has other motivations for moving to
Liberty City, which are revealed as the story unfolds.
What are fragmented

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